Friday, February 13, 2009

Message at the occasion of the fourteen’s anniversary of the popular war’s beginning in Nepal.

Friday the 13 February 2009, progressive and revolutionary forces celebrate the fourteen’s anniversary of the popular war’s beginning in Nepal. This date expresses certainly an important event. It’s also an significant defy in this hard and difficult international and regional contexts, which see the imperialists and their lacquers, attack and oppress peoples and nations with a great savagery, to exploit their human, natural and territorial wealth. In such circumstances of relative weakness of progressive forces, it is essential that the banner of revolution be handed so that’s the case in Nepal, on the base of the ML Maoism’s defend and application, and as well, its development to the exigent correct point in this twenty one century.

The combination of agrarian reform and armed struggle and their permutation to the urban upsurge, are given the conquest by the people of the direct, free and equal universal suffrage which has been consecrated by the PCN (m)’s victory at the constituent assembly’s election, the constitution of an antimonarchist government conduced by the leader of the party as the prime minister, are some concrete transductions of the Nepalese revolutionary’s ability to take in hand the leviers for transformation their country in benefit of peasants, workers and other oppressed.
Nevertheless, the transition to a new popular republic renders the class’s struggle more difficult and complex. By conducting a leading line of “unity-struggle-unity” and “struggle-criticism-transformation”, the PCN (M) has successfully reached a higher unity in the ideological, political and organisational level. The combinative line of three spheres, the street, the government and the constituent assembly, with the street as the fundamental factor, the realisation of the unity of ML Maoist organisations, are powerful weapons and examples for a correct assumption of the new democracy’s contemporary social-republican revolution.
We communicate our full congratulations and express our sympathy and solidarity to all the militant and actors of PCN (M), who work night and day for the victory of the Nepalese revolution and to set the people of Nepal as the only creator of history in their country.


10 février 2009

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