Monday, September 7, 2009

Drapeau Rouge paper of the Parti Communiste maoïste de France


You will find here attached the last issue of the Drapeau Rouge. Here is the summary :

(You will find a leaflet about the history of the International Communist Movement at the centre of the newspaper)

Political Struggle

P.2 : Asserting the just way of MCP of France

P.6 : Two Ways in the CGT

P.8 : Impulse the proletarian line

P.13 : Situation in industry

P.29: University reform


P.15 : Growing of Modern Fascism

P.17 : About elections

P.19 : G8, G20 and the climat question

P.22 : Line struggle, direction and capitalist restauration

International Questions

P.31 : India: Lalgarh, revolutionary ferment

P.32: Peru : Development of the PW and indigenous people's struggle

P.34 : Iran : Revolutionary feeling is growing

P.35: Afghanistan : Boycott the elections / Nepal : About the struggle against revisionism

P.37 : Sri Lanka : Tasks of the maoists

P.38 : Intervention of the MCP(F) at Charlety stadium

P.39: Papers for our Comrade Shova Gajurel

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Meanwhile, we assess our total support to the workers of Continental sentenced by bourgeois justice. We support Xavier Mathieu declaration that it is not an attack only against the workers but to the whole working class.

We also assess our total support to Xavier Mathieu when he attacks the leadership of the CGT, saying that "Thibault and co. are just good to be friendly with the government, to calm down the base."

This is totally in agreement with our analysis : the unions leadership are collaborators of the government, and by doing so are betraying the working class by trying to conciliate the interests of the working class and the bourgeoisie.

That is why we call to build Unity Committee at the Base, joining union members and other workers, independant of all reformist organisations.

Our duty is to transform the legitimate revolt feelings into revolutionary consciousness capable of transforming reality.

Conatct us to take some action.

Maoist Communist Party of France

Le Drapeau Rouge,
Organe du Parti Communiste maoïste de France
http://drapeaurouge .over-blog. com


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