Monday, May 4, 2009

False Pride in Nepal's Army a Democrat speaks the truth

It is not an exaggeration to say that Nepal’s army is the most feudal and rigid organization in the country, which has always pledged its loyalty to the King above other national interests. Within the army, cronyism reigns supreme.

One who is close to the royals, or their friends gets promotions while those who are regular service members are pushed aside and shipped off to locations, which influential officers do not prefer, leaving them little or no opportunity to advance their skills and education.

In the army, there is no such thing as fair play. And then, there is a custom of asking low ranking service members to serve high-ranking generals and their families.

A young man joins the army to serve the nation and its people, but instead the generals use him for their personal benefits, making him work as a personal servant. So, should one be proud of such an organization?

Those who are now screaming their lungs out and signing praises of the army as an “institution for Nepalese” and denouncing the Maoists for interfering in its affairs are exhibiting hypocrisy and naivety.

Where were their concerns for fairness when the army was promoting service members not based on qualification and capacity but on family connections, caste and other non-performance related basis?

Is the Nepalese army an institution for the Nepalese people because in the past it always put the interests of their King above the country and its people and even today, it is not very concerned about the people?

Nepal's false pride in its army By Bhumika Ghimire

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