Monday, May 4, 2009

CPN UML divided on Presidents reinstatement of Rookmangud Katawal

Jhala Nath Khanal of UML

In the meeting held at UML parliamentary party office, Singha Durbar, some lawmakers described Yadav's move as unconstitutional. They said that the President does not have constitutional prerogative to veto government decisions.

Democracy and Class Struggle says it's time for the democrats in The CPN UML to stand up and join with their class brothers in the Maoist Party to kick out President Yadav and the Military Clique he supports.

The old Ruling Class in Nepal is trying to restore it's old rule with a fig leaf of constitutionalism - its is time to expose to this rotten , corrupt system that holds back the creativity and energy of the Nepali Masses - the Nepali masses have the leaders in Prachanda and Bhattarai to create new democracy and bring honour to Nepal and inspiration to the working people of the world.

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