Dear Comrades and Friends,
The Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) fully supports the manifest attached here, condemning the new antidemocratic repressive acts of the Spanish government against the Basque Patriotic Left, and concretely the arrest of 34 members of the Basque youth movement.
We call upon all the progressive forces around the world to respond immediately to the urgent appeal of the Basque youth, to sign the attached manifest, and join forces in the struggle for the immediate liberation of the 34 arrested.
Moreover, just a few weeks ago, the Spanish "justice" proceeded (again!) in the arrest of Arnaldo Otegi and 4 more leaders of the Patriotic Left. This mockery of "European democracy" has to be revealed all over the world! We forward this appeal to all our international contacts, asking to demonstrate their solidarity.
Freedom for the 34 Basque youth and all the Basque political prisoners!
Condemn the repression - Support the democratic process advanced by the Basque Patriotic Left!
Communist Organization of Greece / Kommounistiki Organosi Elladas (KOE)
International Relations Department
Email: *
Web: * In English:
Post address: Newspaper "Left!" * Isaia Salonon 6 * 11475 Athens, Greece
Phone: +30 210 6441745 * Fax: +30 210 6430024
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: iñaki garcia garcia
Sent: Wed, December 2, 2009 12:52:12 PM
Hola a todos hi comrades
Este correo es para mandaros el manifiesto que sera presentado este viernes en denuncia al ataque contra la juventud vasca que se saldo con 34 detenidos la semana pasada. Os pedimos que antes de pasado mañana nos mandeis la adhesion y nos ayudeis moviendo este manifiesto entre vuestros contactos. Sentimos las prisas pero las condiciones de trabajo ahora mismo son malas por aqui.
This mail is just to asko for your solidarity related to the arrest of 34 members of the youth movement last week. This friday we are going to present this manifest attached and we need asap as much signatures as we can have in two days. We need your help, and sorry cause of sending that with only two days but the situation is not good to work here now.
Thansk and gracias a todos to all and AURRERA BOLIE!!!!
Youth and independentist: not a crime/ Joven e independetista: un crimen?
Around the police/juridical attack, 34 people arrested, against the Basque youth movement, the different youth movements below want to declare:
Los movimientos abajo firmantes, ante la detencion de 34 miembros del movimiento juvenil vasco, nos reunimos y declaramos:
We do not consider this attack as an aggression against one concrete organization. Between the arrested people there were representatives of the feminist movement, squatter movement, the movement for another housing policy…at least the representatives of a diverse and alive movement which aim is building an alternative social and national project for the Basque country.
No consideramos este ataque represivo un accion en contra de una organizacion concreta. Entre los arrestados se encuentras representates del movimiento feminista, activistas por el derecho a una vivienda, miembros de las diferentes gazte asanbladas y gaztetxes, acivistas politicos…los detenidos representan un movimiento juvenil que en su dinamismo y diversidad se organiza para ofrecer a este pueblo una alternativa basada en el cambio social y politico.
The civil and political rights are again not respected by the Spanish state. We demand respect, for all different projects that reflex the diversity of our country, including the right to defend an independetist and socialist alternative for the Basque country.
Los derechos civiles y politicos de los jovenes vascos han vuelto a ser crudamente conculcados. Exigimos respeto para todos los proyectos que reflejan la diversidad de nuestro pueblo, incluido aquellos que apostamos por una Euskal Herria independiente y socialista.
We demand to stop all this continuous attacks against the Basque youth and the guarantees to develop our political compromise without repression and with respect to our civil and political rights.
Exigimos que paren estos continuos ataques contra la juventud vasca asi como que se cumplan las garantias para poder desarrollar nuestro compromise politico sin perjuicio de nuestros derechos civiles y politicos.
The signatories of this manifest call a press conference next Friday and a demonstration next Saturday to show collectively that we refuse this attack, show our solidarity to the arrested people and ask for their liberation.
Los abajo firmantes llamamos a su vez una rueda de prensa y una manifestacion con el objetivo de mostrar nuestro rechazo colectivo ante este nuevo ataque represivo, mostramos nuestra solidaridad a los detenidos y exigimos su inmediata liberacion
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