Saturday, March 5, 2011

Comrade Jamal of PFLP : Recent Events in Libya mean the Fascist dictatorship will fall soon

Democracy and Class Struggle salutes the PFLP and Comrade Jamal for his condemnation of the Fascist dictatorship in Libya, The Left in Britain and USA would do well to listen to real revolutionaries like Comrade Jamal on Libya instead of being manipulated by the well funded Gaddafy Public Relations machine with their disinformation concerning the "normality" of Libya.

Comrade Hussein al-Jamal, member of the Central Committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said on February 24, 2011 that what is happening now in Libya demonstrates that the official Arab regimes, and specifically, the rule of the fascist dictatorship in Libya, have nothing to do with the masses of the Arab people while exploiting the capabilities and wealth of the masses.

Comrade al-Jamal spoke with the Voice of the People radio station in Gaza, saying that the fascist dictatorship in Libya is attempting to defend its authority and protect its private interests, using the most powerful weapons against the proud masses of the Libyan people in revolt. The masses of the Libyan people, he said, are engaged in an ongoing revolution, determined to achieve victory and complete its objectives in bringing down the regime.

Furthermore, he called for this expired fascist dictatorial regime to be brought before the Libyan people and international criminal courts to be tried for the heinous crimes committed against the heroic Libyan people.

Furthermore, he expressed his salute to the masses of our Arab people, and to the Libyan martyrs who were killed in brutal massacres committed by the dictator Muammar Gaddafi, his gang and his mercenaries, emphasizing that these systems and services and security battalions have been sponsored by the Mossad, Western intelligence services and the U.S. intelligence community. He said that these systems will not be stronger than the voice of the revolutionary Arab masses who are sweeping aside the weak thrones of all corrupt and dictatorial Arab regimes, particularly Gaddafi's dictatorship.

Comrade al-Jamal said that the spread of awareness among the Arab people which has led to the uprising and revolt against injustice in Tunisia, Egypt, now Libya, and throughout Arab countries reflects the historical development of the revolutionary process among the Arab people, saying that this process may be long or short and that the Arab people have accumulated revolutionary experience since before the last explosion in the mid-twentieth century. He noted that these revolutions had been delayed, in particular by the subordination of Arab officialdom to colonialism and imperialism, disengaging from the Palestinian national cause, and looting the wealth of the masses to their own benefit, leading to the absence of the Arab role in global political, cultural and scientific levels.

Furthermore, said Comrade Jamal, there is no Arab regime that creates any budget item that receives as high an allocated budget as the "security" services, including training and arms for the police and security services, overseen by the U.S. and Western intelligence servives. There is no Arab regime, said Comrade Jamal, allocating budgets for scientific research; these regimes have squandered Arab history and civilization and exploited the vast capacities of the Arab people in order to remain on their flimsy thrones based on the accumulation of stolen wealth in their hands, and the hands of their families and courtiers. Comrade Jamal pointed to Tunisia's ruling family and their vast wealth and corruption, and Egypt, where Mubarak and his family have become a gang of thieves and looters who took over the riches and fortunes of the Arab world.

In response to a question about the impact of these events on Palestine, Comrade al-Jamal stressed that these developments are positive, saying that imperialism in the U.S. and Europe has been sent reeling by the rapid development of revolutionary change in the Arab world, noting that Arab popular power will dramatically affect the relationship between Arab countries and the Zionist entity.

Comrade al-Jamal emphasized that these revolutionary transformations will lead to increased national attention to the Palestinian cause at the political level, as well as to action on the domestic Palestinian level. He pointed to Palestinian youth mobilizing through social media, including Twitter and Facebook, seeking tools and mechanisms to end the division and weakness that has brought the Palestinian cause to a deeply weak state of division and fragmentation.

He noted that these young people have raised the slogan, "The People Want to End the Division," and more than 500 Palestinian and Arab youth groups have arisen to communicate through digital media in order to struggle for Palestinian national unity. He pointed to the fact that the Arab revolutions have inspired Palestinian youth to break the barriers of fear in order to call for an end to division and the restoration of the Palestinian cause.

Comrade al-Jamal noted that the Front calls upon all Palestinian youth to invest their energy in building the Palestinian community and cause and to take initiatives, and that it supports all such efforts to end the division and protect the national cause.

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