Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
PM Prachanda commits to completing revolution

Prime Minister and chairman of the Unified CPN (Maoist) Prachanda said on Friday that writing a pro-people constitution is necessary for completing the political revolution in Nepal.
Addressing the unification gathering between the women wings of CPN (Maoist) and erstwhile CPN (Masal) in Kathmandu Friday, Prachanda said his party holds the responsibility to write such a constitution to honour the sacrifices made by the people for change.
He said party cadres have the crucial role to play for constitution writing and logical end of the peace process, adding that his party is firm to its belief and spirit though some criticise for leaving the spirit of revolution or not been able to mend behaviour.
"To be influenced by these criticism and cadres not understanding what principles the party has adopted could destroy whatever achievements have been made through the revolution," Prachanda said.
He claimed his party has the moral responsibility to lead the world communist movement, not only for Nepal. "Communist movement in Russia and Vietnam failed because leaders did not understand the real spirit of revolution," Dahal said, adding Nepal will have a unique revolution to suit the climate of 21st century.
PM Prachanda also asked the women leaders to take bold steps against possible counter revolution
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Spring Thunder for Students

Announcing a Blog for students and for the revival of Marxism Leninism Maoism in United Kingdom - SPRING THUNDER.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Dina Nath Sharma - Interview in Nepal Telegraph

Spokesperson, Nepal Communist Party-United Maoists
Dina Nath Sharma, alias Ashok is currently the spokesperson of the ruling Nepal Communist Party- United Maoists’.
In 1999 he led a revolt within the Communist Party of Nepal (Masal) against the party leadership. On April 6, 1999 Sharma split from the party and constituted his own parallel Communist Party of Nepal (Masal). Sharma's party called for boycott of elections and supported the armed struggle. Soon after the split Sharma's party merged with the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist).
Sharma was inducted in the Maoist politburo. Sharma represented the Maoists during the 2003 peace-talks.
After the end of the 2006 democracy movement in Nepal, Sharma was included in the group sent to Kathmandu to start peace negotiations with the new government.
In early 2005 Sharma was, along with Baburam Bhattarai and Hisila Yami, demoted by the party supremo Prachanda. In July of that year Prachanda reinstated Sharma into the politburo. (Wikepedia)
TGQ1: Whether it be the issue of the Ordinances or some thing else, why it is only the Maoists being made the target every time? What could have been the reason for all such sharp comments? Your opinion please.
Mr. Sharma: You know well that when we emerged victorious as the largest party after the Constituent Assembly polls held last year April 10, then a set of people said that it was “unexpected” result.
If some other political parties would have brought the Ordinance then it would not have invited such a criticism as it is for us at the moment. The criticism is thus only because we are in power.
Since we have already accepted the democratic principles and thus what we expect is that the opposing parties must oppose us but that should be a healthy censure. The criticism is demanded in a democratic society but that must not be made just for the sake of disapproval. We must be taken to task so that we may not exceed the democratic limits and become an authoritarian regime.
Such protest brings us on track if we deviate from the democratic principles.
However, the present opposition is not a constructive one and is not in favor of national unity and people’s favor. It is just a stratagem of the political parties that do not want to see the Maoists’ continuing in power.
TGQ2: But it has been seen that your party is being taken to task by your own coalition partners in government? This is puzzling! What could be the main rationale for such a protest? Talks of bringing about a down fall of this government is also in the rumor. What say you? Your comments please.
Mr. Sharma: Here again come the values that are associated with politics. I think it is the lack of political culture among our own coalition partners. Politics demands honesty, moral and pure ethical behavior.
How much the UML friends have abided by the ethics and moral that is needed in politics is a thing that has to be judged by the general population.
It would be better to seek the general impression of the people and the men in the media as regards why we are being criticized by our own coalition partners? They would respond to this query on our behalf.
The Nepali media is observing the incongruity seen in the country’s politics of late.
As regards your second question, well, bids are on to topple this government. This is true.
Those who don’t want to see forward looking changes in the country plus those who have yet to reconcile with the political changes in the country are the “elements” who want this government to fall to pieces.
But be it known to all and sundry that if the incumbent government is made to collapse then what is also for sure is that it would be pretty difficult to institutionalize the democratic order in this country. The history is witness.
We would want that the ongoing peace process is not derailed and the process continue. If the process gets derailed, it would invite disorder as the people deserve the right to go on for yet another revolt to institutionalize the previous political gains.
If some one has nurtured the design to topple this government then it should mean that he or she doesn’t want the peace process to come to its logical end.
It is time to remain vigilant in order to protect the order which has been gained upon sacrificing several lives. Care must be taken in this regard.
TGQ3: You want to hint that domestic as well foreign forces are at play in toppling this government? Is it what you have said just now? Also tell us as to why Girija Prasad Koirala has been talking of late that it was time to seek for an alternative to Nepal PM Dahal? Your remarks please.
Mr. Sharma: To tell you honestly, there are scores of forces which want to see Nepal remain plunged in political instability in order to meet their political ends and interests.
Even while the last movement was going on, some foreign forces were present and wanted to block the change that was in store.
Because of strategic location, Nepal’s geographical advantage is immense. The extra-interest in Nepal is being exhibited by the Imperialists primarily. The Imperialists want to use Nepal as a focal point and destabilize this country with their presence. They want to keep an eye on the entire South Asian region by having their presence in Nepal. This is what we have been observing. We just want to avoid this unwanted and unwarranted situation.
Pertaining to your second question, let’s admit that Koirala is an important political personality for the democratic system in Nepal.
Thus we would want that Koirala becomes the guardian of entire Nepal but not remain as the President of the Nepali Congress only. Other political parties too prefer this to come to true.
But Koirala comes so low that it creates problems at times.
Since his utterances creates sensation both in the domestic and the international sector thus he should abandon making such nuisances as it sends wrong signals here and there.
We appeal him not to utter whimsical words.
TGQ4: Is it that Koirala’s utterances are aimed at toppling the government? Or does it act like a catalyst for bringing about a change in the government set up? Your opinions please.
Mr. Sharma: Koirala’s intentions may be not that, however, by extension it does mean that he wants to see the collapse of this government.
The day he made such utterances, around the same time the Pyuthan Police post was attacked, if one were to recall. One of the Maoist party stalwart has been shot at.
He himself (read Koirala) took the initiative and summoned the meet of some eighteen parties in order to press the government to convene a special session of the parliament. Though he failed in this regard.
The same evening our Polit Bureau member Suresh Singh was attacked and our party office in Okhaldhunga was summarily damaged and some five lakh rupees looted.
When Koirala is in Biratnagar, his utterances possess meaning. It may be a mere conjecture but then when he spoke in Biratnagar all these sad events happened instantly.
We expect that Girija Prasad Koirala is not carried away by the “plans and strategies” to forge a democratic alliances being floated by some reactionary and regressive elements.
TGQ5: Has the Maoists party split after Matrika Yadav’s quitting the party for good? Will he be allowed to reenter the party if he so desires? Your comments please.
Mr. Sharma: The mere exit of one member from the party doesn’t and shouldn’t mean that the party has split. This in itself is a matter for laughter. Neither has it had any logic nor fact. Thus when the event is bereft both from the logic and fact then it is also at a distance from the reality. Persons at times ejaculate from their preferred ideologies and at times they deviate from the charted goals and objectives. The process thus goes on and on. Time permitting such persons are cornered and finally vanish in the ethereal medium.
The politics flows like a river. In the process of crossing the river, one comes across with some rivulets and springs which finally submerges in the river itself. The river when originates from its source remains pure and its purity remains intact when it finally approaches the ocean.
History has it that Nepal’s communist movement seen such trends at times.
Ultimately, they all merge into one.
Not only Matrika Yadav, we have opened our doors for all the Left leaning personalities who want to join us.
Ultimately, Matrika Jee will have no option left other than to rejoin the United Maoist Party.
What has been marked that anarchism and extremism have gripped Matrika Yadav of late. If he opts for self-criticism and corrects his political aberration noted in him in the recent days and wants to re-enter the United Maoist party then he is most welcome.
If Matrika behaves in purely a political manner he will be honored, however, if he acts in a different manner and posed a threat to the State then the State will award befitting penal actions to him.
Dina Nath Sharma, alias Ashok is currently the spokesperson of the ruling Nepal Communist Party- United Maoists’.
In 1999 he led a revolt within the Communist Party of Nepal (Masal) against the party leadership. On April 6, 1999 Sharma split from the party and constituted his own parallel Communist Party of Nepal (Masal). Sharma's party called for boycott of elections and supported the armed struggle. Soon after the split Sharma's party merged with the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist).
Sharma was inducted in the Maoist politburo. Sharma represented the Maoists during the 2003 peace-talks.
After the end of the 2006 democracy movement in Nepal, Sharma was included in the group sent to Kathmandu to start peace negotiations with the new government.
In early 2005 Sharma was, along with Baburam Bhattarai and Hisila Yami, demoted by the party supremo Prachanda. In July of that year Prachanda reinstated Sharma into the politburo. (Wikepedia)
TGQ1: Whether it be the issue of the Ordinances or some thing else, why it is only the Maoists being made the target every time? What could have been the reason for all such sharp comments? Your opinion please.
Mr. Sharma: You know well that when we emerged victorious as the largest party after the Constituent Assembly polls held last year April 10, then a set of people said that it was “unexpected” result.
If some other political parties would have brought the Ordinance then it would not have invited such a criticism as it is for us at the moment. The criticism is thus only because we are in power.
Since we have already accepted the democratic principles and thus what we expect is that the opposing parties must oppose us but that should be a healthy censure. The criticism is demanded in a democratic society but that must not be made just for the sake of disapproval. We must be taken to task so that we may not exceed the democratic limits and become an authoritarian regime.
Such protest brings us on track if we deviate from the democratic principles.
However, the present opposition is not a constructive one and is not in favor of national unity and people’s favor. It is just a stratagem of the political parties that do not want to see the Maoists’ continuing in power.
TGQ2: But it has been seen that your party is being taken to task by your own coalition partners in government? This is puzzling! What could be the main rationale for such a protest? Talks of bringing about a down fall of this government is also in the rumor. What say you? Your comments please.
Mr. Sharma: Here again come the values that are associated with politics. I think it is the lack of political culture among our own coalition partners. Politics demands honesty, moral and pure ethical behavior.
How much the UML friends have abided by the ethics and moral that is needed in politics is a thing that has to be judged by the general population.
It would be better to seek the general impression of the people and the men in the media as regards why we are being criticized by our own coalition partners? They would respond to this query on our behalf.
The Nepali media is observing the incongruity seen in the country’s politics of late.
As regards your second question, well, bids are on to topple this government. This is true.
Those who don’t want to see forward looking changes in the country plus those who have yet to reconcile with the political changes in the country are the “elements” who want this government to fall to pieces.
But be it known to all and sundry that if the incumbent government is made to collapse then what is also for sure is that it would be pretty difficult to institutionalize the democratic order in this country. The history is witness.
We would want that the ongoing peace process is not derailed and the process continue. If the process gets derailed, it would invite disorder as the people deserve the right to go on for yet another revolt to institutionalize the previous political gains.
If some one has nurtured the design to topple this government then it should mean that he or she doesn’t want the peace process to come to its logical end.
It is time to remain vigilant in order to protect the order which has been gained upon sacrificing several lives. Care must be taken in this regard.
TGQ3: You want to hint that domestic as well foreign forces are at play in toppling this government? Is it what you have said just now? Also tell us as to why Girija Prasad Koirala has been talking of late that it was time to seek for an alternative to Nepal PM Dahal? Your remarks please.
Mr. Sharma: To tell you honestly, there are scores of forces which want to see Nepal remain plunged in political instability in order to meet their political ends and interests.
Even while the last movement was going on, some foreign forces were present and wanted to block the change that was in store.
Because of strategic location, Nepal’s geographical advantage is immense. The extra-interest in Nepal is being exhibited by the Imperialists primarily. The Imperialists want to use Nepal as a focal point and destabilize this country with their presence. They want to keep an eye on the entire South Asian region by having their presence in Nepal. This is what we have been observing. We just want to avoid this unwanted and unwarranted situation.
Pertaining to your second question, let’s admit that Koirala is an important political personality for the democratic system in Nepal.
Thus we would want that Koirala becomes the guardian of entire Nepal but not remain as the President of the Nepali Congress only. Other political parties too prefer this to come to true.
But Koirala comes so low that it creates problems at times.
Since his utterances creates sensation both in the domestic and the international sector thus he should abandon making such nuisances as it sends wrong signals here and there.
We appeal him not to utter whimsical words.
TGQ4: Is it that Koirala’s utterances are aimed at toppling the government? Or does it act like a catalyst for bringing about a change in the government set up? Your opinions please.
Mr. Sharma: Koirala’s intentions may be not that, however, by extension it does mean that he wants to see the collapse of this government.
The day he made such utterances, around the same time the Pyuthan Police post was attacked, if one were to recall. One of the Maoist party stalwart has been shot at.
He himself (read Koirala) took the initiative and summoned the meet of some eighteen parties in order to press the government to convene a special session of the parliament. Though he failed in this regard.
The same evening our Polit Bureau member Suresh Singh was attacked and our party office in Okhaldhunga was summarily damaged and some five lakh rupees looted.
When Koirala is in Biratnagar, his utterances possess meaning. It may be a mere conjecture but then when he spoke in Biratnagar all these sad events happened instantly.
We expect that Girija Prasad Koirala is not carried away by the “plans and strategies” to forge a democratic alliances being floated by some reactionary and regressive elements.
TGQ5: Has the Maoists party split after Matrika Yadav’s quitting the party for good? Will he be allowed to reenter the party if he so desires? Your comments please.
Mr. Sharma: The mere exit of one member from the party doesn’t and shouldn’t mean that the party has split. This in itself is a matter for laughter. Neither has it had any logic nor fact. Thus when the event is bereft both from the logic and fact then it is also at a distance from the reality. Persons at times ejaculate from their preferred ideologies and at times they deviate from the charted goals and objectives. The process thus goes on and on. Time permitting such persons are cornered and finally vanish in the ethereal medium.
The politics flows like a river. In the process of crossing the river, one comes across with some rivulets and springs which finally submerges in the river itself. The river when originates from its source remains pure and its purity remains intact when it finally approaches the ocean.
History has it that Nepal’s communist movement seen such trends at times.
Ultimately, they all merge into one.
Not only Matrika Yadav, we have opened our doors for all the Left leaning personalities who want to join us.
Ultimately, Matrika Jee will have no option left other than to rejoin the United Maoist Party.
What has been marked that anarchism and extremism have gripped Matrika Yadav of late. If he opts for self-criticism and corrects his political aberration noted in him in the recent days and wants to re-enter the United Maoist party then he is most welcome.
If Matrika behaves in purely a political manner he will be honored, however, if he acts in a different manner and posed a threat to the State then the State will award befitting penal actions to him.
Party chief: CPN-UML not to topple gov't

KATHMANDU, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- The newly elected Chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist) (CPN-UML) Jhala Nath Khanal on Wednesday said his party will not indulge in a game to topple the government, Nepali national news agency RSS reported.
Khanal hinted at the possibility of a government with the national unity. The CPN-UML is the most important coalition party in the government led by the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (UCPN-M). The coalition government was formed in last August after the Constituent Assembly declared the country a federal democratic republic on May 28, 2008.
Speaking to journalists in Butwal, some 180 km west of Nepali capital Kathmandu, Khanal said, "Ultra leftists and status quoits cannot lead the government."
Khanal said integration and rehabilitation of the UCPN-M combatants should be carried out as per the Comprehensive Peace Accord signed in November, 2006.
NYU Academics come out in support of occupation students

Students at NYU are still fighting their expulsions.over 170 academics at NYU have written a letter to the university asking them to reinstate the students before giving them a fair hearing. They also ask the university to rethink it’s policies that led to the occupation, the way it dealt with the occupation and to investigate the violent incidents against the protesters.
Students there are fighting against what they describe as ‘rumor mongering and character attacks’ from the Provost David McLaughlin.
There have also been rumours that kitchen staff from the occupied canteen in the Kimmel building will go without a days pay despite working during the occupation.
For more details of who to complain to about the situation.
Student occupations bring prospect of Spring Thunder to United Kingdom

A wave of student occupations in solidarity with the people of Gaza is continuing to spread across Britain like a prairie fire.
The spark lit in Greece in 2008 has found it way to the United kingdom A new round of occupations has been inspired by successful protests and occupations at Soas and LSE in London and Essex University. The first three occupations have all ended now, as their main demands have been met.
The demands put forward by individual universities are similar, but vary depending on the specific circumstances of each institution. See Cardiff demands below.
UPDATE ! UPDATE ! Ongoing occupations:
Manchester University - 4th February - . Occupied space - John Owen Building (4th-6th February) and central sorting office (5th-6th February) - later moved to the Simon building (6th February -)
Byam Shaw - 18th February - . Occupied space - the main building at the Byam Shaw School of Art, 2 Elthorne Road.
UEL - 18th February - . Occupied space - a lecture theatre.
St Andrews- 18th February - . Occupied space - Lower College Hall.
Plymouth - 5pm 23rd February 2009 - . Occupied space - Room 202 in the Smeaton building.
UAL - (late in the evening) 23rd February 2009 - . Occupied space - A lecture theater on the LCC campus.
Cardiff - 12pm 24th February 2009 - . Occupied space - Shandon Large Lecture in the Main Building
UPDATE ! UPDATE ! Finished Occupations
Finished occupations:
SOAS 13th - 14th January. Occupied space - Brunei Gallery Suite.
LSE - 15th - 23rd January. Occupied space - LTB 04.
Essex - Friday 16th - Sunday 18th January. Occupied space - LTB.
King’s College - 20th January - 1st February. Occupied space - lecture theatre at Strand campus.
Birmingham - 20th January - 20th January. Occupied space - Arts LR4.
Sussex - 20th January - 28th January. Occupied space - Arts A2 lecture theatre.
Warwick - 22nd January - 30th January. Occupied space - room S0.21 of Social Studies.
Manchester Met 22nd January - 23rd Janaury. Occupied space - the Geoffrey Manton building.
Oxford- 23rd January - 23rd Janaury. Occupied space - Bodleian building.
Leeds - 22nd January - 31st Janaury. Occupied space - the Botany House building.
Cambridge - 23rd January - 1st February. Occupied space - the Law Faculty.
Sheffield Hallam- 28th January - 1st February. Occupied space - tenth floor of the Owen building.
Bradford - 27th January - 28th Janaury. Occupied space - university board room, adjacent to the vice chancellor’s office.
Nottingham - 28th January - 1st February. Occupied space - lecture theatre B62
Queen Mary- 27th January - 4th February. Occupied space - Room 1.13 of the Frances Bancroft building.
Strathclyde- 4th February - 5th February. Occupied space - the McCance Building.
The University of Rochester - 6th February - 7th February. Occupied space - Goergen BME Building.
Glasgow - 8th February - 11th February. Occupied space - the top floor of the Computer Science building.
Goldsmiths - 11th February - 13th February. Occupied space - Deptford Town Hall (university owned).
Edinburgh - 11th February - 16th February. Occupied space - George Square Lecture Theatre.
UEA - 11th February - 12th February . Occupied space - the Arts building.
NYU- 18th February 2009 - 2pm 21st February 2009. Occupied space - The Marketplace - 3rd floor of the Kimmel Center.
UWE - 18th February 2009 - 20th February 2009 . Occupied space - at first lecture theatre 2B25 until they were locked out and then they occupied the atrium area outside of lecture theatres 2B25 and 2B20.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Maoists discuss increasing party intervention in government undertakings

Maoists discuss increasing party intervention in government undertakings
The Unified CPN (Maoist) on Tuesday mulled over putting more muscle behind the government’s initiatives to ensure its “effective implementation” .
A meeting of the Government Mobilization Department recently formed by the party held discussion on making the government programmes as well as its implementation part “more effective”.
Reports quoted sources having access to the meeting as saying there was also discussion on increasing party intervention in the government programmes to ensure its effective implementation.
There was participation of all Maoist ministers in the meeting except that of Minister for Information and Communication Krishna Bahadur Mahara and Minister for Peace and Reconstruction Janardhan Sharma.
The Maoist Central Secretariat had on Sunday formed the Government Mobilization Department, led by Finance Minister Dr Baburam Bhattarai, to effectively implement the government's programmes.
The department, which has been formed at a time when the government led by the Maoist party had to retract one decision after another following pressure from the main opposition party Nepali Congress including national and international forces, has Maoist ministers as members
The Unified CPN (Maoist) on Tuesday mulled over putting more muscle behind the government’s initiatives to ensure its “effective implementation” .
A meeting of the Government Mobilization Department recently formed by the party held discussion on making the government programmes as well as its implementation part “more effective”.
Reports quoted sources having access to the meeting as saying there was also discussion on increasing party intervention in the government programmes to ensure its effective implementation.
There was participation of all Maoist ministers in the meeting except that of Minister for Information and Communication Krishna Bahadur Mahara and Minister for Peace and Reconstruction Janardhan Sharma.
The Maoist Central Secretariat had on Sunday formed the Government Mobilization Department, led by Finance Minister Dr Baburam Bhattarai, to effectively implement the government's programmes.
The department, which has been formed at a time when the government led by the Maoist party had to retract one decision after another following pressure from the main opposition party Nepali Congress including national and international forces, has Maoist ministers as members
Cardiff Students Occupy University for Gaza

Cardiff Students Against War has just received a message of support from the legendary Noam Chomsky!!
I am very pleased to learn about the courageous and honorable actions of the Cardiff University students. These are particularly significant because of the Britain's role in arms sales generally, and it's contribution to the savage onslaught on Gaza and on the occupied territories generally, second only to the decisive role of the United States -- a disgrace for all of us. I hope you have the greatest success in arousing public opinion and bringing these crimes to an end.Noam Chomsky
Democracy and Class Struggle congratulates the students of Cardiff University in their actions to highlight the plight of the people of Gaza - Nickglais says you make Wales feel Proud again.
The students have already received many messages of support from individuals and institutions, including statements from: Alan Thomson of UNISON Ymlaen Branch; Leanne Wood AC/AM (Plaid Cymru); Anne Greagsby (from the campaign against military training at St Athan); CND Cyrmu; and John Rees, co-founder of Stop the War Coalition. Thank you all so much for your solidarity with our action and our message!
Tuesday 24th February 12pm
Photos available on request
Contact 07801140192
Today Cardiff University students demanded their university immediately divest from the arms trade, by occupying the main building on campus. Students are currently locked in the Shandon lecture theatre and are refusing to leave until the university responds to their demands.
Cardiff University invests in companies that supplied Israel with weapons used in the recent attacks on Gaza. The occupation is in opposition to the University’s investment in the arms trade and to the atrocities committed in Gaza, where 1.4 million Palestinians are blockaded in a semi-autonomous apartheid state.
The occupation, the first of its kind in Wales, followed a Books not Bombs protest at midday where students brought along a book to signify their support for education, not war. Israel’s indiscriminate targeting of civilians has seen human rights abuses on a vast scale and many schools and universities there reduced to rubble. The students currently occupying are acting in solidarity with those whose education has been jeopardised by the crisis.
A student who is currently occupying the university said:
"I am ashamed that Cardiff University is helping fund the horrific violence in Gaza the consequence of which is the obliteration of education infrastructure in another, poorer part of the world. I don’t want the money I pay for my education contributing to the destruction of someone else’s. Our thoughts from the occupation are with the people of Gaza, who have lost so much.”
The action at Cardiff is the twenty-eighth UK student occupation to have taken place in the last few weeks. This unprecedented wave of student dissent has seen many universities capitulate to occupier’s demands and review their investments in arms companies.
Notes for Editors
1. If you would like to visit the occupation, further quotes of information please call 07801140192 to speak to students inside the occupation. Photos available on request.
2. For more details visit the Cardiff University occupation blog:
3. Cardiff University has £209,000 invested in the arms trade including investments in BAE systems and General Electric. Both of these companies supplied Israel with weapons which have continually been used in attacks on and the siege of Gaza.
4. The Occupation demands include:
* Cardiff University to divest all shares from arms manufacturers and aerospace companies.
* Cardiff University to be twinned with a Gazan university, to show support for the Gazan people at this desperate time:
The twinning is to involve:
a) Scholarships for at least 5 Gazan students to study in Cardiff
b) Surplus books, computers and other education materials to be sent to the twinned university.
5. Israel’s attacks on Gaza have led to the deaths of over 1400 Palestinians, including over 400 children, and the injuring of over 5500. It is now believed that humanitarian and war crimes may have taken place including the indiscriminate targeting of civilians (including the bombing academic institutions), the obstruction and targeting of emergency medical staff and the use of white phosphorus as a weapon.
See the Disasters Emergency Committee website;
6. The UK arms industry exports billions of pounds worth of weapons every year, many of these to regimes with poor human rights records, to areas of conflict or to countries with huge development needs. The arms trade fuels war and undermines development, including education infrastructure.
7. The Disarm Cardiff campaign is a run by Cardiff Students Against War and is campaigning for University divestment from the arms trade. Students at Cardiff have been campaigning for divestment for three years.
A big debate within the Greek Left

After the revolt of December in Greece, a big debate develops within the Greek Left concerning the attitude of the communists in front of the bourgeois governments. This heated discussion is part of a greater debate about the tasks, the strategy and the tactics of the left and communist forces in Greece. The polemical character of the debate is owed to the fact that, during December 2008, the split within the Greek Left became more wide: One part (KOE, the Radical Left Coalition/SYRIZA and the extra-parliamentari an left groups) supported the Revolt. Another part (mostly the Communist Party of Greece/KKE, as well as the right-wingers of the former “euro-communist” current) condemned the movement and labeled it as “violent acts of masked rioters of suspicious origin and of reactionary character”. Thus, indirectly but objectively, aligned themselves with the bourgeois-governmen tal block of “law and order”. Since January 2009 the debate became very acute, as the KKE leadership attacked repeatedly KOE and SYRIZA with statements and publications in its Press, slandering us as “supporters of the social-democratic PASOK” because of our slogan “Down with this government of murderers!”.
Despite the fact that this debate is unavoidably marked by the ongoing “civil war” within the Greek Left, we consider that it is of interest outside the boundaries of Greece as well. In reality, the issue is whether those claiming to be communists will use as an excuse the “ultimate goal” (the seizing of power by the working class) in order to limit their “action” in exercises of revolutionary verbalism – while at the same time they let the bourgeois governments undisturbed and present themselves as “responsible” force. We are of the opinion that the reasoning used by the leaders of KKE (“we do not fight for the fall of the right-wing government because if it falls it will be replaced by the equally bad social-democratic PASOK”) is in reality attempting to hide their alignment with the camp of “law and order”, their fear of a mass movement that they do not control, and their refusal to struggle for the building of a popular front that will victoriously oppose the bourgeoisie and its political parties, the right-wing Nea Dimokratia and the social-democratic PASOK.
The leaders of KKE are feeling much safer as long as they remain self-isolated in their virtual world, receiving the congratulations and the grateful recognition by the government, the bourgeois Media and even the extreme right-wing party LAOS for their “responsible attitude” . Today they spend all their energy in the “left civil war”, attacking viciously the Radical Left, sparing the government and even justifying the murderous attacks against the revolted youth. Their actual tactics comes in high contrast with their distant and recent past, for which they have not proceeded to the slightest self-criticism: (a) in the ’70s and early ’80s they were the staunchest allies of the “socialist” PASOK, accusing the revolutionaries who struggled against social-democracy as “covert agents of the right-wing and of the secret services”; (b) in the late ’80s they participated in the government formed by the right-wing party Nea Dimokratia, and immediately after in a “national unity government” together with both Nea Dimokratia and PASOK; (c) in the late ’90s they were calling for the resignation of PASOK’s government – and this was correct, but then also the “realistic” alternative would be the other bourgeois party, the right-wing Nea Dimokratia…
The leaders of KKE pretend today that they do not understand the dynamics that could be created by a united and radical popular movement, able to overthrow a reactionary government. They pretend to ignore the very realistic scenario (if the Left would act as a combative front and thus gain even bigger popular support) of the bourgeoisie been obliged to form a “big coalition” government by both Nea Dimokratia and PASOK – and the possibilities that such a development would create for the communists and the popular movement. Instead, they continue the revolutionary verbalism while at the same time they put their forces in the service of the government (as they did in December, when, among other… heroic feats, they attempted to block the entrance of the universities in order to prevent the students to hold general assemblies and to continue the occupations…).
And the icing on the cake – just to confirm that sometimes even the formalities are very revealing: No organization of the Radical Left was invited in the opening ceremony of KKE’s 18th Congress. At the same time there were present and addressed the Congress two top-level delegations from the parties of Nea Dimokratia and of PASOK, as well as the (right-wing) president of the Greek Parliament. Apparently, the Radical Left deserves to be treated as main enemy, and not the bourgeois parties… The presence of the top-level bourgeois delegations and the… curfew on the Radical Left is indeed another marvelous result of the appeal to “wage war against the opinions supporting ‘the unity or the common action of the Left’, put forward by several intellectuals who, consciously or not, are selling the causes of the ‘progressive’ bourgeoisie and of opportunism” [KKE's daily organ “Rizospastis”, 18/1/2009]…
As the global capitalist crisis develops and deepens, the big bourgeoisie attempts to “answer” it by transferring its burden on the already extremely exploited, barbarously oppressed and increasingly impoverished popular masses. However, the peoples of the world are developing and radicalizing their resistance, as shown by the mass protests in Italy or France, for example, and by the revolts that break out from Greece to the Baltic countries and from Iceland to the French colonies in the Caribbean. Our peoples desperately need a Communist Left willing and able to orientate, lead and develop the new and increasingly radical revolts and resistances that are urgently necessary. Our peoples desperately need a Communist Left willing and able to organize victorious struggles, which will bring us more near to the overthrow of the imperialist- capitalist system. What they do not need, is a force that claims to be communist but does not believe in the possibility of popular victories, and instead prefers to patiently and “responsibly” wait for the Second Advent (which will bring socialism also in Greece, all the more without “riots” and “without breaking even one glass”, as Mrs Aleka Papariga, Secretary General of KKE, recently declared in the Greek Parliament – only to be enthusiastically applauded by the government supporters…).
Here follows a new statement of the Communist Organization of Greece, dated 19 February 2009:
The stand of the Communists in front of the bourgeois governments
The demand “Down with this government!” dominated the popular demonstrations and the youth protests during the Revolt of December 2008 in Greece. This demand met with a stiff resistance by the governmental right-wing party Nea Dimokratia, by the bourgeois Media, by the extreme-right wing party LAOS and… by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE)!
It is understandable that the parties of Nea Dimokratia and LAOS, as well as the bourgeois Media, are backing the cynical, deeply anti-popular government of Karamanlis, which through its policy provoked the murder of the 15 year old Alexis Grigoropoulos. It is also understandable that the social-democrats of the “opposition” party PASOK do not aim at overthrowing a government that follows a policy similar to theirs, and instead prefer to expect their ascension to power through the tactics of “waiting for the ripe fruit to fall from the tree”. However, what is not easily understandable is: Why the KKE did not demand the fall of the Karamanlis’ government? Why did it vehemently opposed the slogan “Down with this government!”?
Here follows a characteristic example of KKE’s “argumentation” about why such a demand is wrong:
The cadres of SYRIZA are shouting everywhere: “This government must leave; the sooner it leaves the better for the country”. They are consciously hiding from the people that the problem is not which party is in government, but which class is in power. That the problem is not just Nea Dimokratia, but the big capital, which dictates the concrete policy, as it has been in the past with PASOK; and that, as long as the big capital exists, this policy will continue, no matter which party is in government. [KKE's daily organ “Rizospastis”, 12/10/2008]
An impatient petty-bourgeois, without even basic understanding of Marxism, would perhaps agree with the above “pure” statement of KKE. However, we cannot but ask anyone who claims to be communist: Since when the communists are indifferent in front of the possibility to overturn the social and political correlation of power? Since when, in the name of the "ultimate goal" (the seizing of the political power by the working class), the partial goals, the partial political overthrows, the partial victories are condemned as negative? Unfortunately, the objectively pro-government tactics of KKE’s leadership provokes even more questions:
– Is it correct or not that the collapse of a reactionary government under the pressure of the popular outcry against its policy in favour of the plutocracy, against its murderous policy, would (even if temporary) obstruct, delay and harass the smooth application of the dominating classes' goals?
– Is it correct or not that if such a government falls under the pressure of mass popular mobilizations, the next one (even if it has similarly anti-popular program) will be more afraid of the people and more “careful”?
– Is it correct or not that SYRIZA's slogan says "Nea Dimokratia must be chased, PASOK must not be allowed to return – Only solution: the Left and the movements"? And not, as KKE calumniously claims, that "SYRIZA wants the fall of the government in order that PASOK returns to power" [“Rizospastis”, 21/12/2008]?
– Is it correct or not that if the angered and oppressed people overthrow a government, the masses’ self-confidence will grow and they will overcome more easily the poisonous opinion that “things cannot change, nobody takes us into account”?
– Is it correct or not that the greatest political and social changes have been built thanks to the legacy and the succession of dozens of previous battles and of hundreds and thousands of smaller daily struggles and mobilizations? Is it correct or not that the overthrow of governments was and is a necessary (although not sufficient) precondition in order to achieve more global political and social subversions?
Instead of any reply to such questions, we cite here what KKE itself was saying when the social-democratic PASOK was in government:
The demand that this government must fall under the popular pressure and that elections must take place now is adopted, even in half-words, by all the opposition parties; this is a positive development… The people must demand the resignation of the government. The people is the sole responsible and qualified to give a substantial meaning to the slogan “YOU MUST GO!” [statement of KKE’s Secretary General Aleka Papariga on 26/2/1999, after the government of PASOK, under prime minister Simitis, handed over the Kurdish leader Ocalan to the Turkish regime]
We wonder: For which reason the correct demand that the PASOK government who handed over Ocalan to the Turkish regime must be chased away, has now been replaced by the refusal of the demand to chase away the actual government of Nea Dimokratia? For which reason the correct polemics against one of the two main parties of the big bourgeoisie is now transformed into indirect support for the other main bourgeois party? At that time (26/2/1999), Aleka Papariga was also saying:
The resignation of the government as a result of the popular demand must not be the end but the beginning. We don’t want the elections only in order to give the cards a good shuffle. We want the elections so that a new march of the people starts, a march that will obstruct and will trip up the policy of EMU and of the “new NATO dogmas”. We want the elections so that a new march starts with the people harassing the anti-popular measures and the fake “national targets”, with one and only aim: to gather that force which, ultimately, will make the balance incline towards the other side, the side of the people’s and solely the people’s interests.
We agree with this statement of Aleka Papariga. And we wonder: Why today this position is not valid anymore? Does not this attitude of KKE constitute an indirect but very clear support towards the actual government of Nea Dimokratia?
KOE, 19 February 2009.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Dr Bhattarai terms poverty and unemployment as major challenges

Finance Minister Dr Baburam Bhattrai has termed poverty and unemployment as major challenges the country’s economy is facing currently.
He made this remark while speaking at an inauguration program of Sunrise Development Bank in Butwal.
The rebel-turned-minister also said that the government has forwarded the concept of new industrial policy to propel the economy towards the path of industrialization. “The government is making efforts towards changing the agro-based economy into industrial one,” he said.
Stating that the revenue collection by the government during the last six months has exceeded the set target by 32.5 percent, Minister Bhattarai also claimed that he is determined to turnaround the economy of the country
He made this remark while speaking at an inauguration program of Sunrise Development Bank in Butwal.
The rebel-turned-minister also said that the government has forwarded the concept of new industrial policy to propel the economy towards the path of industrialization. “The government is making efforts towards changing the agro-based economy into industrial one,” he said.
Stating that the revenue collection by the government during the last six months has exceeded the set target by 32.5 percent, Minister Bhattarai also claimed that he is determined to turnaround the economy of the country
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Revolutionary Land Reform : Essence and Aim

by Krishna Das Shrestha
The economic problems that are being faced by the feudal and semi-feudal and semi-colonial countries in the world, is basically an agrarian problem. Nepal belongs to the same category of these countries and the main economic problem that Nepal has to solve in the present situation is the land-problem.
The solution of this problem is the most democratic task, which is a very difficult and painstaking task as well. The Nepalese Revolution is now passing through the democratic stage and we call it the stage of bourgeois democratic revolution. Accomplishment of this democratic revolution is essentially and basically anti-feudal revolution.
The main economic foundation of feudalism is feudal land system, and unless this foundation is destroyed, feudalism will not and cannot be demolished at all. This indicates the necessity of revolutionary transformation of the existing land-relations and what we call revolutionary land reform signifies mainly this very transformation. As a matter of fact, the establishment of peasants' land ownership by abolishing feudal land ownership is the soul and main essence of democratic revolution. To do this is to accomplish agrarian revolution, and it is the way to solve the existing land problem democratically in the interests of the peasant masses. To set up peasants' ownership over the land is the main essence of the theory of 'land to the tillers'.
A topic that is being discussed now in various quarters and among the broad masses of people in our country is the building of a new Nepal. Similarly, historic advancement, socio-economic transformation etc. are also submitted on the list of discussion. At present, the main obstacle on the path of our country's development is the feudal ownership. It is quite useless and meaningless to talk of the building of new Nepal, with socio-economic transformation, by keeping this medieval system intact or by making minor reforms on it. The task of the highest priority that should be accomplished in order to advance towards the building of New Nepal or towards the revolutionary transformation of our society is the abolition of feudal land-ownership and the establishment of peasants' ownership. The abolition of feudal relations of production will pave the way to develop productive forces in the country and will provide a stimulus and base for the great historical advance.
After emancipating the peasant masses from feudal exploitation and oppression, it will provide them opportunities for the full utilisation of their inherent abilities in agricultural development and that will raise their living standard. Therefore, the realisation of the agrarian revolution will open the way to the agricultural development, which will supply raw materials for the industrial development of the country and will create and consolidate wide domestic market needed for the development of national economy. Therefore, the socio-economic transformation in the country should be begun through the revolutionary solution of agrarian problem.
The peasants' have been struggling in various ways against feudal exploitation since a long time. They had hoped from the former various governments formed after 2007 BS. (1951) for their right of ownership to be established. The then governments had given assurance, but they achieved nothing from them except empty assurances and deception. Some of the policies for the land reform in different times have been quite ineffective and fruitless. So up to now, the peasants' ownership over the land has not been established. In this context, during a decade-long People's War, the rural people in some places have occupied the land of the feudal lords and are using them to solve their problems under the interests of agricultural development
In this act of land seizure, they are using their basic human right to get right of ownership on land which they are tilling. In this revolutionary-practical action of the Nepalese peasants, we see the practical confirmation of the idea expressed in Engel's Letter of 15th August, 1870 to Marx that 'a people that gets nothing but kicks and blows is indeed the right one to make social revolution'. By taking the above action, the peasant masses, awakened and inspired by the People's War, which had aim to abolish feudalism, have practically applied the theory of "land to the tillers" and are using their fundamental human right.
The present government led by the Maoist party has formed land Reform commission. We have to see what kind of land reform program the commission would make and how and in what manner it would implement it.
As said above, to abolish feudal land ownership is the foremost and primary task to be done in the economic sector, whether land reform program is revolutionary or not must be judged on the basis of the commission's policy towards the task and of its manner of implementing the policy. The main policy of the revolutionary land reform is "land to the tillers". Therefore, the reform program must be guided by the real sense and spirit of that principle. A truly revolutionary program must set itself to accomplish the following tasks:
•The confiscation of land property of the feudal lords without compensation and the transfer it to the tillers and poor peasants.
•The abolition of debt taken by the peasants from the landlords, usurers, banks etc.
•The emancipation of the peasants from all kinds of feudal exploitation and expression.
•Gratis distribution of cultivable follow land to the landless and poor peasants.
The implementation of this program of revolutionary transformation of the existing feudal land relations, is begun from the above, can never be successfully realised.
The tasks of its implementation must be left to this supervision and responsibility of the poor peasants under the supervision of the peasant committees.
Here, it must not be forgotten that the implement of this pioneer program of great epoch-making change cannot be realized by the enactment of law only and in a peaceful way. It can be realised only through a difficult and intense struggle, through the organized struggle of the peasants against the feudal landowners in the rural areas. As such a program runs counter to the class interests of the feudal lords, they will use all their power and every means to foil it or not to allow it to be carried out rightly. Therefore, naturally its implementation will take the form of intense class struggle, and it can realize itself through such struggle.
First published in Red Star - to visit Red Star - please look under friends and comrades on right hand side of this page.
Maoist to propose Dr Bhattarai as deputy Prime Minister

The Unified CPN (Maoist) has decided to make a provision for a deputy Prime Minister in the government and propose Finance Minister Dr. Baburam Bhattarai's name for the post.
The party has also replaced Dr Bhattarai as the deputy leader of the parliamentary party by Narayan Kaji Shrestha.
A meeting of the central leaders of Maoists organised in Kathmandu on Saturday took decision to this effect.
At the meeting, the Maoists officially dissolved the Revolutionary People's Council – a structure created parallel to the government when the party was in people's war. The council headed by Dr. Baburam Bhattarai had not been dissolved even after the Maoists formed the government in coalition with other parties last year.
The party has also replaced Dr Bhattarai as the deputy leader of the parliamentary party by Narayan Kaji Shrestha.
A meeting of the central leaders of Maoists organised in Kathmandu on Saturday took decision to this effect.
At the meeting, the Maoists officially dissolved the Revolutionary People's Council – a structure created parallel to the government when the party was in people's war. The council headed by Dr. Baburam Bhattarai had not been dissolved even after the Maoists formed the government in coalition with other parties last year.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Student Occupations and Activism returns - Spectre of 1968
Friday, February 20, 2009
The Spectre of 1968 - Students for a Democratic Society strike fear into the Bourgeoisie - Police action against students in Paris and New York

In United States
After offering to begin good faith negotiations, NYU has arrested and suspended the student negotiator team and initiated a police raid of the occupied space. This follows police pepper spraying and arresting supporters overnight, and NYU shutting off restroom access, internet, and power this morning.
In United Kingdom
Around the UK, thousands of students have occupied lecture theatres, offices and other buildings at more than 20 universities in sit-down protests. It seems that the spirit of 1968 has returned to the campus.
While it was the situation in Gaza that triggered this mass protest, the beginnings of political enthusiasm have already spread to other issues.
John Rose, one of the original London School of Economics (LSE) students to mount the barricades alongside Tariq Ali in 1968, spent last week giving lectures on the situation in Gaza at 12 of the occupations.
"This is something different to anything we've seen for a long time," he said. "There is genuine fury at what Israel did.
"I think it's highly likely that this year will see more student action. What's interesting is the nervousness of vice chancellors and their willingness to concede demands; it indicates this is something that could well turn into [another] '68."
Beginning with a 24-hour occupation at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) on 13 January, the sit-ins spread across the country. Now occupations have been held at the LSE, Essex, King's College London, Birmingham, Sussex, Warwick, Manchester Metropolitan, Oxford, Leeds, Cambridge, Sheffield Hallam, Bradford, Nottingham, Queen Mary, Manchester, Strathclyde, Newcastle, Kingston, Goldsmiths and Glasgow.
Among the demands of students are disinvestment in the arms trade; the promise to provide scholarships for Palestinian students; a pledge to send books and unused computers to Palestine; and to condemn Israeli attacks on Gaza.
Technology has set these actions apart from those of previous generations, allowing a national momentum to grow with incredible speed. Through the linking up of internet blogs, news of successes spread quickly and protests grew nationwide.
Source : Independent on Sunday
In France
News Flash CRS have entered the Sorbonne and violently attacked students
Certainly, ministers in Paris are wary of some form of insurrection.
Recent intelligence reports talk about an "elevated threat" from an "international European network… with a strong presence in France" and a "new generation of activists", possibly a "re-birth of the violent extreme left".
A spokesman for the interior ministry, Gerard Gachet, told the BBC that the threat was real.
"The term 'ultra-left' was used by the interior minister to set this group apart from the extreme left who turn up for elections and keep within the parameters of democratic debate," he says.
But talking of more radical groups, he points to recent pamphlets and books published anonymously, but sometimes with a circulation of about 20,000, with titles such as How to Start a Civil War and The Insurrection That is Coming.
"They say that the fires of revolt will spread everywhere," he says, "and we see acts like damage to bank branches or state buildings and claims of solidarity with the Greek rioters.
Source: BBC News
Prachanda said that human rights can not be ensured until the country fulfills the basic needs like food, clothing and shelter of the people

KATHMANDU, Feb. 20 (Xinhua) -- Nepali Prime Minister and Chairman of United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (UCPN-M) Prachanda on Friday said that human rights can not be ensured until the country fulfills the basic needs like food, clothing and shelter of the people.
Nepali Prime Minister Prachanda (5th R, front), participates in the first national assembly of Nepal's National Human Rights Concern Center in Kathmandu, Nepal, Feb. 20, 2009. Prachanda said that human rights can not be ensured in Nepal until the country fulfills the basic needs of the people like food, clothing and shelter. (
Speaking at the inaugural ceremony of the 1st national assembly of Human Rights Concern Center organized in capital Kathmandu, he admitted that the present republican government has not been able to work as per the people's aspiration.
He said that although the people had high expectations from the UCPN-M led government, the constant friction between the political parties has made it difficult to give an appearance of change to the people.
"People thought that there will be many changes for the good after Prachanda comes, but I myself am not that satisfied looking at the way things are now. I have not been able to do all the things I intend to do and the people have started to get the feeling that their hopes of a big change has been shattered," Prime Minister Prachanda said.
Stating that he was eager to open the doors of progress and development after he assumed the power and people also were hopeful of the country's development once the Prachanda led government was formed," he said. "But things didn't go as I have thought. Change could not be possible due to the old malice," Prime Minister Prachanda added.
The present working system is fighting against the old mischievousness, Prime Minister Prachanda said, urging all to accept this as a movement till the new constitution was framed.
He said that he had valid information of various quarters conspiring to topple UCPN-M led government and install a new one in its place. He also said that these activities were the main reason behind the delay in the constitution writing process and doubted if there will be lasting peace in the country if this continues.
Nepali Prime Minister Prachanda (5th R, front), participates in the first national assembly of Nepal's National Human Rights Concern Center in Kathmandu, Nepal, Feb. 20, 2009. Prachanda said that human rights can not be ensured in Nepal until the country fulfills the basic needs of the people like food, clothing and shelter. (
Speaking at the inaugural ceremony of the 1st national assembly of Human Rights Concern Center organized in capital Kathmandu, he admitted that the present republican government has not been able to work as per the people's aspiration.
He said that although the people had high expectations from the UCPN-M led government, the constant friction between the political parties has made it difficult to give an appearance of change to the people.
"People thought that there will be many changes for the good after Prachanda comes, but I myself am not that satisfied looking at the way things are now. I have not been able to do all the things I intend to do and the people have started to get the feeling that their hopes of a big change has been shattered," Prime Minister Prachanda said.
Stating that he was eager to open the doors of progress and development after he assumed the power and people also were hopeful of the country's development once the Prachanda led government was formed," he said. "But things didn't go as I have thought. Change could not be possible due to the old malice," Prime Minister Prachanda added.
The present working system is fighting against the old mischievousness, Prime Minister Prachanda said, urging all to accept this as a movement till the new constitution was framed.
He said that he had valid information of various quarters conspiring to topple UCPN-M led government and install a new one in its place. He also said that these activities were the main reason behind the delay in the constitution writing process and doubted if there will be lasting peace in the country if this continues.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Prachanda said he was sad to hear the decision of Matrika Yadav

The abruptly called gathering of the Mithila State Committee of the Unified CPN (Maoist) has begun at Lahan in Siraha district Thursday shortly after the Maoists decided to intensify party campaign in Terai districts.
Inaugurating the gathering of over 350 members, Prime Minister and chairman of the party Prachanda said he was sad to hear the decision of Matrika Yadav who decided to leave the unified party to reorganise CPN (Maoist). He said Yadav's decision was a mistake but would have no affect on party.
The decision of the party central secretariat to appoint Bishwo Nath Prasad Shah, a new entrant from CPN (Mashal), as the head of Mithila state committee had irked Yadav, who had resigned from the post some four months back due to disputes with his deputy Prabhu Shah.
The party denied journalists from entering the gathering. Security personnel deployed around the venue said even the security personnel were restricted to go in.
Bishwo Nath Prasad Shah told journalists afterwards that PM Prachanda has urged the party cadres to intensify campaign in Terai and that the party has planned new strategies for it.
He quoted PM Prachanda as saying that the current government is extremely serious towards addressing the grievances of Teraians. ia Feb 19 09
Maoist List says Virus cleared on Krishna Sen and Red Star sites

Dear Comrades,
many thanks for all those who assisted. It looks like the site experienced some difficulties due to an unsecure site, hence why some Maoist Revolution members experienced their computers to crash. This site is now secure and can be accessed without occuring problems.
Krishna Sen News Agency:
The Red Star http://www.krishnas enonline. org/theredstar/
many thanks for all those who assisted. It looks like the site experienced some difficulties due to an unsecure site, hence why some Maoist Revolution members experienced their computers to crash. This site is now secure and can be accessed without occuring problems.
Krishna Sen News Agency:
The Red Star http://www.krishnas enonline. org/theredstar/
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Long live the struggle for a Peoples’ Republic in Nepal

Posted by Member-WPRM (Britain) -By WPRM (Britain)
A great struggle is taking place in Nepal between reactionaries who want Nepal to be a bourgeois ‘Federal Democratic Republic’ and progressives who want to see the establishment of a Peoples’ Republic. The supporters of the Peoples’ Republic, who represent the interests of the great mass of the people, are led by the United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) or UCPN (M). Those who simply want the bourgeois ‘Federal Democratic Republic’ consolidated, and want no further progress, are the supporters of feudalism and imperialist domination of Nepal. They include leaders of Nepal Congress, the main opposition party.
There have been many recent discussions in Nepal’s media about the issues of integrating the UCPN (M) led People’s Liberation Army and the reactionary National Army. There have also been many discussions about the framing of a new constitution for the country. However, it is this struggle between the supporters of a People’s Republic and a reactionary republic that defines the nature of these other struggles.
This is a fight for Nepal’s independence against the forces that would keep it’s people in neo-colonial servitude and poverty. It is clear to all progressives in Nepal that the mass of the people there will not benefit from efforts to create development unless there is national economic independence. Otherwise the rural people will remain enslaved by landlordism and debt to money-lenders. The urban workers and national bourgeoisie will be strangled by Nepal’s integration into a regional and international trading and investment system in which it’s national economy is systematically suppressed by imperialists and bureaucrat capitalists and discriminated against by Indian expansionists.
To escape from this situation, the UCPN (M)’s strategy is for the working class to lead the other revolutionary classes to establish a New Democracy, which has been defined by the UCPN (M) as the Peoples’ Republic. This New Democracy can implement a strategy of national capitalist development that will create the necessary preconditions for the transition to socialism.
Therefore WPRM (Britain) resolutely supports the UCPN (M)’s decision to create a movement to oppose the consolidation of the Federal Democratic Republic and support the Peoples’ Republic. As Comrade Kiran, a senior Nepalese Maoist has said, this movement will principally be a movement of the people from the streets.
WPRM (Britain) is confident that all progressive people in Britain and around the world will support this historic struggle.
There is a link WPRM (Britain) under friends and comrades section on the right side of this page
Visit Political Economy Research

Visit Political Economy Research
* "The Politics of Economic Disaster" by Immanuel Wallerstein
* The Terminator of Austrian Economics
* The Rescue Plan from Hell by Michael Hudson
* Why the Bailout is bound to Fail by David Harvey
Monday, February 16, 2009
Prachanda speaks at 8th General UML Conference

"It is the time for the communists and to show off their skills," said Prachanda at 8th UML Conference in Butwal .He, however, said that was hopeful about the establishment of one communist center eventually in the country and that it is not a far cry.
"We are not in favour of pardon the elements that are trying to inject ill practices again by dividing the leftist and the progressive forces and we are ready to struggle against such attempts," thundered Prachanda.
"Now, my personal assistant (PA) was shot at in Kathmandu and is fighting for his life at hospital," said Dahal and wondered why the CPN-UML leaders including General Secretary Jhalanath Khanal remained reluctant to mention the issue at the convention.
Prime Minister Dahal said that regressive elements active in the country who do not want to see peace in this country are behind the incidents of Pyuthan Police Post attack and firing on his PA.
The prime minister said that the country has arrived at the juncture of estructuring the country in a 'federal republic' which ensures inclusive participation of people regardless of their caste, creed and region, which he said, is a bit different from the traditional feudal structure.
Asking for support from all the participants, Prachanda appealed to the political parties to forge a political consensus in order to take the peace process to a logical end and draft a new constitution.
Virus Warning from Maoist List

Warning! The Red Star and Krishna Sen-Nepal web site has been temporarily suspended due to serious virus.
We again stress, do not check this site by any means till the problem has been resolved.
We again stress, do not check this site by any means till the problem has been resolved.
Maoist org department decides to form four units - Party should be on Alert

Kantipur Reporter
KATHMANDU, Feb 15 - Unified CPN (Maoist) organizational department on Sunday decided to set up four departments at the earliest.
A meeting of the party's organizational department at the party headquarters in Buddnagar today prepared a proposal to form financial and account, publicity, education, and schooling departments.
Also today, the meeting reportedly discussed the addition of members in the party's state committees. The meeting evaluated that the party should be alert since, what he said, some "counter-revolution ary" forces have started conspiring against the party.
However, the party secretariat meeting that was expected to approve the decision made by the organisational department was put off today.
The CPN-Maoist said that meeting was postponed due to hectic schedule of party Chairman and Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal.
KATHMANDU, Feb 15 - Unified CPN (Maoist) organizational department on Sunday decided to set up four departments at the earliest.
A meeting of the party's organizational department at the party headquarters in Buddnagar today prepared a proposal to form financial and account, publicity, education, and schooling departments.
Also today, the meeting reportedly discussed the addition of members in the party's state committees. The meeting evaluated that the party should be alert since, what he said, some "counter-revolution ary" forces have started conspiring against the party.
However, the party secretariat meeting that was expected to approve the decision made by the organisational department was put off today.
The CPN-Maoist said that meeting was postponed due to hectic schedule of party Chairman and Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A delegation of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Sunday met Nepali Prime Minister Prachanda

KATHMANDU, Feb. 15 (Xinhua) -- A delegation of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Sunday met Nepali Prime Minister Prachanda at the latter's official residence in Nepali capital Kathmandu.
Prime Minister and Chairman of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) Prachanda has committed that all types of anti-China activities taking place on Nepal's soil would be controlled.
Reiterating one-China policy Nepal has adopted since many years ago, he said Nepal's land had never been used against China in the past and nor this will happen in future.
Liu Hongcai, deputy head of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee and chief of the delegation, said China was grateful for Nepal's precious and persistent support and cooperation in Tibet, Taiwan and human rights issues.
China believes the Nepali government will stick to its rightful stand, and effectively prevent any anti-China activities in Nepal,Liu said.
Prachanda also said that Nepali government and political parties are devoted to bringing the ongoing peace process to a logical end through negotiation, dialogue and cooperation.
Liu said, as Nepal's sound friend and good neighbor, China wishes Nepal to be stable and peaceful, achieving prosperity and development at an early date.
Both sides discussed on the traditional friendly relations and expressed the willingness to consolidate and develop the existing friendship so as to benefit both the peoples.
Liu Hongcai, as a representative of the CPC, came to Nepal to attend the eighth congress of the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist) at the invitation of the latter.
The delegation kicked off the tour to three South Asian nations-- Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan on Saturday. Liu and his delegation will also pay goodwill visits to Bangladesh and Pakistan at the invitation of Bangladesh Awami League and Pakistan People's Party.
Prime Minister and Chairman of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) Prachanda has committed that all types of anti-China activities taking place on Nepal's soil would be controlled.
Reiterating one-China policy Nepal has adopted since many years ago, he said Nepal's land had never been used against China in the past and nor this will happen in future.
Liu Hongcai, deputy head of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee and chief of the delegation, said China was grateful for Nepal's precious and persistent support and cooperation in Tibet, Taiwan and human rights issues.
China believes the Nepali government will stick to its rightful stand, and effectively prevent any anti-China activities in Nepal,Liu said.
Prachanda also said that Nepali government and political parties are devoted to bringing the ongoing peace process to a logical end through negotiation, dialogue and cooperation.
Liu said, as Nepal's sound friend and good neighbor, China wishes Nepal to be stable and peaceful, achieving prosperity and development at an early date.
Both sides discussed on the traditional friendly relations and expressed the willingness to consolidate and develop the existing friendship so as to benefit both the peoples.
Liu Hongcai, as a representative of the CPC, came to Nepal to attend the eighth congress of the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist) at the invitation of the latter.
The delegation kicked off the tour to three South Asian nations-- Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan on Saturday. Liu and his delegation will also pay goodwill visits to Bangladesh and Pakistan at the invitation of Bangladesh Awami League and Pakistan People's Party.
Mohan Baidya Sunday said that the exit of leader Matrika Yadav does not make any difference to the party.

Senior Unified CPN (Maoist) leader Mohan Baidya Sunday said that the exit of leader Matrika Yadav does not make any difference to the party.
The remarks of Baidya came in the wake of increasing possibility of the loss of Maoist grip in Madhesh with the departure of leader Yadav, who hails from southern belt Madhesh, from the party.
Leader Baidya said that Yadav would be allowed to rejoin if he comes back after correcting himself, though the party purged him on discipline ground.
Talking to journalists at the party headquarters in Buddhanagar today, Baidya, who is the ideologue and leads the hardliners within the party, made it clear that anyone who wants to quit the party are free to do so as there is ideological freedom in the party.
More than 100 leaders and activists of the Unified CPN (Maoist) defected to the CPN (Maoist) reconstituted and headed by Matrika Yadav on Saturday.
The defectors include Bhojpura State Committee member Indal Rai Yadav, central committee member of the Tharuwan Mukti Morcha Palat Chaudhary and central committee member of the Madheshi Rastriya Mukti Morcha Jayram Yadav.
Regional coordinator of the Young Communist League (YCL) Surendra Sahani and YCL district office secretary Binay Patel also joined the Yadav-led outfit.
After quitting the Unified Maoist, the defectors accused the Unified CPN (Maoist) of being an anti-Madhesh party.
Stating that he was never associated with the Unified CPN (Maoist), Matrika Yadav had said in Kathmandu on Feb. 11 that he was still loyal to the old Maoist party and wanted to give it “a new lease of life”.
Prachanda instructs Maoist Party to stay on alert

Prime Minister and Chairman of Unified CPN (Maoist) Prachanda has instructed his party cadres to stay alert for another revolution, on Saturday.
Addressing a function organised by All Nepal Trade Union Federation (ANTUF – affiliated to Maoists) in Lalitpur, Dahal said the party will not always be engaged in the peace process. "The constitution-drafting process will not last forever, we should seriously prepare ourselves for the next situation," said Dahal.
Dahal opined that while many communist movements in the world failed because they could not recognise the need of the hour, Maoists in Nepal understood the situation and acted accordingly. He said, his party would now take the revolution into new heights against colonial forces
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Matrika Yadav expelled from UCPN Maoist for anarchism and unprincipled activities
KATHMANDU, Feb 14: Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) on Saturday expelled its Central Committee leader Matrika Yadav from the party for his “anarchist and undisciplined activities,” party spokesperson Dina Nath Sharma said after party’s central secretariat meeting.
"He (Yadav) has been expelled from all his party positions including party´s ordinary membership," Sharma told
"He (Yadav) has been expelled from all his party positions including party´s ordinary membership," Sharma told
Nepal's UCPN-M army to become national army soon

KATHMANDU, Feb. 13 (Xinhua) -- Prime Minister and Chairman of Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) Prachanda has said that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) would not remain under the party from now onwards, The Rising Nepal reported on Friday.
Addressing a function organized at the 4th division of the PLA cantonment at Hattikhor, some 160 km west of Kathmandu, to mark the 14th anniversary of "the People's War" and 8th anniversary of the formation of the PLA on Thursday, Prachanda stated the Army Integration Special Committee (AISC) had already taken up the responsibility to look after the PLA.
He said that all the PLA commanders and soldiers had to abide without any grudges by the decision of the AISC.
He said that the Integration of the PLA would be as stated in the interim constitution.
Prachanda, who had been the supreme commander of the PLA before he was elected to the premiership, said that he was present in the function as the first Prime inister of federal democratic republic of Nepal and urged the PLA to act esponsibly for peace and progress
Matrika Yadav has quit the Maoist Party

Matrika Yadav is known for his short temper. He is a central committee member of the party of the ex-rebels. Matrika's contributions that he extended to the Maoists party-now the ruling one-in its formative days are immense and commendable.
Now Matrika is himself a rebellion. He has quit the party for good.
But why he abandoned the party he served for decades? What could have been the prime reason that encouraged him to declare in a some what angered mood that he remains no longer the CC member of the Maoists party?
These are some questions that demand plausible answers.
A section of the Biratnagar analysts while talking the telegraphnepal. com said that Matrika's out right resignation from the mother party was nothing more than a political stunt.
Yet others, some somber analysts, claim that Matrika was talking sense and he means business this time around.
Matrika's allegations are valid in the sense that his former party is functioning on a whimsical basis. No discipline is demanded nor one cares for the prevalence of the discipline that is demanded of a dogmatic party of the sort of the Maoists.
He claims that favoritism and nepotism has engulfed the party tip to toe. He adds, the party has abandoned the basic premises and forgotten the chartered objectives for which the party came into existence.
However, he says, "Unless the issues and concerns of the exploited ones from both the Madhesh and the Pahadi community not addressed, the state will remain hostage to such issues and problems for long time to come".
In effect, he is talking sense in that he is the first ever Madhesi leader who has championed the case even those of the Pahadiyas.
Whether his love and honor for the Pahadiya community is a genuine one or is otherwise will come to the open in the days ahead.
"I have now quit the Maoists party for good", is what said a beaming Matrika yesterday February 11, 2009, in Kathmandu while talking to the pressmen.
The Himalayan allegation he has labeled upon his former party is that, according to him, the Maoists must not have embraced the Unity center led by Comrade PRAKASH.
Now Matrika is himself a rebellion. He has quit the party for good.
But why he abandoned the party he served for decades? What could have been the prime reason that encouraged him to declare in a some what angered mood that he remains no longer the CC member of the Maoists party?
These are some questions that demand plausible answers.
A section of the Biratnagar analysts while talking the telegraphnepal. com said that Matrika's out right resignation from the mother party was nothing more than a political stunt.
Yet others, some somber analysts, claim that Matrika was talking sense and he means business this time around.
Matrika's allegations are valid in the sense that his former party is functioning on a whimsical basis. No discipline is demanded nor one cares for the prevalence of the discipline that is demanded of a dogmatic party of the sort of the Maoists.
He claims that favoritism and nepotism has engulfed the party tip to toe. He adds, the party has abandoned the basic premises and forgotten the chartered objectives for which the party came into existence.
However, he says, "Unless the issues and concerns of the exploited ones from both the Madhesh and the Pahadi community not addressed, the state will remain hostage to such issues and problems for long time to come".
In effect, he is talking sense in that he is the first ever Madhesi leader who has championed the case even those of the Pahadiyas.
Whether his love and honor for the Pahadiya community is a genuine one or is otherwise will come to the open in the days ahead.
"I have now quit the Maoists party for good", is what said a beaming Matrika yesterday February 11, 2009, in Kathmandu while talking to the pressmen.
The Himalayan allegation he has labeled upon his former party is that, according to him, the Maoists must not have embraced the Unity center led by Comrade PRAKASH.
If one were to believe what Matrika says of the Unity center then one is forced to understand that the Center led by Prakash which has recently merged itself into the mainstream Maoists party is a party that has abundant hatred towards the Maoists.
Another Himalayan allegation is that, he claims, his former party "abandoned its revolutionary character and has been entrapped in the whirlpool of the parliamentary parties and practices".
Matrika's anger can be gauged from his blunt declaration wherein he says, "I will tender my resignation from the Constituent Assembly membership in a day or two".
To recall, Mr. Yadav was nominated to the CA from the proportional representation system.
Now that Matrika has left his mother party and has, as per his claim, "restructured the Maoists party" , what remains to be seen is how the two high ranking Maoists leaders, Rabindra Shrestha and Mani Thapa, take this fresh initiative.
By the way, Mr. Shrestha has already entered the UML. Thapa is thus an open card who can fit into Matrika's scheme, if the former so desired.
It will be more than interesting if Matrika's "restructured" party forms an alliance with the newly floated "Left Revolutionary Wing".
If the said Wing gets associated with Matrika's new political entity then understandably, the nation will have yet another militant outfit which will definitely rock the nation.
The political jolt will be felt soon if the Tarai militant outfits too extend their helping hands to Matrika.
But then the Himalayan wonder has been that Matrika has announced the formation of his party upon the completion of his fresh China visit.
Source: The Telegraph
Matrika Yadav Rebels Against UCPN-Maoist

THT Online
Kathmandu, February 12
Matrika Yadav, one of the politburo members of the Unified CPN-Maoist, on Wednesday announced that he would retain CPN-Maoist as Unified CPN-M led by Prachanda had turned into a "revisionist" and "reformist" force.
He said he would give continuity to the revolutionary spirit of the CPN-Maoist that waged the People's War to overthrow the feudal monarchy. Yadav also accused the Unified CPN-Maoist of deviating from the revolutionary spirit and reaching compromises with compradors. He said he would also quit the Constituent Assembly.
He was nominated to the CA by the then CPN-Maoist under the party's PR seats. He was also appointed Minister for Land Reforms and Management in Prachanda's cabinet after the CA polls. He was forced to resign as the minister over the land-grab controversy in Siraha.
"I will reorganise the party in a new spirit, accommodating all revolutionary cadres," Yadav told a packed press conference here on Wednesday.
He accused the party leadership of bringing non-Maoists, opportunists and comfort-seekers into the party in the name of unification with the CPN-Unity Centre Masal. He had opposed the unification during the national-level cadres' meet held in Kharipati about two months ago.
Addressing the press meet, he said the Prachanda-led party did not address the plights of martyrs who sacrificed their lives during the People's War; tried to dissolve the People's Liberation Army, which was instrumental in pulling down the monarchy; resorted to class reconciliation and gave more importance to the government instead of people's movement.
"The party also bowed down to the pressure of the parliamentary forces and agreed to return the land captured by the peasants and landless people during the conflict," Yadav said.
He said the Unified CPN-Maoist was plagued by corruption, commission and was promoting a culture of nepotism in the party rank and file.
"I will dedicate myself to build a national-level communist party," Yadav said, adding: "National unity will not strengthen unless there is reconciliation between the people of Madhes and hill. There should be a strong communist party in the Madhes as well." He also claimed that other Madhes-based parties were serving vested interests of foreign elements and landlords in the Tarai-Madhes.
"Prachanda's wrong policy led to the mushrooming of regional Madhesi parties who represent the landlords," he alleged. He also said Prachanda was receptive to all views during the People's War but had stopped listening to dissident views after he came to power.
On the demand of a single autonomy to entire Madhes, Yadav said the issue should be resolved by the people themselves. "First, there must be a clear definition of Madhes and then we should decide on the number of federal states," he said.
Asked whether the People' Liberation Army of the Unified CPN-Maoist would also support his cause, Yadav said the true revolutionary PLA fighters would join his fold.
He said he would also approach Jay Krishna Goit to join his party. He hoped that the dissident cadres of the Unified CPN-Maoist would join his party to maintain the party's revolutionary spirit. He also said the central committee of the new-found party would be announced soon
Friday, February 13, 2009
Greek Marxist Leninists congratulate Nepalese Maoist Party on 14th Anniversary of People's War

To the Central Committee of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
On behalf of the members and the cadres of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) , we convey our warmest revolutionary greetings for the 14th anniversary of People's War to your members and cadres as well as to the progressive Nepali men and women who actively participate in the struggle for social and national liberation.Greek communists and many progressives and leftists watch closely the very important political and social development in Nepal and express their support and solidarity.
They wish your Party efforts will succeed and the struggle of the Nepali people will be justified. The recent success of your Party's unification efforts brought joy to them and they hope that all the others unifying efforts will succeed towards the greatest possible unity of Nepali communists.We think that your struggle for establishing a new constitution which will serve the aspiration of the vast majority of Nepali people is very significant and we express our strong support to the struggle conducted against local reactionaries and foreign forces that try to obstruct the course of the Nepali people's revolutionary movement.
In a period of increasing needs and tasks for the communists all over the planet your struggle is a source of inspiration and optimism.
Leading Organ of CPG(m-l)
We salute the 14th anniversary of People's War. - Italian Communists

Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
Central Commitee
We salute the 14th anniversary of People's War.
We salute the struggling Nepalese people and masses that under the
leadership of your party celebrate this glorious anniversary in Kathmandu.
The People's War in Nepal has represented a shining beacon for the
proletariat and oppressed peoples of the world, it has affirmed the force of
Maoism and of the communist party based on Maoism, as apt instruments to guide the people toward rebellion and liberation.
People's War in Nepal has showed the fact that Mao's paved way and a
Marxist-Leninist- Maoist party can effectively be the winning way for
proletarians and peoples worldwide to overturn imperialism and the
reactionary regimes to its service, to build a new power, to realize a New
Democratic Republic and march toward socialism and communism.
The ten years of people's war have demonstrate that this is necessary and
possible and we can advance and win.
The Nepalese revolution has intertwined the people's war with the political
struggle on all fronts to accomplish its aims.
The Nepalese popular masses have supported this way, giving to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) the victory in the elections and the leadership of the coalition government.
Along this path we have acquired more lessons and enrichment in the science of proletarian revolution and in the application of Marxism-Leninism- Maoism in the concrete reality of each country.
The Nepalese revolution has pointed out the importance of tactics to assert the strategy.
In the last periods of its development the Nepalese revolution faces
external and inner enemies that want to stop the wheel of history, reverse
the obtained achievements and impede the accomplishment of the new
democratic revolution.
In this context it is right and necessary the unity of the revolutionary
pole of the Nepalese people to fight back the forces of counterrevolution.
The decisive aspect in constructing the revolutionary pole is that of
fighting against the revisionism which is still the principal inner enemy of
the communist movement on national and international scale.
This anniversary is the appropriate occasion to celebrate and reaffirm that
people's war in all its forms is the only way that can lead the proletariat
and peoples to victory against imperialism and reaction, that only an
authentic communist party based on Maoism applied to the concrete reality is the necessary guide.
If the Nepalese revolution will advance in the wake of these principles and
verified experiences, the victory will be sure. And this will serve the new
wave of world proletarian revolution that must assert itself against the
imperialism in crisis.
Long live the 14th anniversary of the heroic people's war!
Long live Marxism-Leninism- Maoism!
Long live proletarian internationalism!
With Nepalese proletariat and Nepalese people till victory!
Maoist Communist Party - Italy
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