Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mumia Abu-Jamal speaks from death row in Pennsylvania to Brixton London

A Report by Nickglais of Democracy and Class Struggle
Mumia Abu Jamal spoke from his cell on death row to a packed audience in Brixton London in a legal call from his lawyer Robert R. Bryan on evening of 10th June 2010.

He praised the activism in Britain and how more than a million people came out to demonstrate against the invasion of Iraq.

He made the point that activism is not a part time activity but a lifetime commitment.It is that commitment that is necessary for changing the world.

Those present broke out into spontaneous applause has Mumia spoke of the importance of struggle and the importance of ending the death penalty worldwide - it is the working class poor who are executed and not the middle classes and the rich.

Robert R Bryan made the point that Angela Davis was freed from a combination of mass mobilsation and legal struggle and freeing Mumia would require that combination of mass pressure and legal action.

Luwezi Kinshasa of the Afrikan Socialist International was the first speaker in support of the Mumia Abu Jamal international campaign and promised to raise the campaign to save Mumia throughout Afrika.

Luwezi Kinshasa made the point that the Obama phenomena was not new has it had been tried first in South Africa with Nelson Mandela.

He raised the historic contribution of Marcus Garvey and the idea of one Afrikan Nation and Socialism has being the solution to Afrika's problem of capitalist imperialist domination.

Glenn Watson of the Global Afrikan Congress spoke after the Mumia live call and the contribution of Robert R. Bryan.

Glenn Watson was surprised to learn that the US judicial system had put a time limit on evidence of racial abuse - has the trial judge comments at Mumia's trial to another law offical that he would "fry the nigger" could no longer be used has evidence of racism in the case of Mumia Abu -Jamal.

Racism lay at the core of Mumia's trial but this has been compounded by a multiplicity of unjust actions from the legal establishment which is determined has ever to kill Mumia by judicial process.

Mumia remains on death row under a death judgment. He is in greater danger than at any time since his arrest 28 years ago said Robert R. Bryan his lawyer.

Sara Callaway of Global Women's Strike reminded the audience of the publication in the next few days of Mumia's book Jailhouse Lawyers in the UK edited by Selma James who has visited Mumia in prison.

Tongogara of the George Jackson Socialist League concluded the meeting by an appeal to build a movement to free Mumia throughout Britain has part of the mass pressure worldwide that will be necessary to win Mumia's release and the end of the death penalty worlwide.

If you are interested in supporting the UK campaign to save Mumia Abu Jamal e mail us at:

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