Friday, February 13, 2009

We salute the 14th anniversary of People's War. - Italian Communists


Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
Central Commitee

We salute the 14th anniversary of People's War.

We salute the struggling Nepalese people and masses that under the
leadership of your party celebrate this glorious anniversary in Kathmandu.

The People's War in Nepal has represented a shining beacon for the
proletariat and oppressed peoples of the world, it has affirmed the force of
Maoism and of the communist party based on Maoism, as apt instruments to guide the people toward rebellion and liberation.

People's War in Nepal has showed the fact that Mao's paved way and a
Marxist-Leninist- Maoist party can effectively be the winning way for
proletarians and peoples worldwide to overturn imperialism and the
reactionary regimes to its service, to build a new power, to realize a New
Democratic Republic and march toward socialism and communism.

The ten years of people's war have demonstrate that this is necessary and
possible and we can advance and win.

The Nepalese revolution has intertwined the people's war with the political
struggle on all fronts to accomplish its aims.

The Nepalese popular masses have supported this way, giving to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) the victory in the elections and the leadership of the coalition government.

Along this path we have acquired more lessons and enrichment in the science of proletarian revolution and in the application of Marxism-Leninism- Maoism in the concrete reality of each country.

The Nepalese revolution has pointed out the importance of tactics to assert the strategy.

In the last periods of its development the Nepalese revolution faces
external and inner enemies that want to stop the wheel of history, reverse
the obtained achievements and impede the accomplishment of the new
democratic revolution.

In this context it is right and necessary the unity of the revolutionary
pole of the Nepalese people to fight back the forces of counterrevolution.
The decisive aspect in constructing the revolutionary pole is that of
fighting against the revisionism which is still the principal inner enemy of
the communist movement on national and international scale.

This anniversary is the appropriate occasion to celebrate and reaffirm that
people's war in all its forms is the only way that can lead the proletariat
and peoples to victory against imperialism and reaction, that only an
authentic communist party based on Maoism applied to the concrete reality is the necessary guide.

If the Nepalese revolution will advance in the wake of these principles and
verified experiences, the victory will be sure. And this will serve the new
wave of world proletarian revolution that must assert itself against the
imperialism in crisis.

Long live the 14th anniversary of the heroic people's war!

Long live Marxism-Leninism- Maoism!

Long live proletarian internationalism!

With Nepalese proletariat and Nepalese people till victory!


Maoist Communist Party - Italy

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