Wednesday, November 30, 2011
"One day a free India will appear in the world" Joint Statement of Proletarian Party of East Bengal (Maoist Unity Group/ Bangladesh and Communist Party Marxist Leninist Maoist (France)
November 28, 2011
Proletarian Party of East Bengal (Maoist Unity Group)/Bangladesh
Communist Party Marxist Leninist Maoist (France)
“One day a free India will appear in the world!”
It is with deep sadness that we learnt the brutal killing of Comrade Koteshwar Rao alias Kishenji in the Jangalmahal region of West Bengal, in India.
This murder hurts us in our minds, in our flesh. Because we are communists, because India is a big country, where an important part of the world masses are living. Numerous are the contributions of the Indian culture to the history of the world, and this will continue.
India's importance can not be stressed enough; as Mao Zedong did it himself:
« One day a free India will appear in the world as a member of the great family of socialism and People's Democracies, just as free as China has.
That day shall end the epoch of imperialism and reaction in the history of humanity. »
(Mao Zedong, Telegram to the Communist Party of India, november 19, 1949, to B.T. Ranadive, general secretary of the Communist Party of India, signed by Mao Zedong and dated).
That is why all the genuine communists never forget India, and that is why the murder of Comrade Koteshwar Rao Kishenji appears as a terrible pain, not only for the Indian revolution, but also for the World Proletarian Revolution.
And when we hear so few about India, we think it is not conform to reality, it doesn't correspond to what the masses of India are carrying, in culture, in politics, in ideology, especially with the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and the people's war led by this Party.
We hope the CPI (Maoist) understands the great value that all over the world we, communists, give to it. We hope the CPI (Maoist) understand its international importance.The international reaction wants to crush the Indian People's War, at any price. We hope the CPI (Maoist) understands well the dimension of its struggle.Even if the CPI (Maoist) is the product of the working class of India, even if the struggle is a national one, the revolution / counter-revolution contradiction at the international level plays here a central role.
In this difficult situation for Marxism-Leninism-Maoism since the arrest of Comrade Gonzalo, leader of the Communist Party of Peru, and the revisionist turn in Nepal, the Indian People's War appears as a torch in the world.
If yesterday were only a few that knew really about the People's War in India, today the impact of it is so big, it shines all over the planet.
Because of this, the CPI (Maoist) can not be able to carry negotiation with the Trinomul Congress government of West Bengal, like it was made; no guarantee can ever be made by the state of India or one of the local state governments, as they are totally submitted to the international counter-revolution.
In the same way, the CPI (Maoist) can not be silent any more in what concerns the International Communist Movement, and must assume its tasks, for example what concern the Nepali failure... and also about such important questions as the city and land contradiction, ecology, the defense of our planet against the greed of the Multi National Companies.
As on many points here, the CPI (Maoist) is on the forefront of the struggle, and it must express this on the cultural, ideological and political levels.
The Indian People's War is facing a huge counter-insurgency, pushed by the international counter-revolution. To overcome this, the Indian People's War must also feed the revolutionaries in others countries, giving them ideological, political and cultural weapons to support it.
As said in the joint document of the Proletarian Party of East Bengal (Maoist Unity Group) of Bangladesh and the Kangleipak Communist party (KCP) of Manipur:
“We believe that correct tactics flow from correct strategies, which flow from a correct ideological and political line. We believe that the fight against imperialism, capitalism and colonial ruler hand in hand with the fight against revisionism, chauvinism, and opportunism.
We believe that the ruling colonial bourgeoisie will never give up its power without a fight. Putting an end to the colonial ruler is only possible by building public opinion to seize power through armed struggle.
We believe, however, that any armed insurrection on the territory of South Asia will be inevitably crushed until an arising of objective conditions for its mass support of the potentially revolutionary strata of the population.”
The time where arise the objective conditions is coming, and the possibilities will be used only if Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is understood as the international ideology of the working-class, if the dimension of the struggle is understood as a national one, but also as an internationalist one in the epoch of the World Proletarian Revolution.
Victory to the People's War in India, as part of the World Proletarian Revolution!
Let us build a new International, based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Proletarian Party of East Bengal (Maoist Unity Group) [Bangladesh]
Communist Party Marxist Leninist Maoist [France ]
Comrade Basanta speaks in London on 2nd December 2011
Maoist Communist Party’s Politburo member

Comrade Indra Mohan Sigdel (Basanta)
speaks in London on
Revolution and Counter-Revolution
in Nepal
7-10pm, Friday, 2nd December
Indian YMCA , Conference Room
41 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 6AQ, Near Warren Street tube
"A serious ideological struggle is going on in our party now. While saying so, it does not mean that there was no ideological struggle in our party before. It perseveres in a party; sometimes it is extensive and sharp and sometimes not. Moreover, it struggle does not always centre on only one issue; but on different issues depending on time and context. The ideological struggle in our party has now been manifested in two lines, Marxism or reformism, and it has centred on ideological, political and organisational lines. It is very much piercing and serious too." - Comrade Basanta
Second Wave Publications , London
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
We are disagree with the tendency that is going to dissolve People’s Liberation Army – Mep Bahadur Kunwar, ‘Vivek”
Mep Bdr. Kunwar "Com. Vivek" is a Divisional Deputy Commander in the 6thDivision of People's Liberation Army (PLA) camp; which is located in Surkhet district, Mid-WesternNepal. He is one of the prominent commanders of PLA in Nepal. Journalist Janmadev Jaishi has taken interview with him while PLA is being regrouping.]
Is People’s Liberation Army satisfied with this running process of regrouping ?
The most prominent issue of this period is to carry the peace process into a logical end. That includes the most important issue of the integration of army. However, what we are realizing now is quite reverse than what we had thought in the beginning of the peace process. The policy and the plan that is being implemented these days is promoting status quo in place of peace and transformation of the state.
Actually people want guarantee of state restructuring aiming to advance for the transformation that includes the right of all the oppressed, marginalized and the excluded regions, castes, ethnicity, women, dalits, madheshis and minorities like Muslims and others. Peace process will be stable only after the proper address to the aforementioned agendas that empowers the people and the nation. If the political parties can not address the people, they will pile up the problems into a high mountain that will certainly create complexity. Being acquainted with all these activities and scenario made from the side of the government and the heads of the big political parties, we, the thousands of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) commanders and the soldiers are not satisfied at all.
Is the inner struggle of UCPN-Maoist influencing PLA and its process of fusion?
What we are thinking is that the main leadership of the party is not taking the process seriously and responsibly. The inner struggle that is being run inside the party is about the integration of the army, returning land and the restructuring of the sate for progress. Therefore, we the PLA commanders and the soldiers are taking all these issues very seriously. We are measuring all the running activities and the process within the criteria of the aim, goal and the objectives that were put forwarded when the PLA was established. What we are questioning is that how the social contradictions, that were ripen into a decade long People’s War (PW) and the People’s Movement-II, are being carried into a logical end. Certainly, we the commanders and the soldiers have difference of opinion. But, what I have understood is that the aim of establishing PLA has not yet been fulfilled. Keeping this issue in the center, I am listening from some of our commanders and the leader that they are talking about the socialist revolution. A question still exists if the People’s New Democratic Revolution (PNDR) has been completed in the context of Nepal? It means there is no more need of the PLA, whole timer cadres, any struggle and the support of the people! If so, the contradiction has been solved and there are no more feudalistic, land lords, comprador capitalists, bureaucratic capitalism and bourgeois and, on the other hand, poor, homeless and landless peasants and the workers?
What is reality, then?
The struggle against feudalism, imperialism and their puppets is being intense in these days. It is left to be finalized. The opinion of socialist revolution in the context ofNepaldoes not match with the contradiction and class analysis that prevails in today’sNepal. This opinion has disrespected the sacrifice, dedication and devotion of PLA. The heads and the followers of reciting socialist revolution have diverted the real issue towards the aimless direction. The reality known to all is that the agendas of federalism, state restructuring, secularism, inclusive, proportionate representative and the election of the Constituent Assembly (CA), (now sovereign CA exists), are the achievements that were gained through PW and the decisive role of the PLA.
What our disagreement is that the PLA has been disarmed, it is being made dress-less and being recruited as the fresh recruiters. Isn’t it a condemnable? The tendency that dishonours, minimizes and tries to make the PLA like clown in the plays is not acceptable for all of us.
But, broad sheet papers and big electronic media are propagating that pleasing environment is being created in the cantonment sites while regrouping is running. How is ground reality?
We are in the critical turn of the history. The question is not to be happy and unhappy. We are directly involving in the domestic contradictions, party contradictions, and we are scrutinizing all the issues connecting them with the fate and future of the nation and the people. We are worried- where we are being driven to? The version that is exposed through the papers and the electronic media is according to their own class and class opinion which they are being indoctrinated. It is very true within UCPN-Maoist party and other political parties and the intellectuals as well.
PLA soldiers and commanders are being clear while passing through the process these days. Process of regrouping is going to be ended. The main leadership of the party has told a lie to PLA since four years. PLA, at last, is being dissolved.
Source: Red Star
Source: Red Star
Condemn the brutal murder of Comrade Mallojula Koteswara Rao, the beloved leader of the oppressed masses, the leader of Indian revolution and CPI (Maoist) Politburo member! Observe protest week from November 29 to December 5 and 48-hour ‘Bharat Bandh’ on December 4-5!!
Press Release
November 25, 2011
Condemn the brutal murder of Comrade Mallojula Koteswara Rao, the beloved leader of the oppressed masses,
the leader of Indian revolution and CPI (Maoist) Politburo member!
the leader of Indian revolution and CPI (Maoist) Politburo member!
Observe protest week from November 29 to December 5
and 48-hour ‘Bharat Bandh’ on December 4-5!!
and 48-hour ‘Bharat Bandh’ on December 4-5!!
November 24, 2011 would remain a black day in the annals of Indian revolutionary movement’s history. The fascist Sonia-Manmohan-Pranab-Chidambaram-Jairam Ramesh ruling clique who have been raising a din that CPI (Maoist) is ‘the biggest internal security threat’, in collusion with West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee, killed Comrade Mallojula Koteswara Rao after capturing him alive in a well planned conspiracy. This clique which had killed Comrade Azad, our party’s spokesperson on July 1, 2010 once again spread its dragnet and quenched its thirst for blood. Mamata Banerjee, who had shed crocodile’s tears over the murder of Comrade Azad before coming to power, while enacting the drama of talks on the one hand after assuming office, killed another topmost leader Comrade Koteswara Rao and thus displayed nakedly its anti-people and fascist facet. The central intelligence agencies and the killer intelligence agencies of West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh chased him in a well planned conspiracy and killed him in a cowardly manner in a joint operation and now spreading a concocted story of encounter. The central home secretary R.K. Singh even while lying that they do not know for certain who died in the encounter, has in the same breath announced that this is a big blow to the Maoist movement. Thus he nakedly gave away their conspiracy behind this killing. The oppressed people would definitely send to grave the exploiting ruling classes and their imperialist masters who are day dreaming that they could wipe out the Maoist party by killing the top leadership of the revolutionary movement.
Comrade Koteswara Rao, who is hugely popular as Prahlad, Ramji, Kishenji and Bimal inside the party and among the people, is one of the important leaders of the Indian revolutionary movement. The tireless warrior who never rested his gun while fighting for the liberation of the oppressed masses since the past 37 years and who has laid down his life for the sake of the ideology he believed in, was born in 1954 in Peddapally town of Karimnagar district of North Telangana, Andhra Pradesh. Raised by his father Late Venkataiah who was a freedom fighter and his mother Madhuramma, who has been of progressive views, Koteswara Rao imbibed love for his country and its oppressed masses since childhood. In 1969, he had participated in the historic separate Telangana movement while he was in his high school studies in Peddapally town. He joined the revolutionary movement with the inspiration of the glorious Naxalbari and Srikakulam movements while studying graduation in SRR college of Karimnagar. He started working as an active member of the Party from 1974. He spent some time in jail during the black period of the Emergency. After lifting up of the Emergency, he started working as a party organizer in his home district of Karimnagar. He responded to the “Go to Villages” campaign call of the party and developed relations with the peasantry by going to the villages. He was one of those who played a prominent role in the upsurge of peasant movement popular as ‘Jagityal Jaitrayatra’ (Victory March of Jagityal) in 1978. In this course, he was elected as the district committee member of the Adilabad-Karimnagar joint committee of the CPI (ML). In 1979 when this committee was divided into two district committees he became the secretary of the Karimnagar district committee. He participated in the Andhra Pradesh state 12th party conference, was elected to the AP state committee and took responsibilities as its secretary.
Up to 1985, as part of the AP state committee leadership he played a crucial role in spreading the movement all over the state and in developing the North Telangana movement which was advancing with guerilla zone perspective. He played a prominent role in expanding the movement to Dandakaranya (DK) and developing it. He was transferred to Dandakaranya in 1986 and took up responsibilities as a member of the Forest Committee. He led the guerilla squads and the people in Gadchiroli and Bastar areas of DK. In 1993 he was co-opted as a member into the Central Organizing Committee (COC).
From 1994 onwards he mainly worked to spread and develop the revolutionary movement in Eastern and Northern parts of India including West Bengal. Particularly his role in uniting the revolutionary forces which were scattered after the setback of the Naxalbari movement in West Bengal and in reviving the revolutionary movement there is extraordinary. He mingled deeply with the oppressed masses of Bengal and the various sections of the revolutionary camp, learnt Bangla language with determination and left an indelible mark in the hearts of the people there. He worked tirelessly in achieving unity with several revolutionary groups and in strengthening the party. Comrade Koteswara Rao was elected as a Central Committee (CC) member in the All India Special Conference of erstwhile CPI (ML) (People’s War) held in 1995. He strived for achieving unity between People’s War and Party Unity in 1998. In the Party Congress of erstwhile CPI (ML)(PW) held in 2001 he was once again elected into CC and Politburo. He took up responsibilities as the secretary of the North Regional Bureau (NRB) and led the revolutionary movements in Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Delhi, Haryana and Punjab states. Simultaneously he played a key role in the unity talks held between erstwhile PW and MCCI. He served as a member of the unified CC and Politburo formed after the merger of the two parties in 2004 and worked as a member of the Eastern Regional Bureau (ERB). He mainly concentrated on the state movement of West Bengal and continued as the spokesperson of the ERB.
Comrade Koteswara Rao played a prominent role in running party magazines and in the field of political education inside the party. He took part in running ‘Kranti’, ‘Errajenda’, ‘Jung’, ‘Prabhat’, ‘Vanguard’ and other party magazines. He had a special role to play in bringing out various revolutionary magazines in West Bengal. He wrote many theoretical and political articles in these magazines. He was a member of the Sub-Committee on Political Education (SCOPE) and played a prominent role in teaching Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the party ranks. In the entire history of the party he played a memorable role in expanding the revolutionary movement, in enriching the party documents and in developing the movement. He participated in the Unity Congress-9th Congress of the party held in 2007 January, was elected as CC member once again and took responsibilities of Politburo member and member of the ERB.
The political guidance given by Comrade Koteswara Rao to the Singur and Nandigram people’s movements which erupted since 2007 against the anti-people and pro-corporate policies of the social fascist CPM government in West Bengal and particularly to the glorious upsurge of people’s rebellion in Lalgarh against police atrocities is prominent. He guided the West Bengal state committee and the party ranks to lead these movements and on the other hand conducted party propaganda through the media too with initiative. In 2009 when the Chidambaram clique tried to mislead the middle classes in the name of talks and ceasefire, he worked significantly in exposing it. He did enormous work in keeping aloft the importance of People’s War and in taking the revolutionary politics into the vast masses. This great revolutionary journey which went on for almost four decades came to an abrupt end on November 24, 2011.
Beloved People! Democrats!!
Do condemn this brutal murder. It is the conspiracy of the ruling classes to wipe out the revolutionary leadership and deprive the people of correct guidance and proletarian leadership. It is a known fact that the Maoist movement is the biggest hurdle to the big robbers and compradors who are stashing millions in Swiss banks by selling for peanuts the Jal, Jungle and Zameen of the country to the imperialist sharks. The multi-pronged, country-wide brutal offensive named Operation Green Hunt of the past two years is exactly serving this purpose. This cold-blooded murder is part of that. It is the duty of the patriots and freedom-loving people of the country to protect the revolutionary movement and its leadership like the pupil of their eye. It’s nothing but protecting the future of the country and that of the next generations.
Even at the age of 57, Com. Koteswara Rao led the hard life of a guerilla like a young man and had filled the cadres and people with great enthusiasm wherever he went. His life would particularly serve as a great inspiration to the younger generation. He studied and worked for hours together without rest and traveled great distances. He slept very little, led a simple life and was a hard worker. He used to mingle easily with people of all ages and with people who come from various social sections and fill them with revolutionary enthusiasm. No doubt, the martyrdom of Comrade Koteswara Rao is a great loss to the Indian revolutionary movement. But the people of our country are very great. It is the people and the people’s movements which gave birth to courageous and dedicated revolutionaries like Koteswara Rao. The workers and peasants and the revolutionaries who have imbibed the revolutionary spirit of Koteswara Rao right from Jagityal to Jungle Mahal and who have armed themselves with the revolutionary fragrance he spread all over the country would definitely lead the Indian New Democratic Revolution in a victory path. They would wipe out the imperialists and their lackey landlord and comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie and their representatives like Sonia, Manmohan, Chidambaram and Mamata Banerjee.
Our CC is appealing to the people of the country to observe protest week from November 29 to December 5 and observe 48-hour ‘Bharat Bandh’ on December 4-5 in protest of the brutal murder of Comrade Koteswara Rao. We are appealing that they take up various programmes like holding meetings, rallies, dharnas, wearing black badges, road blocks etc protesting this murder. We are requesting that trains, roadways, commercial and educational institutions be closed and that all kinds of trade transactions be stopped as part of the ‘Bharat Bandh’ on December 4-5. However, we are exempting medical services from the Bandh.
Central Committee,
CPI (Maoist)
A farce difficult to boycott Why Tahrir II is also a criticism to the elections
The entire electoral system is designed to cut out the revolutionary movement. All the changes implemented during the preparations regarded only the relationship between the army and its closest allies on one hand and the Islamic forces on the other. The principled criticism of the left that first the new rules of the game must be democratically defined before the match can begin is substantiated by the concrete shortcomings of the rules:
1) The parliament is void of any powers. It neither can build a government nor can it legislate against the will of the military. Its only purpose is to choose the constituent assembly.
2) One third of the seats are distributed by a single winner system. This means that in the urban environment most seats will go to the MB or here and there Salafi candidates while in the rural areas many ex-Mubarak notables will make it.
3) Two thirds of the seats are contested by lists with a maximum of ten positions but often also less. That means a threshold of at best 10% up to sometimes 25% to gain one seat. Thus smaller lists are cut out.
4) Party registration requires a lot of money which de facto is only possible with the support of big business or the army. For the different revolutionary forces, and not only for them, registration therefore was impossible. This created opportunist electoral blocks without principles.
5) A certain amount of seats are directly appointed by the military council.
6) Scarcely populated regions are better represented to the benefit of the ex-Mubarak notables.
For full Report here:
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
from Nepal: “Red Salute ! to our Beloved Comrade Kishanj
from Nepal: “Red Salute ! to our Beloved Comrade Kishanji”
Comrade Kishanji
It is a matter of deep sorrow that the reactionary Indian government has murdered Comrade Kishanji alias Malloujula Koteswara Rao, Politburo Member of CPI (Maoist), in a fake incounter in Burishol forest area, west Midnapore District, Jangalmahal, West Bengal on 24 November 2011. He was a leading figure and spokesperson for CPI (Maoist) . According CPI (Maoist) statement issued to the media, Kishanji was arrested and tortured and then brutally killed.
Comrade Kissan is not unknown to us. We have already published his interviews in Nepalese magazines. In this moment, our Revolutionary Cultural-Intellectual Front strongly condemns the cold-blooded murder of Comrade Kishanji -a true revolutionary hero of the oppressed people of India. And we urge to all intellectuals and cultural activists of this region to denounce this cowardly killing of Comrade Kishanji by the Indian reactionary forces.
In a famous article ‘Serve the People’, Comrade Mao has mentioned: “Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai, but to work for the fascists and die for the exploiters and oppressors is lighter than a feather.”
Yes, it is true Comrade Kishanji died for the people, and his death is indeed weightier than Mount Everest. From the bottom of our hearts we express our Red Salute to the people’s hero Comrade Kishanji.
The Indian reactionary government has murdered Comrade Kishanji, but not his ideology. They can’t kill Marxism-Leninism and Maoism. The movement will continue, the revolution will continue.
We know the reactionary government of Nepal, an Indian Puppet government led by Baburam Bhattarai and Prachanda, a new avatar of Samanta (Fedual) will not denounce it.
Now they are turned into the real traitor of Indian expansionism. But we, the revolutionary intellectuals and the political activists who fought ten years People’s War and who are still fighting for the people’s liberation, are always with the brave communist fighters of India, oppressed people of India. In fact, the hundreds of millions of oppressed people of the world, who dream of liberation, are always with the oppressed people of India. The red flag of revolution will not be bent down. The long march of revolution will not be stopped. Let us march ahead.
Rishi Raj Baral, Convener: Revolutionary Cultural-Intellectual Forum
Kathmandu, Nepal, November 26th, 2011
The Communist Party of India-Maoist has called for two-day "Bharat bandh" December 4-5 to protest against the killing of its politburo member Kishanji.
Telugu Poet Gaddar honours Kishanji at Funeral Ceremony on Sunday in his home town of Peddapalli in Karimnagar District
HYDERABAD: The Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist) has called for two-day "Bharat bandh" December 4-5 to protest against the killing of its politburo member Kishanji.
The central committee also called for a "protest week" from Tuesday.
Revolutionary writer P. Varavara Rao read out the statement of the central committee before the funeral of Kishanji in his home town Peddapalli in Karimnagar district, about 200 km from here.
Paying rich tributes to Kishanji, the CPI-Maoist state that security forces tortured and killed him in cold blood.
Admitting that Kishanji's death was a big blow, the party blamed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh,Congress president Sonia Gandhi, Home Minister P. Chidambaram and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for the killing.
The statement released in the name of central committee spokesman Abhay alleged that the Mamata Banerjee government while talking of peace conspired with the central government to kill Kishenji.
The central committee urged that all shops, businesses, and rail and road services should be shut December 4-5.
Varavara Rao holds Mamata Banerjee responsible for the torture and death of Kishanji
Picture Mamata Banerjee
Telugu Poet P Varavara Rao on Saturday said slain leader Kishenji was killed in a 'staged encounter' and held West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee responsible for the death.
"I have seen him (Kishenji) several times since 1991. During the last 43 years I have seen a lot of dead bodies but none like this.
They cut him, burnt him, then pumped bullets into him.
They cut him, burnt him, then pumped bullets into him.
"There isn't a single part of his body without an injury.
They kept him in custody for 24 hours and tortured him," said Rao, who along with Kishenji's niece Deepa Rao has come here to identify and take back the rebel leader's body back to his native place in Andhra Pradesh.
They kept him in custody for 24 hours and tortured him," said Rao, who along with Kishenji's niece Deepa Rao has come here to identify and take back the rebel leader's body back to his native place in Andhra Pradesh.
Rao held Banerjee responsible for killing Kishenji.
"Mamata (Banerjee) has killed Kishenji who had asked her for peace," Rao told reporters.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Death of Comrade Kishanji - Peddapally plunged into mourning
- A pall of gloom has descended over Peddapally in Karimnagar district on hearing about the death of the senior CPI Maoist leader Mallojula Koteshwara Rao alias Kishenji as the people recalled the memories of his childhood and youth.
Kishanji's mother Madhuramma has been crying uncontrollably ever since she heard the news of the death of her son in an alleged encounter in West Bengal yesterday. The other family members including his younger brother Anjaneyalu, a cooperative bank employee, were the picture of mourning.
While many locals including some of Kishanji's childhood friends openly praised him as a ‘beacon of hope for the poor' and ‘a revolutionary who fought against injustice', Anjaneyalu demanded that his body be handed over to the family so they could perform the last rites in Peddapally.
An inspiration
A large number of people gathered at the residence of Kishenji's brother to express their condolences.
"They have killed him physically but his life will remain an inspiration for the people as long as there is injustice in the society,"
said a middle-aged woman.
"They have killed him physically but his life will remain an inspiration for the people as long as there is injustice in the society,"
said a middle-aged woman.
Meanwhile Kishenji's niece Deepa along with three activists left for Kolkatta this morning to retrieve the body. The group was led by revolutionary poet Vara Vara Rao and included Andhra Pradesh civil liberties committee secretary C Chandrashekhar, Padma Kumari, Secretary, Amarula Bandhu Mitrulu Sangham (Martyrs Relatives and Friends Association).
However Vara Vara Rao was taken into custody by the West Bengal Police as soon as he landed in Kolkatta. Before leaving Hyderabad he condemned Kishernji's killing as a ‘fake encounter' and demanded a judicial inquiry in to the incident.
"We will approach High Court for a fresh post-mortem in Kolkatta and bring the body to his home town Peddapally, Karimnagar district for last rites," said Vara Vara Rao.
At present the body is being kept in the Midnapore hospital mortuary.
"It will take some time to complete the formalities and get the body handed over to the family members", said another activist involved in the efforts.
"This is nothing but a fake encounter, an inhuman act. He was taken into custody by the police during the search operation a day earlier," said Vara Vara Rao.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Death of Comrade Kishanji - All men must die, but death can vary in its significance.
Picture: Comrade Kishanji
All men must die, but death can vary in its significance. The ancient Chinese writer Szuma Chien said,
"Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather." To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai, but to work for the fascists and die for the exploiters and oppressors is lighter than a feather.
Comrade Kishanji died for the people, and his death is indeed weightier than Mount Tai .
Mao Zedong - Serve the People
amended by Democracy and Class Struggle
based on September 8th 1944 article
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