En ce jour de l'an 1404, Owain Glyndŵr, seigneur de Glyndyfrdwy et Cynllaith Owain, prince autoproclamé du Pays de Galles, a tenu son premier Parlement à Machynlleth. Son souhait était un Pays de Galles libre - battons nous pour que son r...êve se réalise !

Bore niwlog ar waun,
mae cynnwrf yn y goedwig -
swn cleddyfau yn taro yn y wawr.
Daw yr haul i sychu'r gwaed
ar gyrff y brwydwyr ffyddlon,
ambell un yn gelain ar y llawr.
Glyndwr, Glyndwr,
ac mae lleisiau'r milwyr dewr yn codi stwr.
Glyndwr, Glyndwr,
ac mae lleisiau'r milwyr dewr yn codi stwr.
Trwy y wlad mae'r fyddin gref yn ymladd a chynhyrfu,
clywch yr atsain ym mhob dref a chwm.
Does dim cwsg i'r rhai sydd nawr yn brwydro dros iawnderau.
Ceisio dial tynged pobloedd llwm.
Glyndwr, Glyndwr,
ac mae lleisiau'r milwyr dewr yn codi stwr.
Glyndwr, Glyndwr,
ac mae lleisiau'r milwyr dewr yn codi stwr.
Owain yn dy garchar, wyt ti'n aros am yfory
pan fydd cyrff dy filwyr eto'n rhydd?
Pan ddaw'r bore arwain fi drwy'r wlad a thrwy'r dinasoedd,
arwain fi i'r frwydr gyda thi.
Glyndwr, Glyndwr,
ac mae lleisiau'r milwyr dewr yn codi stwr.
Glyndwr, Glyndwr,
ac mae lleisiau'r milwyr dewr yn codi stwr.
English Translation:
A misty morning on the moor,
there's commotion in the forest -
the sound of swords striking in the dawn.
The sun will come to dry the blood
on the loyal fighters' bodies,
some lying dead on the ground.
Glyndwr, Glyndwr,
and the brave soldiers' voices create uproar.
Glyndwr, Glyndwr,
and the brave soldiers' voices create uproar.
Through the land the strong army fights and agitates,
hear the echoes in each town and valley.
There is no sleep for those who are now fighting for rights.
Trying to avenge the fates of poor folk.
Glyndwr, Glyndwr,
and the brave soldiers' voices create uproar.
Glyndwr, Glyndwr,
and the brave soldiers' voices create uproar.
Owain in your prison, are you waiting for tomorrow
when the bodies of your soldiers will once again be free?
When the morning comes lead me through the land and through the cities,
lead me to battle by your side.
Glyndwr, Glyndwr,
and the brave soldiers' voices create uproar.
Glyndwr, Glyndwr,
and the brave soldiers' voices create uproar.
The "Left" and Glyndwr
In areas of history- and especially in that of Hanes Glyndŵr, they fear to come to terms with the fact that this medieval land owner Glyndwr was as Zapata, also a Land Owner.
As for being of 'royal blood', Spartacus was also of Royal Blood.
The fact of the matter is, Glyndŵr led, largely, a peasant army content to support him as his revolt was also in their favour and liberating they to from serfdom and bondage.
Because of the War of Independence such servitude would disappear and also make it possible for the 'Underclass' to during, and after the war, occupy the uplands and other margins of Cymric Territory - and even, in some parts, re-occupy land that had been taken from the native over the Anglo - Norman Centuries of Conquest and Colonisation.
This Peasant Army in time would become the 'People of the Pitchfork' of later centuries who would rise and fight against enclosures of their land with the call to action of 'Trech Gwlad Nag Arglwydd.
Thus, if of Socialist mind, be reminded that what was good enougth for 19th century Socialists and workers, who had lodges named after Glyndŵr and drank in a Merthyr Pub named the Owain Glyndŵr, then it should be good enough for you.
Gethin Ap Gruffydd
See Also:http://greatunrest2012.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/owain-glyndwr-welsh-national-liberation.html
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