Friday, February 13, 2009

Greek Marxist Leninists congratulate Nepalese Maoist Party on 14th Anniversary of People's War

To the Central Committee of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)

On behalf of the members and the cadres of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) , we convey our warmest revolutionary greetings for the 14th anniversary of People's War to your members and cadres as well as to the progressive Nepali men and women who actively participate in the struggle for social and national liberation.Greek communists and many progressives and leftists watch closely the very important political and social development in Nepal and express their support and solidarity.

They wish your Party efforts will succeed and the struggle of the Nepali people will be justified. The recent success of your Party's unification efforts brought joy to them and they hope that all the others unifying efforts will succeed towards the greatest possible unity of Nepali communists.We think that your struggle for establishing a new constitution which will serve the aspiration of the vast majority of Nepali people is very significant and we express our strong support to the struggle conducted against local reactionaries and foreign forces that try to obstruct the course of the Nepali people's revolutionary movement.

In a period of increasing needs and tasks for the communists all over the planet your struggle is a source of inspiration and optimism.

Leading Organ of CPG(m-l)

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