Tuesday, March 5, 2019

March 6th 1919 Communist International Resolution on Working Women

The Congress of the Communist International recognizes that the realization of all the tasks it sets by itself, as well as the ultimate victory of the world proletariat and the complete abolishment of the capitalistic system, can be attained only by the closely united common effort of the men and women of the working class.

The enormously growing employment of female labor in all branches of economy, the fact that no less than half of all existing values are produced by women’s’ hand, the recognition of the important part proletarian women play in the construction of the new Communist social order, particularly in the transition to communistic domestic relations, in the reform of the family as an institution, and the realization of a socialistic education of children destined to produce able and common-spirited citizens for the Soviet Republics-all these considerations cause the following to be the urgent task of all parties adhering to the Communist International: to exert all their energy towards the winning of proletarian women for those parties, and towards the education of working women in the spirit of the new society and of communistic ethics in society and the family.

The dictatorship of the proletariat can be realized and kept up only through the active and energetic participation of the women of the working class.

Source: Communist International (Petrograd), No. 1 (May, 1919), Petrograd, p. 127.

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