Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tribuna Popular/PCV - Venezuelan Communists we must rescue the sword of Bolivar from Tripoli so that Gaddafy does not use it to stab Chavez in the back

Tribuna Popular/PCV ***La rebelion popular libia, contra Kaddafi y contra la invasion extranjera ***

Today Muammar Gaddafy is a dictator and not a revolutionary. He is a traitor who in the past waved the flag of pan-arabism, socialism, popular democracy and anti-imperialism. In the 1990's he decided to become an ally of imperialist interests. After the execution of Saddam Hussein, Gaddafy felt isolated, and like a political parasite, he allied himself with the empire. 

He decreed the privatisation of everything, to enlist himself in the plutocratic project of the masonic and pro-Zionist New World Order.His son Saif al Islam - Gaddafy's succesor - maintains that Lybia's modernisation must be premised upon the privatization of its energy resources. Privatize in order to retain the throne with help from imperialism. Saif has also pronounced himself in favour of the WTO. 

He is an informant for western interests who facilitated the surrender of the database of the Lybian Intelligence Service (which contained contact information on revolutionaries belonging to the PLO, IRA, ETA, etc, etc. ) to the CIA.

It is a matter of common knowledge among palestinian and jordanian political activists that it was Muammar Kaddafi who informed on the location of venezuelan revolutionary Carlos Illich Ramurez, today incarcerated in France.

We must recue the sword of Bolivar from Tripoli so that Gaddafy will not use it to stab Chavez in the back. There is a popular rebellion in the Arab world because they live under bloodthirsty dictators who are protected by the EEU, Europe and Zionism. 

This preatorian guard of arab world dictatorships, in a methaphoric manner of speaking, conform the Greater Israel. The Arab popular masses are on the rise and is hungry for changes. We must advocate that this rebellion ends in revolutionary transformations. 

This is a domino effect that could overthrow all the arab world dictatorships and could ultimately overthrow the most prostituted of all arab world dictatorships: the Saudi Monarchy."

Democracy and Class Struggle: Even the Venezulean revisionists have exposed Gaddafy. What is the problem with Chavez ? The embraces he receives from Gaddafy or Ahmadinijad shortens his political life and credibility among the masses.

If he espouses revolution then he should support the Uprising in Libya or  our Peruvian Maoist comrades are right when they say that Chavez represents a bureaucratic capitalism whose only future is Fascism like in Libya ?

We ask these questions because they arise out of the current peoples struggle in North Africa and The Middle East  and the answers will shape the struggle for Socialism in the 21st Century. 


  1. Hoy los revisionistas venezolanos critican a Khaddafy. Eso está bien, pero esa crítica es sesgada e inconsecuente. Ellos, los revisionistas venezolanos, por muchas décadas asumieron las teorías anti-marxistas-leninistas sobre el papel "revolucionario" de estos dictadores militares, tanto en el mundo árabe como en América Latina,de los revisionistas soviéticos. Para ser creibles, entonces, deben: (1)Autocriticarse integral y públicamente; (2) Condenar su complicidad con el Kruschevismo-Brezhnevianismo;(3)Reconocer, públicamente, que el camarada Mao estaba en la posición correcta, asimismo que; (4)Que Khaddafy,Menguistu, Castro, Chávez, Correa, Daniel Ortega y otros han sido y son representantes de sus propias burguesías burocráticas nacionales, y sobre esa base cambiar realmente su línea política.


    Today Venezuelans criticize revisionists Khaddafy. That's fine, but that criticism is biased and inconsistent. They, the Venezuelan revisionist, for many decades took anti-Marxist theories on the role-Leninist "revolutionary"of these military dictators, both in the Arab world and Latin America, the Soviet revisionists. To be credible, then, should: (1) comprehensive and publicly criticize themselves, (2) Orders complicity with the Khrushchev-Brezhnevianismo, (3) recognize, publicly, that Chairman Mao was in the right position, further that, (4 ) That Khaddafy, Mengistu, Castro, Chavez, Correa, Daniel Ortega and others have been and are representatives of their own national bureaucratic bourgeoisie, and on that basis really change its political line.
