Monday, May 31, 2010

Mohan Baidya Kiran of UCPN Maoist warns of dire crisis if Madhav Kumar Nepal does not go within 72 hours

Kathmandu (AsiaNews) – Relations between the government and Maoists are tense again. Last Friday, the two sides had reached an historic agreement on extending the current provisional constitution.

Today, the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) gave Prime Minister Yadav Kumar Nepal an ultimatum, saying that if he did not resign within 72 hours, the party would destabilise the country.

Maoist reaction was caused by the prime minister, who said earlier that he would resign only if the former rebel fighters gave up their weapons and returned the land they had seized.

Senior Maoist leader Mohan Baidya Kiran said that his party agreed to vote for the government decision to extend the term of parliament by one year on Friday night only after the Prime Minister agreed to hand over the power in five days.

“There will be a dire crisis if the prime minister doesn't implement the verbal agreement to resign" within three days, Kiran warned.

White Flag raised but Israel opens fire on Aid for Gaza boat civilians

London protests against Israeli attack on Palestine Aid ship

Solidarity with Palestine from artist Paolo Babini


By Gaza Civil Society May 31, 2010



We, Gaza based Palestinian Civil Society Organizations and International activists, call on the international community and civil society to pressure their governments and Israel to cease the abductions and killings in Israel’s attacks against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla sailing for Gaza, and begin a global response to hold Israel accountable for the murder of foreign civilians at sea and illegal piracy of civilian vessels carrying humanitarian aid for Gaza.

We salute the courage of all those who have organized this aid intervention and demand a safe passage through to Gaza for the 750 people of conscience from 40 different countries including 35 international politicians intent on breaking the Israeli-Egyptian blockade. We offer our sincerest condolences to family and friends who have lost loved ones in the attack.

By sailing directly to Gaza, outside of Israeli waters, with cargo banned illegally by Israel, such as the 10,000 tonnes of badly needed concrete, toys, workbooks, chocolate, pasta and substantial medical supplies, the flotilla is exercising international law and upholding article 33 of the Geneva Convention which clearly states that collective punishment is a crime against humanity.

The hardships of Israel’s closure of Gaza have been well documented by all human rights groups operating, most recently by Amnesty International in their Annual Human Rights Report concluding that the siege has “deepened the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Mass unemployment, extreme poverty, food insecurity and food price rises caused by shortages left four out of five Gazans dependent on humanitarian aid. The scope of the blockade and statements made by Israeli officials about its purpose showed that it was being imposed as a form of collective punishment of Gazans, a flagrant violation of international law.” The United Nations continuously states that only a fraction of the required aid is entering the Strip due to what it calls ‘the medieval siege’, with John Ging the Director of UNRWA in Gaza specifically expressing the need for the Flotilla to enter Gaza. The European Union’s new foreign affairs minister Catherine Ashton has just reiterated its call for, “an immediate, sustained and unconditional opening of crossings for the flow of humanitarian aid, commercial goods and persons to and from Gaza.”

The people of Gaza are not dependent people, but self sufficient people doing what they can to retain some dignity in life in the wake of this colossal man-made devastation that deprives so many of a basic start in life or minimal aspirations for the future.

We, from Gaza, call on you to demonstrate and support the courageous men and women on the Flotilla and join the, many now murdered on a humanitarian aid mission. We insist on severance of diplomatic ties with Israel, trials for war crimes and the International protection of the civilians of Gaza. We call on you to join the growing international boycott, divestment and sanction campaign of a country proving again to be so violent and yet so unchallenged. Join the growing critical mass around the world with a commitment to the day when Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as any other people, when the siege is lifted, the occupation is over and the 6 million Palestinian refugees are finally granted justice.

Press Contacts:

Dr Haidar Eid: One Democratic Sate Group and University Teachers’ Association

Dr Mona El Farra: Middle East Children’s Alliance, Gaza 00.972(0)598.868.222

Adie Mormech: International Solidarity Movement 00.972(0)597.717.696

Max Ajl: Gaza Freedom March 00.972(0)597.750.798

Signatory Organisations:

The One Democratic State Group

University Teachers Association

Arab Cultural Forum

Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel

Association of Al-Quds Bank for Culture and Info

Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements

International Solidarity Movement

Palestinian Network of Non-Governmental Organisations

Palestinian Women Committees

Progressive Students Union

Medical Relief Society

The General Society for Rehabilitation

Gaza Community Mental Health Program

General Union of Palestinian Women

Afaq Jadeeda Cultural Centre for Women and Children

Deir Al-Balah Cultural Centre for Women and Children

Maghazi Cultural Centre for Children

Al-Sahel Centre for Women and Youth

Ghassan Kanfani Kindergartens

Rachel Corrie Centre, Rafah

Rafah Olympia City Sisters

Al Awda Centre, Rafah

Al Awda Hospital, Jabaliya Camp

Ajyal Association, Gaza

General Union of Palestinian Syndicates

Al Karmel Centre, Nuseirat

Local Inititiative, Beit Hanoun

Union of Health Work Committees

Red Crescent Society Gaza Strip

Beit Lahiya Cultural Centre

Al Awda Centre, Rafah



It's now been confirmed that Israel has murdered 3 unarmed civilians during an attack on the international Gaza aid flotilla, with new reports saying that 10 people may have been killed. Dozens of people have been injured.

The Gaza Freedom Flotilla is 90 miles from the Gaza shores; sailing in international waters where Israel has no jurisdiction.

Once again Israel is breaking international law and committing piracy and murder. It has long threatened this peaceful Flotilla, and is now determined to stop it from reaching its destination.

Approximately 700 civilians are on board the seven ships, of whom 28 are British citizens.

An emergency demonstration has been called for Monday 31 May, 2.00pm, at Downing Street, London SW1 (nearest tube: Westminster), demanding that the British government protest against Israel's violation of international law.


Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Fleet, 20 killed

20 killed Israeli Attack on Gaza Aid Fleet

Turkish protestors at Israeli Embassy

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nepal: Maoists come back in power - solidarity statement from CARC Party Italy

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Nepal: Maoists come back in power

The government of the reactionary forces in Nepal, which came in power one year ago with a maneuver conducted by the Indian government, was forced to resign.

It has been the government of the Congress Party, representing the most reactionary forces in the country, aiming to keep it in the political, social and economic backwardness of the feudal system and in direct dependence on India, and the government of the Union of Marxist Leninist, a revisionist communist party that as a matter of fact shared Congress Party’s aims.

A government will be formed that will include the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) party that has the majority in the Constituent Assembly.
Here it is the agreement signed yesterday May 28.

1. We are firmly committed to move ahead working together with consensus to immediately consummate the outstanding task in relation to the peace process into logical end and to accomplish the historical task of drafting new constitution.

2. In process of drafting the new constitution, however, considerable task has been accomplished but everything has not been accomplished yet therefore, we agree to extend the constituent assembly term for a year.

3. To achieve the above stated responsibility and task at the earliest, we agree to move ahead forming a national unity government in the basis of consensus. For this, we clarify that the prime-minister of the current coalition government will be ready to resign immediately.

Signed: Pushpakamal Dahal (Prachanda) Chairman, Unified CPN (Maoist)
Signed: Ramchandra Paudel, Leader of the Congress parliamentary party.
Signed: Jhalanath Khanal, Chairman, CPN (UML)

The Maoists in Nepal make another step forward in their victorious path.

They show the world that communism is alive, rising again in its most advanced form, that is Maoism, and that Maoism, applied to the concrete situation of each single country, ensures success.

In particular, the Nepalese comrades show in practice what it means to use one of the main tools that Maoism gives us: the mass line. One of the ways in which the mass line is practiced is in ensuring that the left conquer the center and isolate the right. The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) Unified has isolated the right on different levels.

• On the political level: Maoists’ action created such contradictions in the centre party, the Union of Marxist-Leninist, that most of its members and its own vice president has demanded the resignation of Prime Minister, who is a member of UML himself.

• On the social level: Maoists’ action has put the part that until a month ago did not support them, the national bourgeoisie and intellectuals, against the government, so that representatives of the national bourgeoisie have demanded its resignation threatening that otherwise they would not have paid taxes.

• On international level: Maoists’ action has created contradictions between the U.S. imperialists and the Indian government, so that the U.S. imperialists dissociated themselves from the pressures of India for keeping Maoists out of the government, and India remained isolated.

The Maoists in Nepal show that the revolution is possible, contradicting those who say it is not, the enemies of the revolution, and giving confidence to those who have not it yet, still confused and still oppressed by the corruption of the revisionists, which lasted more than half a century, and led the first socialist countries and major parties as the first Italian Communist Party to ruin.

The Maoists in Nepal show that revolution is possible even in a relatively small and economically backward country, surrounded by powers like India and China.

They show that the revolution is something that has to be built with scientific method, with determination, passion, step by step, just like every small and great human deed. The revolution is not something that breaks out, something to expect, as a gift of history or of some kind of Providence. The revolution is not something you just talk about until the day that history will prove you are right, so as dogmatists think, nor it is something that will grow spontaneously as more the revolt of the masses will grow, as economists think.

Let’s support the revolutionary movement of Nepal! The CARC Party promotes the constitution of Committee for Solidarity with New Nepal in Italy and in many other European countries.

Let’s learn from the revolutionary movement of Nepal. Let’s regain the confidence. The masses make history: let’s assume the leading role that belongs to us! Let’s form in Italy a People’s Bloc Government able to meet our needs and our interests, able to face the economic crisis that the bourgeoisie seeks to resolve sharpening the war against the masses and against the peoples of each country and worldwide. Let’s begin again the construction of the new world. Socialism is the way out of crisis. Communism is the future of humanity!

Second Statement from CPI (Maoist) on the Train Accident - we are not involved

We were not involved in the sabotage in the railway line. Still we are being falsely implicated in it.

CPI (Maoist) tells the Indian rail authorities to ply their trains

(Note: In view of the train accident that took the lives of more than a hundred passengers and left many more injured who had been travelling by Gnaneswari Express, the railways have been contemplating of postponing train services along that route at night and re-schedule its timings accordingly. In response, the CPI(Maoist) has issued a statement on 29 May 2010 that came out in a Bengali daily Ananda Bazar Patrika published from Kolkata. It was published on 30 May 30, 2010 under the caption ‘The Maoists ask the railways to ply trains without fear’ in page 7.)

Let the railway authorities ply their trains on schedule. There is nothing to fear. On Saturday, on behalf of the State Committee of the CPI (Maoist), Aakash issued this statement to the press. “We were not involved in the sabotage in the railway line. Still we are being falsely implicated in it. There is no need to stop railway service on the plea of Maoist sabotage. Let the rail authorities ply their trains. Nothing (no harm) will be done from our side”.

The Maoists stated: We gave a call for organizing a ‘Black Period’ from 23 May to 2 June; it was not directed against the railways. Besides price rise and operation by the security forces, it was also directed against the central government policy of selling out shares of public sector undertakings, taking US assistance for the defence sector and the creation of special economic zones. Our aim was to make propaganda and create awareness on these issues among the people. Wearing black badges, organizing processions comprise part of our programme, but there was nothing against the railways. The Maoists claimed: “Whenever there is any programme against the railways or a call for stopping railway services, there is a formal notification much before that date”. Aakash said: “We do not know who were involved in the incident. But what we do know is that on that very day, the security forces along with the CPI(M) cadres carried out operation in 32 villages under Manikpara and Kotwali police station areas. Houses were broken. Women were tortured, giving rise to much popular anger and discontent.” Discarding the demand for investigation by the WB government-controlled CID and the central government-controlled CBI, the Maoists stated: “Both are biased. So we would welcome a neutral investigation team comprising intellectuals, scientists, engineers and unofficial experts. Let them find out who had done the sabotage and why. We want an independent investigation. We want the truth to come out”.

The Sunday Hindustan Times carried only a brief portion of the statement its Kolkata edition on 30 May 2010 under the caption “Maoists now want independent probe”. The report reads as follows: “Maoists on Saturday once again denied having any hand in the tragedy. Akash, a CPI(Maoist) state committee member, told HT over phone from an undisclosed location that the outfit would welcome probe by an “independent group of intellectuals”.

Jean Jacques Dessalines - a warning to tyrants - from a fearless warrior

Jean-Jacques Dessalines (Haitian Creole: Janjak Desalin) (20 September 1758 – 17 October 1806) was a leader of the Haitian Revolution and the first ruler of an independent Haiti under the 1801 constitution. Beginning as Governor-General, Dessalines later named himself Emperor Jacques I of Haiti (1804–1806). He is remembered as one of the founding fathers of Haiti.

Dessalines served as an officer in the French army when the colony was trying to withstand Spanish and British incursions. Later he rose to become a commander in the revolt against France. As Toussaint L'Ouverture's principal lieutenant, he led many successful engagements, such as the Battle of Crête-à-Pierrot.

After the betrayal and capture of Toussaint Louverture in 1802, Dessalines became the leader of the revolution. He defeated French troops sent by Napoleon at the Battle of Vertières in 1803. Declaring Haiti an independent nation in 1804, Dessalines was chosen by a council of generals (blacks and mulattos) to assume the office of Governor-General. In September 1804, he proclaimed himself Emperor and ruled in that capacity until being assassinated in 1806.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Robert Bryan Mumia's Lead Counsel in Brixton London 10th June 2010

Save Life of Mumia Abu-Jamal and and support Global Abolition of the Death Penalty

"Mumia's very life hangs in the balance. So we badly need international activism & pressure" - says Robert Bryan - Lead Counsel to Mumia Abu-Jamal

The Free Mumia Abu Jamal Defence Campaign in the UK invites you to meet :



Date & Time: 7 PM –10 pm Thursday 10th June 2010
(Third Right Street From Brixton Tube Station)

Organised by

George Jackson Socialist League
Democracy and Class Struggle

Supported by

Global Afrikan Congress
Fight Racism Fight Imperialism
World Peoples Resistance Movement (Britain)
Afrikan Socialist International
Co-ordination Committee of the Revolutionary Communists of Britain

Keynote speaker

Robert Bryan - Lead Councel to Mumia Abu-Jamal

Other Invited Speakers:

Steve Headley of RMT (National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Worker)

Selma James of Global Women’s Strike

Glenn Watson of Global Afrikan Congress

Luwezi Kinshasa of Afrikan Socialist International

Mumia Abu-Jamal and The Global Abolition of the Death Penalty

The death penalty has the ultimate form of punishment is unacceptable in a civilized society and undermines human dignity. (U.N. General Assembly, Moratorium on the Use of the Death Penalty, Resolution 62/149, Dec. 18, 2007; reaffirmed, Resolution 63/168, Dec. 18, 2008.)

Mr. Abu-Jamal, a renowned black journalist and author, has been on Pennsylvania’s death row for nearly three decades.Mr Abu-Jamal has become a global symbol, the "Voice of the Voiceless", in the struggle against capital punishment and human-rights abuses. There are over 20,000 awaiting execution around the globe, with over 3,000 on death rows in the United States.

The 1982 trial of Mr. Abu-Jamal was tainted by racism, and occurred in Philadelphia which has a history of police corruption and discrimination. Amnesty International, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, "determined that numerous aspects of this case clearly failed to meet international standards safeguarding the fairness of legal proceedings. [T]he interests of justice would best be served by the granting of a new trial to Mumia Abu-Jamal. The trial should fully comply with international standards of justice and should not allow for the re-imposition of the death penalty." (A Life In the Balance - The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, at 34, Amnesty Int’l, 2000; www.

See you in Brixton on 10th June - Save the Life of Mumia Abu-Jamal but sign petition Now

Both the CPI (Maoist) and PCAPA have denied their involvement in the Friday train derailment

Yesterday’s( 28 May 2010) Gnaneshwari Express and a goods train tragedy near Kharagpur in West Bengal in which 80 people were killed and 200 injured was attributed to CPI(Maoist) and Peoples Committee Against Police Atrocities (PCAPA) by the media. The media unscrupulously played false news stories blaming CPI (Maoist) and Peoples Committee for two days. Some political parties like Trinomial Congress and the ruling CPI(Marxist) also blamed these organisations without any verification. Significantly Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram has declined to attribute the blame on the CPI (Maoist) and also announced that there was no evidence of any bomb blast in the incident.

The Union Home Minister has ordered an enquiry into find out any possibility of sabotage. During the day the leaders of CPI (Maoist) clarified through a long statement that they were not responsible for the train tragedy and condemned any possible sabotage work if any force involved behind the incident. They have also expressed their condolences for the families of deceased. The PCAPA also clarified that their activists are not involved in this incident. They suspected the ruling CPI(Marxist) to have been involved in the sabotage desperately trying to tilt the public opinion against the fighting forces.

Purposefully the media did not cover the statement issued by the CPI (Maoist) while playing the false stories and commentaries blaming the CPI (Maoist) for the incident. Some all India newspapers like The Hindu wrote editorials blaming the CPI (Maoist) for the incident. Many other newspapers wrote major articles decrying the CPI (Maoist) as terrorist attributing the blame on them. Now when the clarifications come from CPI (Maoist) and PCAPA, will these media houses withdraw their false stories and give the facts to the people? Will they regret for propagating the false news?

These two days of false propaganda is made with a malicious intension of maligning the CPI (Maoist) and PCAPA.

I attach here news reports covering the statement of clarification from the CPI (Maoist) and PCAPA by a section of newspapers in West Bengal. The same newspaper didn’t cover it in their editions coming from all other cities.

G N Saibaba

Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF)

Statement on Train(Jnaneswari Express) accident by the Maoists

The following report was published in the Bengali Ananda Bazar Patrike dt. 29 May 2010, page 7, Kolkata edition. It bore the caption ‘Denying allegations about their involvement, the Maoists demand enquiry’ and written by Prasun Acharyya. The statement was issued in the name of Aakash, the Maoist WB State Committee leader.

On Friday night, the following statement was issued on behalf of the CPI(Maoist) WB State Committee. “We are in no way involved in this incident. We did not carry out any explosion in the railway line. Killing innocent people by sabotaging railway line is not our agenda. When we carry out any action, there are always some specific reasons behind. We also acknowledge responsibility for that. Whenever we commit mistakes we admit it. However, responsibility is being placed on us now for an incident in which we are in no way involved”. Accusing the CPI(Marxist) of putting blame on them the Maoists said “The CPI(M) is haunted by the prospect of a landslide defeat in the coming municipal elections.

Thus they have opted for a strategy of killing two birds with a single stone. On the one hand, attempts are being made to brand us as terrorists and thus isolate us from the people. On the other hand, they are seeking to prove that Mamata Banerjee is completely misfit as the railway minister”. The Maoists did not directly state that the CPI(M) was involved in the incident. But what they said is: “In the coming days also such unfortunate incidents can take place in order to malign Mamata and the Maoists”. The WB State Committee of the Maoists strongly condemned this act and stated: “This act deserves unequivocal condemnation. We are extending our sympathies to the members of the bereaved families. We also wish the speedy recovery of those who are injured”.

Meanwhile, the People’s Committee Against Police Atrocities has accused the CPI(M) of being involved in it. In reply to a query, the Maoists said: “We are not accountable for whatever one might say. We are not saying that the CPI(M) was involved in it. Let the railways make enquiry. The members of our party have made investigation after the incident. It was the removal of fish plates that led to the accident. There was no line for one metre stretch, side-clips were open. That led to derailment. Let the railways enquiry why side clips were open at the junction points of rail lines. No explosion took place at the site. Had there been any explosion, stones would have broken up and thrown out. But nothing like it happened”.

The Maoists said that whenever any untoward incident takes place along the railway route, the tendency is always to accuse them for such incidents. “Three days back, eleven bogies of the New Delhi -Gwahati Rajdhani Express were derailed near Naogachhia Station in Bihar. It was not a major accident. However, initially the blame was put on us. Later on, it was found that it was the fault of the railways that led to such a mishap”.

Even though the Maoists claim not to have directed any attack on the innocent people, why did they carry put land mine explosion in a passenger bus at Dantewada? The statement reads follows: “Special Pollce Officers(SPOs) and the CRPF were travelling in that bus. We have told people in Chhattisgarh time and again not to travel in the same bus along with the police and CRPF personnel. But it was the state government which had forced the common people to travel along with the police in the same bus. That is why common people also died along with the police”.

The Maoists accepted responsibility for the Dantewada incident; but not for this mishap. “We are not involved in the Sardiha incident, so we take no responsibility of it”, the Maoist statement said.

The Hindustan Times dt. 29 May 2010 carried only a brief statement from the Maoists: “Killing innocent civilians is not on our agenda. We have no links with this tragic incident, and we sympathise with the families of the deceased and the injured”. Akash, Member, CPI(Maoist) State Committee, West Bengal.

'Not We, CPI(M) is to blame'

Both the (Maoist) and PCAPA have denied their involvement in the Friday train derailment of the Maharashtra-bound Gyaneshwar Express, and condemned it as an act of criminal conspiracy on part of the ruling CPI(M), as reported by the Bengali daily Sangbad Pratidin, 29 May).

The statement by CPI(Maoist) state committee secretary, Kanchan, says, "This incident is against the line practised by our Party. We are not involved in it. CPI(M) and Police have jointly conspired to effect it."

Confirming it, Com Khokan representing the State Committee leader Akash of CPI(Maoist) said, "We are not at all involved in this incident. We do not kill innocent people. Fearing losing its rule, this is a ploy by CPI(M) to kill two birds with one stone. To paint the Maoists as terrorists and to declare the Railway minister, Mamata Banerjee as incapable. Even before this when the Rajdhani met with an accident, the State government pointed the finger on us. Our State Committee fully condemns this act. We share the pain with the families of the deceased and stand by them in this hour of grief."

The PCAPA has also denied its involvement with the incident, and declared it as an act of sabotage by the ruling CPI(M). Its leader, Asit Mahato said, "We are not involved with this incident. CPI(M) is directly involved in it, and writing posters in our name and planting the same on the site, is trying to put the blame on us."

Meanwhile the student union, USDF, leader Soumya Mandal also said, "Whether this incident is a handiwork of the CPI(M) or the Maoists, we completely condemn it. We offer our condolences to the families of the deceased and demand a comprehensive inquiry into the incident."

The Nepal Agreement - signed by the three party leaders

This is what in the agreement paper signed by the leaders of the three major parties in Nepal to extend the term of the constituent assembly.

In accordance with the verdict of the historical people's movement, the interim constitution of Nepal 2063 (2008), democracy, permanent peace and comprehensive peace accord, we affirm the following commitments:

1. We are firmly committed to move ahead working together with consensus to immediately consummate the outstanding task in relation to carry the peace process into logical end and to accomplish the historical task of drafting new constitution.

2. In process of drafting the new constitution, however, considerable task has been accomplished but everything has not been accomplished yet therefore, we agree to extend the constituent assembly term for a year.

3. To achieve the above stated responsibility and task at the earliest, we agree to move ahead forming a national unity government in the basis of consensus. For this, we clarify that the prime-minister of the current coalition government will be ready to resign immediately.

Signed: Pushpa kamal Dahal, Chairmen, Unified CPN (Maoist)
Signed: Ram chandra Paudel, Leader, Leader of the Congress parliamentary party.
Signed: Jhala nath Khanal, Chairmen, CPN (UML

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nepal: Interview with Maoist Leader CP Gajurel by Kaveri Rajaraman

Chandra Prakash Gajurel is a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist).

Q: Let me start with the most pressing question of the day. Now that the strike has been called off, and it looks like the May 28, 2010 deadline for writing the constitution will not be met, what are the expectations and conditions under which the party will extend the tenure of the Constituent Assembly, and what is the party strategy if its conditions are not met? What will happen after May 28th?

A: The political environment around May 28th will decide our strategy. Right now NC, UML and India are continuing to hope that we will change our minds at the eleventh hour. Even if we deny this now, they are hoping for our last minute acceptance of the extension of the CA’s tenure without our conditions being fulfilled. But I can say this: no, we will not.
This means there are the following options for what happens after May 28th: one, that the CA’s tenure is extended under our party’s leadership, an option provided for by the interim constitution; two, that the government will declare emergency, in which case the CA’s tenure will be extended by 6 months as per the interim constitution; three, worst of all, that Presidential rule will be established on an unconstitutional basis. If emergency is declared, this will be an unpopular move and we will oppose it. It is supposed to be declared, as per the constitution, based on the fulfilment of one of three conditions: external intervention, uncontrollable internal chaos, or severe economic crisis. If President’s rule is declared, we will oppose it and view it as basically a military coup. Our tactics of opposition will depend on the mood of the masses.

Q: What about the conditions of negotiation of leadership of a national unity government for extension of the CA’s tenure? How flexible are you about the following options: having another party’s leader as president, and having another Maoist party leader of the national unity government other than the Chairman?

A: If the proposal is to replace Madhav Kumar Nepal with a leader from a party that is not ours, we will not accept this. In any case, he will not resign voluntarily, and any negotiation to replace him with another party member will not be smooth, and will involve their putting more conditions before us. As for other leaders within the party, the party had decided long ago that if we came to power, it would be best for the Chairman to lead. However, we can be a little flexible about this. The important thing is the party should lead, and any discussion of the conditions of leadership can be discussed in the Central Committee or Politbureau, depending on the new emerging situation.

Q: Will the strike resume?

A: This is not likely before the 28th, but these last few days are crucial for deciding tactics. Right now we have just planned for a centralization of people around the 25th. Again it will be peaceful. Rumours of violence and clashes with the army were employed before May 1 to scare people from joining the marches and rallies. But our cadre were very disciplined and so many people joined us. Even the OHCHR commented that the peace and discipline was “unprecedented”.

Q: Why are fresh elections not an option that the party is seriously considering?

A: The present CA was unable to fulfil its responsibility. This CA has no right to write the constitution. However, fresh elections are not an idea many people or parties are considering seriously. Some trends within the NC and some monarchists are in favour of this, but it is not a logical outcome of the expiration of the CA. If the CA tenure is not expanded, then emergency is the only constitutional option. Of course President’s rule is also an unconstitutional possibility. If the present government continues, it will be merely a puppet government.

Q: In Nepal, Madhav Kumar Nepal is clearly seen as a puppet of the Indian government. What are India’s interests in Nepal and what was their goal earlier in helping broker the peace deal between the Maoists and the 7-party alliance?

A: The present government has been installed by India to serve its interests, since India wishes to control all sectors of the political economy of Nepal. This government has not been put in place by internal forces. Madhav Kumar Nepal is a rotten candidate. Having suffered two electoral defeats in different constituencies, he is clearly unpopular and has no moral ground.

India is the major player waging a proxy war against us and they chose UML as their backer as part of a strategy to use a so-called communist party as the main opposition to a true communist party. They prefer to back the UML than the NC against us, although the NC was their main force to use against the king. They were turning against the monarchy partially because the king began to defy India’s advice, by opposing emergency and purchasing arms from China. Therefore at that time, India was supportive and in fact instrumental in organizing the 7-party alliance. The alliance was supported against the monarchy up to a limit. Their interest was to keep the monarchy, but with reduced powers. They just wanted to teach a lesson to the king, to put the king in his place. But they needed a mass movement against the monarchy, which is where we entered the picture.

When our movement went beyond their control, they sent Karan Singh to negotiate and broker the peace process between the Maoists and the 7-party alliance, because they thought the Maoists can be controlled by the peace process. There are two ways to control a political party. One is through conflict, and the other is the soft way, through political compromise. Initially they tried the second approach, hoping that the process of mainstream parliamentary participation would transform our party into something like the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPM). The CPM was once radical, discussing even ideas of Mao and New Democracy, but elections made it friendly to the establishment and now it is playing a role against people’s movements in Lalgarh, etc. India tried to tame our party the friendly way but failed. Now India is opting for conflict with our party, and they are backing Madhav Kumar Nepal knowing that if he does not resign, conflict will ensue after May 28th.

Q: What about the role of other imperialist or foreign forces in this situation?

A. The US is not very involved in this particular situation, or they have a lower role. They are not a deciding factor. We have had ten or more discussions with representatives of the US when they called us during the strike. They questioned UML and NC about how long Madhav Kumar Nepal would stay in power. They see his unpopularity as something that will aggravate this crisis. The EU has been even more proactive, with Madhav Kumar Nepal even replying and telling them to mind their own business. Both these forces do not support the Maoists. But they think Madhav Kumar Nepal should resign because his unpopularity is undermining stability.

Q: What about the role of China?

A: Like the US and EU, they will not like Indian interference in Nepal beyond a limit.

Q: What has the process of constitution-writing been like and how is input being solicited from the masses on the nature of the constitution? Is this input being solicited inside or also outside the party structure?

A: We put forward our declaration before the people, as our election manifesto. When people voted for our party, we modelled the content of our draft of the constitution on the election declaration. We collected responses from the people not just through the party, but through the process of participating in the Constituent Assembly. As part of this, we as well as representatives of other parties visited constituencies and took suggestions made by ordinary citizens.

Q: As you continue to participate in parliamentary politics, what guarantee do the people have that you will not turn into the CPM? What policies or structures will you put in place to ensure people are not dispossessed in the interests of the state or corporations?

A: We want to implement revolutionary land distribution. We want to confiscate the land of big landowners, without compensation, and distribute to the landless and poor. Also the federal structure we propose will provide rights to local people over natural resources, especially over land and water. Ethnic groups will have rights over their forests, land, and rivers.

Q: What is the stand of the party on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)?

A: We will have to decide on something since there are so many foreign corporations and INGOs not working in Nepal’s interests now. We are not saying we are against foreign investment or foreign aid. But whether we welcome it depends crucially on it being in the interest of the Nepali people. But, our concept of development is not based on FDI, which can cause rapid economic development, but at a cost.

Q: What about installing safeguards against something like the Bhopal disaster, where corporations get away with deep misconduct in the interests of quick profits?

A: Again, we will only invite foreign corporations if we are sure they will help the Nepali people. We will not pursue projects not in the people’s interest, and the local people will have a say. To control the behaviour of the corporations, we would depend on the judiciary for strong laws.

Q: How will the rights and interests of women, dalits, janjatis, different ethnic groups, and the LGBT community be safeguarded and represented?

A: Categorically we want women represented as constituents in all spheres of life, including political institutions. In our current draft constitution, we would reserve 33% seats for women, but aim for full equality. Adivasis or janjatis and dalits would also have reservations. Also the federal structure in our proposed constitution aims for more local autonomy, which will give more rights to women and dalits, as compensation for years of oppression.

Source : MRZine

Nepal at political crossroads

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lalgarh - Letter from PCAPA to Association for Protection of Democratic Rights

May 23, 2010


Hul Johar,

Hope you did receive the letter that we sent to you around the end of this March. We don’t have any of your addresses. Moreover, posting the letter is a great problem. Interior villages do not have post offices. Where there is a posting facility, Harmads or the joint forces or both have camped near it. If the bearer of the letter is caught before it is being posted, it is certain that he/she will not return home. This is the scenario of the democratic establishment of Buddha-Chidambaram in today’s Jangal Mahal. We believe that there might be a few days’ delay, but you will definitely receive this letter.

The continuous false propaganda in the papers and on wireless or on TV about people’s movement in the Jangal Mahal is creating a misconception about us amongst you living in urban and suburban areas. Only 10 to 45% of our statements that are coming out almost every day are covered. That too is appended with the adverse comments of a variety of people, from local newsmen to top brass of the administration.


On 17th April, Asit Mahato, spokesperson of PCAPA informed the journalists that in protest against the brutal murder of 55-year old Mansaram Sardar by the Gana-Pratirodh Committee on Baisakh 1 (15th April) a bandh has been called in the district of Purulia on April 19. On that very day police officials called for a red alert in all police stations, outposts and camps in three districts of Purulia, Bankura and West Midnapur. Joint forces carried out brutal assaults in different parts of Jangal Mahal in collusion with Gana Pratirodh Committee and Harmads. Mansaram Sardar was killed in the district of Purulia in broad daylight. Therefore, in protest of these murders conducted by Gana Pratirodh Committee and the administration we called a bandh. Was it wrong on our part to call a bandh against these murder, or is this form of movement undemocratic? Right from the start of the movement in the Jangal Mahal the Chief Minister and Home Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharyya, the Union Home minister and the bureaucrats never responded to our demands and never addressed the questions that we were raising. Instead, they carried on with the adverse propaganda against the people’s movement of Jangal Mahal for realizing their legitimate demands, and tried to silence the people by stationing more and more armed forces in Jangal Mahal.

A call was given to observe 19th and 20th April as Black Days in the sub-divisions of Jhargram and Midnapore in order to protest the arrest of Dr Nisith Mahato of the Paluiboni people’s health centre at Pirhrakuli by the joint forces on 14th April morning. The doctor is yet to be produced in Court. Apart from this, Lachhoo Mahato, an activist of the People’s committee, Gunadhar Mahato and four others, including leaders and workers from Pirhrakuli, were arrested from that village by joint forces and were never produced in any court. The joint forces and the Harmads attacked from all the directions on 14th (Chaitra sankranti) and 15th April (Poila Baisakh). People were beaten up and indiscriminately arrested. 45 persons were arrested in the early hours of 16th April, from Brindabanpur village bordering Jhargram. PCAPA gave a call to observe Black Days on 19th and 20th April opposing these attacks by the joint forces and the Harmads and the erratic arrests, and demanded unconditional release of the arrested people.

For last 5 months the state has subjected us with terrible oppression, the People’s Committee against Police Atrocities (PCAPA) has stood fast among the people, sharing their joys and sorrows. Both the Congress and the CPI (M) had thought that they would be able to isolate PCAPA by unleashing this terrible terror. But their dreams remain unfulfilled. As long as state terrorizes its people, and does not take effective steps towards the solution of the problems faced by the people, PCAPA will keep on protesting on different counts, along with the people.


On 2nd and 3rd April Black Days were observed in West Midnapore, Bankura and Purulia. Why this Black Day? Five members of the PCAPA of the Belpahari Block of the Bhuladeda area went to work at a brick kiln at Fulkusma on 21st March. This year, it is very difficult to find food because farming has suffered. No money in the bank; no paddy in the house, one ought to go out for work in order to arrange for a square meal. Five went to work, but only four returned. Santosh Murmu, poor of the poorest, was killed by the CPI (M), in particular, by the brutal forces of the Gana Pratirodh Committee.

Two of our members were killed on 26th March in Lalgarh. Gouaranga Mahato, who had gone to the jungle of Dakshinshole village to graze cattle, was beaten to death by the CRPF. No case has been registered in this matter. The dead body of Gouranga Mahato lay on the ground before all eyes. The tears in the eyes of his wife and children were wiped away by none but the village folk and PCAPA. Such is the democracy, brand Chidambaram-Buddha. This is the everyday reality in the Jangal Mahal. The heroic joint forces of Manmohan-Chidambaram-Buddha feel no shame in beating to death an old man of 55 years who had gone to graze cattle. Why was this innocent man beaten to death, who will be charged with his murder, and who will answer these questions? At that time some of our statements were published in newspapers. We thought you would come out with your reaction. Previously, you did spoke for the people. When the shedding of people’s blood has become an everyday affair, is it possible to build up a resistance against this horrific state terror without your support?

On the west, in the Koira forest in Bandowan block of Purulia district, 50 years old Tarani Kumbhakar was killed on the highway by Gana Pratirodh Committee and the Harmads. Tarani Kumbhakar had left his village in fear of the joint forces and wandered here and there somehow to eke out a living. There was no case against him, nor was his name recorded in any police register. Still he fell a victim to Harmad terror. In this case also, the police did not file any FIR. Apart from these three murders, many others have disappeared without any trace.

On 25th March, Bablu Murmu was arrested by the joint forces from the Mognapur road in Dharampur. On 27th March, we started spreading this news. But there was no admission of his arrest. Finally, he was produced in court on April 3, after keeping him in police custody for almost 10 days without judicial sanction.

Jagadish Mahato, a vegetable vendor, was arrested in Manikpara bazaar on 20th March. He is yet to be produced in Court.

Sanatan Pal of Belpahari and Sagen Baske of Ramgarh were produced in court on March 23, long after their arrest. Numerous incidents like this are and taking place.

Those who had been ‘vanished’ by the Harmad forces are still missing. There is no official information about Jageswar Mahato (actually killed in the Kashijora Harmad camp) Mangal Mahato and Manmath Mahato and the others. The SDO is being reminded of the missing persons, but still there is no clue of their whereabouts. We neither have the money nor the opportunity to go to Honb’le Courts in this matter. Therefore, in protest, we are carrying out programs of fasting, dharna, barricades building, and bandhs. For us, no other mode of protest is appropriate in our attempt to obtain information regarding missing persons. We expect your help and co-operation in this matter. The responsibility of rallying the urban populace beside the innocent, struggling people is also with you, please come. After sending the list of martyrs last time, ten more people have been martyred. This is a sample of Operation Green Hunt. The operation is being carried out in Jangal Mahal together with the Harmads, the Gana Pratirodh Committee and other mercenary outfits to kill and maim the poorest of the poor in the interest of the profits of national and international big companies like Tata, Jindal, and Mittal.


It is being said that the indefinite bandhs called by PCAPA are responsible for the price rise. But, look, our demands fall upon deaf ears. CPI (M), Congress, TMC and the other parties are clamoring that the bandhs are causing great inconvenience to the ordinary people. But, there is silence in the matter of our problem. The reason for their silence is also crystal clear. It is their government that has sent the joint forces to the Jangal Mahal. The state Congress party cannot, therefore, deny its responsibility for the invasion by the joint forces. So, all the people know that these political parties will not support any movement by the people against the oppression of the Harmads and the joint forces; rather, they will only make adverse propaganda against the people. On 4th April, Home minister P Chidamdaram during his visit to the Jangal Mahal had stated clearly that the invasion will continue and more forces will be deployed.

PCAPA called three districts bandh to oppose Chidambaram’s visit on 4th April and was a complete success. Sitting at Lalgarh, Chidambaram presented opportunities for much merriment. He tried to divert the problems of the people. Chidambaram used this tour also for election propaganda. He threatened to arrest PCAPA spokes person Asit Mahato. He remembered Asit’s name, but not a word passed his lips regarding arrest of the CPI (M) murderers, the stalwarts of the various outfits for large number of murders that they did. The people of West Bengal could easily make out from all his talks and drama that on which side he stands and for whose protection he is spending the huge amount of money on joint forces in Jangal Mahal. It is now clear as daylight that the joint forces aim to re-establish Harmad regime. This was reported in a number of newspapers. Side by side, the object is to dislocate the Adivasi original habitants and hand over all the valuable mineral and forest resources to domestic and foreign capitalists like Tata, Jindal and Mittal. But what Chidambaram has said in favor of establishing the rule of the CPI (M) and Harmads in order to hand over all the resources to domestic and foreign capitalists will never be accepted by the people of Jangal Mahal.

Many were arrested from different areas on 4th April. There had been many arrests prior to this date, too. Joint forces entered villages of the Jhargram, Binpur, Bandowan, Ranibandh, Salboni, Raipur, Sarenga, Simlapal, Taldangra, Goaltore in the morning. Prisoners in police custody were dressed in police uniforms and pressurized to identify activists and supporters of the PCAPA. A barricade movement against all these atrocities started from 5th April. Roads were dug up in all places. People from hundreds of villages participated in putting up the barricades.

Administration, in every way, tried to break the people’s barricade program. Wherever the police got hold of any person, he/she was beaten up and arrested. During the barricade program the police took away all the medicines belonging to the health centre at Rameswar of Salboni and arrested Jahar Mahato, in-charge of medicine supply. Apart from this, police also tried to bribe a few people with a variety of incentives to sabotage our work. Incidents of attacks from the Chandra, Dherua, Chengshol, Pirakata, Bhimpur, Lalgarh, Sijua in Malbandi (Kotwali) camps by the joint forces together with the Harmads increased manifold. In the Kandandi activists of our committee and members of the Sido-Kanhu militia were arrested. The joint forces and the Harmad gangs tried to arrest our active worker, Sanjoy Mahato, both before and after the joint forces entered the Malbandi region. He was arrested on 2nd April. Sanjoy and Sanatan were not produced before the judiciary till 19th April. In these 17 days they were taken to various places in Salboni, Jhargram, Midnapore, Kharagpur, and Kolkata.

Since the beginning of 2009, people have confronted the Harmads near Madhupur frequently. The people’s resistance was led by Kanchan Deb Sing, who was also the leader of the PCAPA in that area. After the joint forces arrived, there were many attempts to arrest him. In the last 15 months, the people, in numbers from 1000 to 10,000 strong, confronted Harmad 50 to 60 times. During the 11 months of the arrival of joint forces there were some 40-50 head-on confrontations. Hemanta Deb Sing and Jaladhar Mahato were martyred on 2.9.09. Martyr Hemanta Deb Singha was Kanchan’s brother. The joint forces duped Kanchan into captivity on April 8, 2010.

Police conducted a search operation in Radhamohanpur (Dhanaidi), the village of Kanai, Binpur area mass leader of the PCAPA. All the men left the village. After house to house searches 30 people including women and children were arrested on 8th April. Apart from this, the joint forces arrested another 200 from other places. All these incidents occurred during the pendency of indefinite barricading program. So, from 9th April, the indefinite barricading was converted into indefinite Bandh. From the evening of 13th April, the Bandh was relaxed on account of the local festivals of Chaitra sankranti and Naba Barsha (Bengali new year). We always implement a resolution keeping in mind the needs and requirements of the locals. Our movement is for defending the people’s rights and interests. On the other hand, please notice that even on the days marked for festivals like Chaitra sankranti and Poila Baisakh there was bloodshed in the Jangal Mahal by the Harmads and the joint forces. Wherever there are police atrocities, PCAPA is standing beside those who are hurt, and that is why a strong mass movement against police atrocities could be built.


As the movement of the Adibasi and original inhabitants led by PCAPA, spread from Pirhakata, the armed Harmad camp retreated. The joint forces built a new camp and two new police stations are being set up in Garhgarhipal. People are no longer tolerating Harmad terror. Therefore, village after village joined the movement from Satpati to Salboni via Tyakshal. In the last four months a strong mass movement was built in this sprawling forest. Congress, especially Chidambaram, Buddha and his assistants, Dipak Sarkar, sushanta Ghosh, Tapan, Sukur are conspiring to shed blood here and establish their domination over occupied territory. This is leading to bloodshed and the numbers of the hurt are ever increasing. The number of persons displaced from villages is swelling. Retreating back from Satpati, the Harmad forces set up camp at Parulia. Then, they established a camp at Deulkunda. In January the camp at Deulkunda was transferred to two base camps at Kashikora and Ashnashuli. To protect these camps, the Satpati camp of the joint forces was shifted to Changshol. The Moupal camp was transferred to Patharkumkumi. This means that joint forces are always within 1 ½ km of the Harmad camp.

The village of Deulkunda, with about 115 houses, is 1½ km away from the Midnapur – Pirhakata metal road. Salboni is almost 14 km from here. In Kasijora, Ashnashuli bombs are hurled very day, firing is a norm. Harmad attack neighboring villages whenever they feel like. There is no count of the poultry and goats looted by them. They will beat up anyone they encounter, and some will be made “missing”.If anybody is made “missing” in between Deulkunda and Kashijora, or in between Jharnadanga, Kotwali, and Kashidanga, they are being kept at Kashijora. This fact is in the knowledge of police as well as administration, and the people. Still SP Manoj Verma will not take any action to free the people kept prisoner by the Harmad, nor has he ever spoken a word about them. The SP is an obedient servant of CPI(M) bosses and remains busy in satisfying them at any cost, even tarnishing his good name and self-esteem. The SP talks and does exactly as is being told. At their orders, he is ever busy in protecting Harmad camps. To save themselves from the barbaric attacks of the Harmads, the rich and big farmers of Deulkunda have left village and taken shelter in villages on the road from Satpati to Bhadutola. Sometimes they go to relief camps organized by the TMC or by PCAPA, sometimes stay in the houses of relatives. Those who cannot go anywhere remain in the village. The moment the news comes that the Harmads are setting out, the villages are emptied and all hide in the forest. And if somebody could not understand the signal for the Harmad setting out, his/her name will figure on the list of the “missing”.

Towards the end of January there was wide coverage in the media, and the police also repeatedly stated – three dead bodies were lying on the fields of Deulkunda and Bhuyasa villages. The pictures of bodies were published in newspapers and on the TV. The Maoists stated that on their side there wasn’t a single casuality. Fact is that on 22.1.2010, the Harmads killed a 40-year old poor Adibasi peasant of Deulkunda, named Nibaran Soren as reprisal for the death of three Harmad. Lame from childhood, Nibaran Soren could not stand or walk properly. Manoj Verma knows this. He is afraid that if he speaks the truth, he will lose his chair.

Juktasani is a poor man, no land to speak off. His is 30 years old. Earlier he supported CPI(M). Later he joined TMC. After that, he joined the PCAPA. This is his greatest crime. On 16th March, the Harmad abducted him, no news of him till this date. According to some he has been imprisoned in the Harmad camp at Kashijorha, others say the Harmads have killed him.

On 11th April, nine in the morning, the Harmads from Kashijorha Harmad camp suddenly entered Deulkunda. Many people fled the village. There is no Sido-Kanhu people’s militia in that village. So, the Harmad forces were able to abducted 28-year old poor Adivasi peasant Surai Murmu. Some said they killed him on the way. Enquiry was made, but we could not obtain any news. Again, it is heard that he was made a prisoner at Kashijorha camp.

Strangely, two central ministers Sisir Adhikary and Mukul Roy, of TMC made a statement claiming these three as their supporters. Even this we did not contest. But the question remains – what initiatives are Sisir and Mukul have taken for protecting the lives of poor tribal? The force are sent by their government which, taking the Harmads with them, is bent on a spree of destruction, killing people every day, making them “missing”, looting houses and property. But they haven’t visited the place even once. They haven’t uttered a single word in Parliament in this matter. Not a single petition is filed in the High Court. Long live this democracy! Long lives this Constitution and judicial system! We are requesting all of you to come to Deulkunda, come with court order or advise us what can we do to save the lives of innocent, oppressed people in many villages of the Jangal Mahal and places like Howrah, Hooghly, North and South 24 Parganas, Burdwan. .


Before November 2008 uprising in Jangal Mahal, armed goons of CPI(M) and its party activists unleashed ruthless terror on the people. All activities in the village, social, economic, political and cultural, proceeded as per their dictate. All of us had to endure silently whatever was dictated by CPI(M). The Panchayats under CPI(M) control were paradises for corruption. All activities of the Panchayats were linked to the interests of the local leaders of CPI(M) and their close associates. Beating up, murder, confinement, fines, attachment of land and property, pulling down homes, looting was common occurrence. The money earmarked for all government projects was pocketed by CPI(M) leaders. It was through these funds that leaders like Anuj Pandey constructed big, palatial buildings. None in the village was allowed to work and express opinions according to his/her own political beliefs. If CPI(M) diktat was not followed, that person had to remain imprisoned year after year in false cases. Poor tribal had to make huge expenses in meeting the legal matters. We don’t know what is written in the Indian constitution. We also do not know all legal stratagems. We were never given our constitutional rights. Opposing the undemocratic practice of the CPI(M) was the biggest crime. Today the UPA government led by the Congress, and the TMC dress all these undemocratic activities in democratic clothes. They have a single-point agenda to wage war on the oppressed people of the Jangal Mahal. They have deployed the forces in Jangal mahal. Since November, 2008 till today, over an area spreading over Lalgarh, Salboni, Goaltore, Midnapore, Jhargram, Belpahari many Harmad leaders of the CPI(M) and their armed forces retreated due to the resistance of the people under the leadership of our committee. For this reason, from the beginning both Congress and CPI(M) have together conspired to equip the Harmad forces with ultra-modern weapons in order to break the resistance of the people. They have always opposed any type of democratic movement and will do so in future. They are wedded to the capitalists, both domestic and foreign. That is why they have opposed people’s movement all over the country, including Singur, Nandigram and Lalgarh.


1. Enayatpur (Kotwali) camp: Camp is right in the office building of the Manidaha Gram Panchayat. There are 80 – 100 armed mercenary criminals. Weapons – Rifle, 12 bore gun, pistol and revolver (made domestically. and made in China.) Leadership: Kamal Pan, Netai Kolay, and Ajit Senapati.

2. Camp in office building of Kangsabati Gram Panchayat. There are 70-80 members.

3. Salboni Camp : Camp in Tushar Bhaban, CPI(M) party office itself . There are 35-40 armed murderers, led by Laxmikanta Ghoshal and Narayan Singha.

4. Camp in office building of Kasijorha Gram Panchayat in Patharjuri village. There is a 60-70 strong force armed with SLR, Stengun, Rifle, pistol, bomb and other ultra-modern weapons. Led by Nishakar and Mukesh Chakraborty, Shyam Pande, brother of Anuj Pande..

5. Camp of 70-80 persons in Goaltore zonal party office, SLR, Sten gun, rifle, carbine, pistol, revolver, hand grenade everything is there.

6. Force of 80-100 in Jiapara Damcha primary school and office building of Benchapara Gram Panchayat. Rifle, gun, carbine for company. Led by Tapan Ghosh, Kiriti Hajra, Dibakar Bhuyian and Sambad Gayen.

7. Two camps in Kashia primary school and Kashia CPI(M) branch office. Force of 70-80 in each camp. AK 47, carbine, Sten gun, and all other types fire-arms are provided. Led by two CPI(M) leaders called Ajit Patra and Nirmal Mukhya. (Sambad Pratidin, 12.4.2010)

Before Chidambaram’s visit on 4th April there was loud propaganda that he would go to Mangalkot, Nanoor and different places in Burdwan. Some papers reported that on Mamata’s request he would go to see CPI(M) terror in Mangalkot, Nanoor. But their beloved Home minister did not go near those areas. He came to Lalgarh after meetings Chief Minister and his Home Secretary. We knew that he wouldn’t go to Mangalkot, Nanoor. We were clear in our minds that Chidambaram will not go to the areas outside the Jangal Mahal where the CPI(M) Harmads are carrying out attacks, burning homes, and every day bloodshed occurs and people murdered in turf wars between the CPI(M) and the TMC. His political compulsions are such that he has to be friends both with Buddha and Mamata. He came to Lalgarh, but visiting the relief camps of the people displaced due to attacks by the Harmads and the joint forces, or the villages affected by their atrocities was not in his agenda. On the occasion of Chidambaram’s visit the whole of Jangal Mahal was converted into a khaki forest. One could see only police force all around. A ‘most wanted’ list featuring all our leading activists was displayed. But people know who the real criminals are. To the people of the Jangal Mahal, today Buddha-Chidambaram-Biman-Manmohan-Mamata-Bhupinder-Chief and Home Secretaries to the Dipak and Sushanta are the real criminals. The people will judge their crimes.

Arundhati Roy on CNN

Fix root causes: Dantewada report author to Government

New Delhi : The man the Home Ministry chose to inquire into the killing of 76 CRPF personnel by Naxalites in Dantewada last month has a very different opinion of the Naxal problem than that of the Ministry or Home Minister P Chidambaram.

Former BSF Director General E N Rammohan, who submitted his inquiry report to Chidambaram, today said the government must address the "root causes" of the Naxal problem without which counter-insurgency operations would not be successful.

Delivering the annual K F Rustamji lecture at the BSF investiture ceremony here, Rammohan said the main causes of Naxalism were related to land and forest rights of tribals, and states which had implemented land reforms and enforced land ceiling legislations had not been touched by the Naxal insurgency. He gave the example of Kerala in this regard.

"The government must take strong action to ensure justice for the lowest strata of people in these areas. Fighting is not the answer to the Naxal problem," he said.

Though the Home Ministry always insists that its anti-Naxal strategy is two-pronged - police operation being supplemented with efforts to ensure development of the region - it never fails to point out that Naxalites are indulging in criminal activities and killing innocent people without justification.

Rammohan said Naxalites were being forced to commit criminal acts and the main reason why Naxalites were targeting security forces was to take control of their weapons, which they had no other means of procuring.

He said the discovery of minerals in these areas had added a new dimension to the problem. "A very simple question now arises. Who does these mineral deposits belong to? Does it not belong to the people who have been living there for hundreds of years?" he asked.

Having submitted his report, Rammohan is no longer associated with the government and was speaking in his personal capacity. But his comments were contested by some serving officers present in the audience, who were of the opinion that the government had little option but to establish its superiority in the conflict with Naxalites.

Rammohan also saw some merit in the role of non-governmental organisations espousing the cause of Naxalites and said the government can utilise their services in reaching out to Naxal groups.

"After all why would a professor in Delhi University want to go to Chhattisgarh and support Naxalites? I think these people are concerned about the injustice prevailing in the system. Such NGOs should not be discouraged. In fact, their services can be utilised by the government in solving the problem," he said.

Chidambaram, who has repeatedly criticized these NGOs for taking a one-sided view of the problem, was present at the investiture ceremony but had left before Rammohan delivered the lecture.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Turkish translation of the petition to save the life of Mumia Abu-Jama - sign petition now !

Sayin Barack Obama

Biz Mumia Abu Jamalın idam cezası dolayısıyla dünyada bu cezaya karşı tum erkek kadın ve çocuklar olarak, sesimizi imzaladıgımız bu dilekce yoluyla duyurmaya calışıyoruz. Bu ceza tasarısı medeni toplumlarda, insan onurunu ve ahlakini zedeleyici durum ve kabul edilemezdir. (Birlesmis Milletler Genel Meclisi, Ölum Cezasinin Ertelenmesi, Onerge 62/149, Aralik 18, 2007; Teyit 63/168, Aralik 18, 2008)

Sayın Abu-Jamal, yaklaşık otuz yıldır Pennsylvani’da idam cezasını beklemekte olan ve toplum tarafindan bilinen aydin siyahi bir gazeteci ve yazardir. Her ne kadar onun gelecegini direk olarak kontrol edemesenizde dunyaca bilinen dürüst bir lider olarak onun cezasının ertelenmesi çagrısında bulunun. Sayin Abu-Jamal idam cezası ve insan hakları ihlaline karşı evrensel bir sembol ve de sessizlerin sesi olmuştur. Dünya’da 20.000’in üzerinde insan infaz edilmeyi beklemektedir ve bunlardan 3000’den fazlasi Amerika’dadır.

Sayın Abu-Jamal’in 1982’de,polis yolsuzlukları ve de ayrımcılıkla bilinen Philadelphida’ki duruşmasi ırkçılıkla lekelenmiştir. Uluslararası af örgütü, Nobel Barış Ödülü sahibi, “Bu davada uluslararası standartlara ve adalete uygun olmayan, bir çok hak açıkca ihlal edilmistir. Mumia Abu-Jamal’in yeni duruşmasinda adalet en iyi şekilde işlemelidir. Durusma Uluslararasi adalet standartlarina uygun yapılmalı ve idam kararına izin verilmemelidir. (A Life In the Balance - The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, at 34, Amnesty Int’l, 2000; www.

Konuya vereceginiz Önem takdirle karşılanacaktır.


Mumia Abu-Jamal and The Global Abolition of the Death Penalty

The Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:

WE THE UNDERSIGNED petition you to speak out against the death penalty for Mumia Abu-Jamal, and all the men, women and children facing execution around the world. This ultimate form of punishment is unacceptable in a civilized society and undermines human dignity. (U.N. General Assembly, Moratorium on the Use of the Death Penalty, Resolution 62/149, Dec. 18, 2007; reaffirmed, Resolution 63/168, Dec. 18, 2008.)

Mr. Abu-Jamal, a renowned black journalist and author, has been on Pennsylvania’s death row for nearly three decades. Even though you do not have direct control over his fate as a state death-row inmate, we ask that you as a moral leader on the world stage call for a global moratorium on the death penalty in his and all capital cases. Mr. Abu-Jamal has become a global symbol, the “Voice of the Voiceless”, in the struggle against capital punishment and human-rights abuses. There are over 20,000 awaiting execution around the globe, with over 3,000 on death rows in the United States.

The 1982 trial of Mr. Abu-Jamal was tainted by racism, and occurred in Philadelphia which has a history of police corruption and discrimination. Amnesty International, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, “determined that numerous aspects of this case clearly failed to meet international standards safeguarding the fairness of legal proceedings. [T]he interests of justice would best be served by the granting of a new trial to Mumia Abu-Jamal. The trial should fully comply with international standards of justice and should not allow for the reimposition of the death penalty.” (A Life In the Balance - The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, at 34, Amnesty Int’l, 2000; www.

Your consideration is appreciated.


[Note: This petition is approved by Mumia Abu-Jamal and his lead attorney, Robert R. Bryan, San Francisco.]

"Mumia's very life hangs in the balance. So we badly need international activism & pressure" - says Robert Bryan - Lead Counsel to Mumia Abu-Jamal .

: Sign the petition to US President Barack Obama to save the life of Mumia Abu-Jamal Now !

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal ( Regge ) -sign petition now !

"Mumia's very life hangs in the balance. So we badly need international activism & pressure" - says Robert Bryan - Lead Counsel to Mumia Abu-Jamal .

Sign the petition to US President Barack Obama to save the life of Mumia Abu-Jamal Now !

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mumia Abu Jamal on Haiti - a voice the world needs

"Mumia's very life hangs in the balance. So we badly need international activism & pressure" - says Robert Bryan - Lead Counsel to Mumia Abu-Jamal .

Sign the petition to US President Barack Obama to save the life of Mumia Abu-Jamal Now !

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Haiti the CIA Covert Operation

Articles on Haiti

The criminal politics of the Haitian bourgeoisie

Haiti's Story must be told

On Vicious attacks against the Revolution in Nepal

“Only utopians can divorce themselves from the actual conditions confronting them.”

(Mao, On New Democracy)

Written by members of WPRM(Britain)

On the eve of May Day, the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (RCP) published an article entitled “On the Critical Crossroads in the Nepal Revolution, and the Urgent Need for a Real Rupture with Revisionism” in its organ Revolution ( This article aimed to refute a document published by the Central Committee of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), UCPN(M), found on (

The RCP letter is subtitled, “Observations by a Supporter of that Revolution from a Communist Internationalist Perspective”. However, because Revolution has published it without any comment or criticism, it is fair to assume that it represents the RCP’s position on the revolution in Nepal.

The UCPN(M) Central Committee’s document is entitled “Present Situation and Historical Task of the Proletariat.” Its contents include:

1) A Short Evaluation of Present Situation [Internationally and in Nepal].

2) On the Party Line and Polarization of Revolutionary Communists.

3) From the Latest Peace Process to the Present: on Party’s Problems and Weaknesses.

4) A Rough Sketch of Immediate Plan.

In this article, we want to oppose the anti-revolutionary RCP line and show the importance of building support for the revolution in Nepal. We will look at the RCP’s thesis of ‘revolutionary movement under revisionist leadership’ as well as looking at the realities of the development of the revolution in Nepal.


Revisionism is a complete system of bourgeois ideology that serves the development of the capitalist system. Revisionism mean the changes, or revisions, made to Marxism such as to render it devoid of its revolutionary content. Revisionists really seek to take the path of non-resistance or class-collaboration with political representatives of the capitalist class or other exploiting classes. Moreover, they draw up policies and programs guided by the bourgeois outlook even while utilising the language of Marxism in order to justify the revisions made. Indeed, revisionists are representatives of the bourgeoisie in a proletarian political party/organisation or movement, as they advocate, either openly or in subtle or hidden ways, the capitalist road of development.

An example of a revisionist party in Nepal is the Communist Party of Nepal (United Marxist-Leninists), UML. The ideology of this party is against Marxism and the party serves to maintain the old social order, the semi-feudal, semi-colonial system in Nepal. It has supported both the autocratic monarchy and parliamentarianism. It has opposed the People’s War and the mass movement. Today, the UML is an advocate of the dominance of the Nepalese society by the comprador, bureaucratic and feudal classes and forces, both fiercely opposed to fundamental social and economic change, as well as change in the class character of the state in Nepal.

The letter published by the RCP correctly acknowledges that there is a revolutionary process in Nepal today (as the title says, “Critical Crossroads in the Nepal Revolution,” for example). But, it also asserts that the UCPN(M) leading this revolutionary movement is “revisionist,” which is in need of a “Real Rupture with Revisionism.” Such a line of thinking runs through the whole article. Thus, the RCP concedes that there is a revolution taking place in Nepal today, but it claims that it is under the leadership of revisionists.

This is indeed one of the most astonishing discoveries since Marx’s time: that a proletarian revolution can be led by non-revolutionaries or even counter-revolutionary revisionists! A ‘discovery’ in the theory of class struggle by the RCP Chairman Bob Avakian in addition to his fresh ‘discoveries’ presented in his New Synthesis. And all these on the basis of failure to develop a correct ideological-political line by applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the concrete conditions of US society. No wonder that after 35 years of political activity and all these super ‘discoveries’, the RCP is still a very insignificant material force in the class struggle in that country. However, his latest discovery deserves a special prize just as Barack Obama deserved his Nobel Prize for peace!

The thesis of the ‘Nepalese revolution under the leadership of revisionists’

The RCP totally ignores all sacrifices, hardships, complexities, problems and difficulties involved in advancing the revolutionary movement in Nepal and treats it like a debate among arm-chair intellectuals.

Mao says, “Difficulties are facts; we must recognize as many difficulties as there are and should not adopt a “policy of non-recognition”. We must recognise difficulties, analyse them and combat them. There are no straight roads in the world … In a word, while the prospects are bright, the road has twists and turns … By uniting with the entire people in a common effort, we can certainly overcome all difficulties and win victory.” (On Chungking Negotiations) (Emphases mine)

The thesis of the ‘Nepalese revolution under the leadership of revisionists’ not only shows that the RCP is divorced from reality, but also indicates that this party suffers deeply from poverty of revolutionary theory. The development of proletarian revolution in Nepal is not simply owing to developments unfolding spontaneously out of the concrete conditions, resulting in a revolutionary situation as occurred in Iran in 1979 and the Philippines in 1986, where the outcomes were the fall of the Shah and Ferdinand Marcos.

Nor was the development of proletarian revolution in Russia and China, and Nepal today, an example of ‘two separate tracks’ as theorised in Bob Avakian’s New Synthesis, which concludes that communists, without developing a powerful revolutionary movement, have only to wait for the revolutionary situation to develop spontaneously. Indeed, this is the synthesis of the RCP’s theory and practice. For good measure he also says that revolutionaries must hasten such a situation.

According to the ‘New Synthesis’, when the new conditions do emerge, creating a favourable situation for revolution, communists who “will even be oriented and able to recognize the potential,” (!) and also have developed the theory “to deal with the situation and be able to win when the two tracks can and should be merged,” can then leap from behind to head the movement to ‘grab’ the power! If this is not spontaneous thinking, then what is?!

According to the Marxist political economy, the global domination of imperialism means that the monopoly capitalist relations of production are principally hindering the development of productive forces. In other words, the objective conditions to make revolution exist in all countries, which might develop to a spontaneous revolutionary situation. However, because the objective conditions to make revolution exists, the role of the proletarian vanguard is to mobilise the working class and the masses, and on the basis of the objective and subjective situations create a revolutionary situation to seize power.

Without a powerful revolutionary movement under the leadership of the proletariat, there is no proletarian revolution. This is where the RCP has grossly failed in both theory and practice, and it is one of the major reasons that has led to the theory that “Communism is not inevitable” in Bob Avakian’s New Synthesis, that the New Democratic and Socialist revolutions are not inevitable! And therefore, the imperialist system could dominate the world forever, if a huge asteroid does not strike our planet and wipe out humanity!

In fact, the development of proletarian revolution such as in Nepal is based on the dynamic interaction of the proletarian Party with the concrete conditions of that country. One can observe that particularly during the last 14 years, the subjective strength of the proletariat has immensely increased through changing the objective and subjective situations (principally the subjective situation) of the working class and the masses in the country. This step by step qualitative and quantitative development is now rapidly advancing to create a revolutionary situation under the leadership of the proletariat.

The proletarian revolution in Nepal is based on Mao’s theory of New Democratic Revolution, applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the concrete conditions in Nepal. The revolution in Nepal is a conscious development of a powerful revolutionary movement to determine the course of class struggle in the country, through People’s War and mass movements as well as constitutional politics, consensus-seeking as well as confrontational. This revolutionary process which is multi-faceted - ideological, political, cultural, organisational and military - is preparing the working class and the masses to seize and hold political power - state power.

The Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)

The fundamental character and orientation of a revolution is determined by its leadership. The 1979 revolution in Iran was led by Islamic Fundamentalists and with the help of imperialists and reactionary classes. This led to the establishment of the Islamic Republic. And with the help of imperialists it has sustained power for 31 years. The ideology and politics of the UCPN(M) on the other hand show that there is a proletarian-led revolution unfolding in Nepal. This is a New Democratic Revolution, because the peasantry, the intelligentsia and the petty bourgeoisie and even sections of the vacillating national bourgeoisie - all led by the proletariat - have become a mighty independent force in the class struggle of Nepal.

The UCPN(M) is a proletarian Party because it is the product of the application of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the revolutionary politics of Nepal.

The reactionary classes, the Indian expansionists and imperialists are all united to smash the Party and thereby the revolution. These are the main reasons why whoever cares about working class, the masses, revolution and communism would support the Nepalese revolution and its leadership, learn from its valuable lessons even while helping to overcome its shortcomings.

We communists would never reject anyone who criticises our theory and practice. We do, however, reject those who consciously strive to undermine and attack the revolution and its leadership. We listen and learn from well-meaning critics, divide the criticism into two, unite with what is correct and on this basis struggle with the incorrect to transform ourselves and the critics. However, it will not do if certain quarters seek to belittle or marginalise the UCPN(M) leadership, which represents (as in all political parties) the entire party.

This is a Party belonging to the international working class, as well as the proletariat in Nepal. The proletarian revolution in Nepal belongs to the working class and the masses the world over. It will certainly not do if some group wants to undermine or split our revolution by striving to denigrate and split the UCPN(M) leading it. The force at the core leading the revolution in Nepal is the UCPN(M). “Supporting” the revolution but denying or undermining the core leading it shows sheer ignorance and a new height of arrogance.

This ‘supporter’ and the RCP, through their malicious propaganda under the pretext of ‘supporting’ the revolution, deliberately attack the UCPN(M) to confuse people, advocating the so-called theory of revolution under the leadership of revisionists. Utilising this ‘theory’ they mechanically separate the revolutionary movement and its leadership to frantically oppose the UCPN(M). The enemies of the Nepalese revolution, such as the reactionary ruling classes in Nepal, Indian expansionists and imperialists, are deliberately striving to split the leadership from the revolutionary movement, and any serious supporter of this revolution should do the opposite.

The RCP are brandishing their pens like swords and striking out in all directions, juggling facts and fictions in their heads. Instead of helping to gather support for the Nepalese people and expose the plots of the enemies of the revolution (such as foreign land grabbing and meddling in the country’s internal affairs), they are desperately trying to dishearten people, looking into their crystal ball to predict that “this prospect seems increasingly bleak,” meaning the victory of the people.

The RCP’s history shows that they have grossly failed to grasp that everything divides into two, and therefore, that the Party divides into two. And the UCPN(M) Central Committee’s document is the outcome of an intense two-line struggle and a synthesis of the opposing lines within the Party. Combining two into one, it certainly is not. The document is the outcome of correctly applying the principle of unity-struggle-unity which has opened the possibility of engaging the enemy with unity on different fronts anticipating different outcomes. Is the major two-line struggle over? Definitely not. And there are many more to come.

As Lenin said, “A revolutionary would not “agree” to a proletarian revolution only “on the condition” that it proceeds easily and smoothly, that there is, from the outset, combined action on the part of proletarians of different countries, that there are guarantees against defeats, that the road of the revolution is broad, free and straight, that it will not be necessary during the march to victory to sustain the heaviest casualties, to “bide one’s time in a besieged fortress”, or to make one’s way along extremely narrow, impassable, winding and dangerous mountain tracks. Such a person is no revolutionary, he has not freed himself from the pedantry of the bourgeois intellectuals; such a person will be found constantly slipping into the camp of the counter-revolutionary bourgeoisie.” (Letter to American Workers)

Quixotic revolutionaries

This ‘supporter’ refuses to even unearth the complexities and the underlying realities - and the many challenges the UCPN(M) leaders are facing today. Yet she/he blabbers, “Unfortunately, all its various factions, including even those which have been, in varying degrees, in opposition to the revisionist line of the Party’s leadership - appear to be trapped within, and obstinately determined to remain within, the circular revisionist logic which characterizes the thinking of the UCPN(M) leadership.”

Steeped in idealism and metaphysics, in all apparent seriousness, our quixotic revolutionaries totally ignore the comprehensive, conscious and massive preparations taking place for the decisive battle ahead. Nay, they go on to pontificate the outcome as a “devastating defeat” even before the battle has begun! They denounce the whole Party and attempt to seek out “genuine revolutionaries” in their virtual world and warn them about defeat.

Well, prepare to move your joystick again, because our Nepalese revolutionaries might very well win! These infantile ‘communists’ who have miserably failed both in practice and theory, virulently spew forth their resentment on anyone with whom they are in the slightest disagreement. Can this be to cover up their many failures and gain some attention so as to overcome their isolation, both in the US and abroad? They claim to support revolution. Revolution, what revolution?! Your theory is simply a theory of no revolution at all, and that is the heart of the matter.

The Revolution article does not bother trying to understand that the revolution in Nepal develops through stages and now it is at its final stage. They don’t care to know that the final stage develops through sub-stages and the proletarian revolution cannot proceed to the next sub-stage before accomplishing the previous one. And in spite of growing clarity of the situation, they are ignorant of the fact that at this juncture, preparation for the decisive battle should be carried out in order to face grave dangers and great possibilities.

And as Lenin said, “The proletarian vanguard has been won over ideologically. That is the main thing. Without this, not even the first step towards victory can be made. But that is still quite a long way from victory. Victory cannot be won with a vanguard alone. To throw only the vanguard into the decisive battle, before the entire class, the broad masses, have taken up a position either of direct support for the vanguard, or at least of sympathetic neutrality towards it and of precluded support for the enemy, not be merely foolish but criminal.” (“Left-wing” communism: an infantile disorder)


The present global monopoly capitalist economic crisis is of several times deeper, broader and of far reaching significance than the economic depression that had emerged in 1929 and compelled the imperialist powers to wage the Second World War. Powerful waves of the current Tsunami of economic crisis have reached the shores of all countries, devastating people’s livelihood on their way, causing resistance against the austerity measures imposed by the ruling classes, who desperately strive to prevent collapse of their moribund system. Massive uprisings in Iran, Greece, Thailand and rural India show only the tip of an iceberg.

Once again the imperialist system dominating the world is showing its true nature, and that its inherent fundamental contradictions would inevitably lead to crisis creating further misery for the vast majority of the people, while a few continue to accumulate colossal wealth. In this situation, the anti-capitalist sentiment of working class, the masses and radical intellectuals is flourishing and many, particularly the youth, are increasingly looking for a way out. Some among these people are more susceptible to take up or even gravitate toward the theories of the New Democratic and Socialist Revolution. In this context, the proletarian-led revolution in Nepal, which has played a vital role in the country, can play a very important role in other countries.

Indeed, the objective situation is increasingly becoming more favourable. However, there are several serious subjective problems that we, communists, need to address in order to build proletarian-led revolutionary movements in as many countries as possible. The first and the most important problem is grasping the ideology of the proletariat, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. In this context, the UCPN(M)’s ideological development by adopting the method of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution to involve working class and the masses in major two-line struggles within the Party, provides guidance to grasp the proletarian ideology. The most recent example of applying this method is precisely the Central Committee document, produced through intense two-line struggle involving not only the Party but also the masses. The document contains an analysis of the problems the Party has faced and a frank and open self-criticism of the shortcomings from its Chairman to its cadres in this period.

The central and the most important internationalist task of communists is to develop and lead a revolutionary movement in ‘their’ country. However, today, the proletarian-led revolution in Nepal is rapidly reaching its climax. In this situation, building a powerful support for this revolution abroad is not only essential, showing a true internationalist spirit, but also highly favourable for developing a proletarian-led revolutionary movement wherever we are.

To conclude with Lenin, “The exploiters are still strong enough to murder the finest leaders of the world proletarian revolution, to increase the sacrifices and suffering of the workers in occupied or conquered countries and regions. But the exploiters all over the world are not strong enough to prevent the victory of the world proletarian revolution, which will free mankind from the yoke of capital and the internal menace of new imperialist wars, which are inevitable under capitalism.” (Letter to the workers of Europe and America).

World People's Resistance Movement (Britain)