Monday, September 7, 2009

PLA not ready to discharge disqualified combatants unless govt introduces 'package programme'

Monday, 07 September 2009 19:33#

Commanders of the Maoist People's Liberation Army (PLA) have said the government should introduce concrete programme for the disqualified combatants before they could be discharged from the cantonments.

The General Staff meeting of the PLA in Kathmandu Monday decided to ask the government and the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) not resume the stalled discharging process until the government announced a package programme for their rehabilitation.

There are 4802 combatants who were disqualified in the verification conducted by UNMIN.

PLA spokesperson and deputy commander Chandra Prakash Khanal said the General Staff meeting has objected to the comments of the leaders of some political parties that the PLA combatants should not be taken into the national army.

According to Khanal, PLA firmly sticks to definition of "national army", which will be formed after integration between the PLA and NA.

All PLA deputy commanders and heads of seven divisions and 21 brigade commanders are taking part in the General Staff meeting that started few days earlier.

Earlier, Maoist chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal and other senior leaders had given training to the PLA commander on organisation and ideological matters

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