Saturday, October 20, 2018


Democracy and Class Struggle salutes the  undefeated, unfading light of Maoism which  is defiantly commanding the New Great Wave of the Proletarian World Revolution in India in Philippines and Turkey - the setbacks in Nepal and Peru will be overcome.
“The Congress serves the World Revolution, the People’s War serves it, the Congress serves the People’s War which is the principal form of struggle to change the world… the Congress has sanctioned Maoism as the third, new and superior stage. Which Party puts it forward like this? It is ours, in this sense it is the light of the world, the sole torch that can unite us with the communists in the world… it is a milestone, it serves to put Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as the command and guide of the World Revolution… The Congress gave us great results, wonderful perspectives, it will make time be Before the Congress and After the Congress, the Congress has decided our path by defining the general political line; thus they go against the line, go against the Congress, they rise against it, but who believes in renegades or mercenaries of imperialism… the Congress is a milestone of victory that will deeply mark the Party, the People’s War and the World Revolution for decades”.

Chairman Gonzalo - Unite around the Congress
[TN: Our italics]

On this 90th Anniversary of our glorious heroic combatant, the Communist Party of Peru, we express with raised fists, our greetings and strict and full subjection to our Great Leadership, Chairman Gonzalo, Great Leader of the Party and the Revolution, the greatest living Marxist-Leninist-Maoist on Earth, our firm commitment to defend the health and life dedicating our own lives for it. We separate ourselves, reject and combat the sinister “fake trials and life sentence” that are orchestrated by the Yankee Gendarme as part of its general counterrevolutionary offensive. What do they aim for with this offensive? Black intentions to discredit and further isolate him in the fascist concentration camp of the naval base that is controlled by the CIA – SIN in order to fulfill their demented plan to assassinate him. But there is a counterpart to their black dreams: Chairman Gonzalo is acknowledged as the Great Leader of the Proletarian Revolution because he is the one who has defined Maoism as the third, new and superior stage of Marxism, with his heroic communist forge, example and struggle that commands the New Great Wave of the Proletarian World Revolution.

Throughout the globe, Communist Parties and Maoist Organizations, the international proletariat and peoples of the world develop and unfold the successful campaign of strategic character: Defend the health and life of Chairman Gonzalo! Inseparably from: Put Maoism as the command and guide of the Proletarian World Revolution! Long live Chairman Gonzalo, Great Leader of the Party and the Revolution! Furthermore, gathering the decisive contributions of Chairman Gonzalo for a development of Marxism, they grasp the almighty Gonzalo Thought, in this sense the successful, bellicose and forceful celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, for the 200 years of the birth of our founder Karl Marx and the celebrations for the 100 years of the Socialist October Revolution and under its guide they are untiringly struggling to initiate and develop People’s Wars while constituting and reconstituting - or, like in our case, advancing through firm steps in the general reorganization - Militarized Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communist Parties.

Chairman Gonzalo has transformed the fascist dungeon of the naval base in the highest and most shining trench of combat, heroic communist example that every day illuminates us, strengthens us, calls us to persist in giving the life for the party and revolution, his heroic example demands us to develop People’s War serving the Proletarian World Revolution, this we do and this we will do, because we are firmly convinced that Chairman Gonzalo is People’s War until Communism!

There, the wretched revisionists and opportunists who dream about the “dialog” of imperialism and the reaction, both the revisionist and capitulationist right opportunist line (revisionist and capitulationist ROL) and the left opportunist line (LOL), their current path is the rampant enlistment and thus the just decision of the party came sooner than later to them.

Likewise, we reaffirm ourselves in our almighty ideology of the international proletariat, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism as universal truth and its concrete and creative application for the Peruvian revolution, the Gonzalo Thought, almighty proletarian thought. It is with Gonzalo Thought that we have been solving complex and difficult problems that our revolution goes through. We steel our souls convinced and assured that the ideological and political line decides everything, we persist and will persist in its creative application, with communist loyalty.

On this special date, we greet, elated by optimism, the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo Thought Communist Party of Peru, heroic combatant, war machine, organized vanguard of the Peruvian proletariat, its whole party leadership system that, in hard struggle and combat against the sinister attacks of the enemy, is forged in the image and likeness of Chairman Gonzalo. We greet the leaders, cadres, militants and masses who, by grasping our Party Unity Base (PUB), persist in the pending task of the general reorganization.

Chairman Gonzalo forged Communists with the party's own strength and in this determined commitment, we faced the two principles of the reactionaries: annihilating leadership and separating the guerrillas from the masses. And, both are miserably failing.

Likewise, we reaffirm ourselves in party events, principally in our I Party Congress, a Marxist Congress, a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo Thought Congress that has, at its highest level, sanctioned our Party Unity Base with its triple content: our scientific ideology Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought, the Communist Program and the General Political Line with the Military Line at its center. We reaffirm ourselves in the I, II and in the glorious, historical and transcendental III plenum, whose masterful synthesis is the reaffirmation of Chairman Gonzalo of September 24, 1992. We reaffirm ourselves convinced that the events, work sessions and agreements that emanated from the leadership are fulfilled in arduous struggle, in the midst of the difficulties, twists and inflections that our revolution demands.

We express our reaffirmation in the People's War, the undefeated torch of hope that persists and flares against the wind for more than 38 years. Chairman Gonzalo taught us: to maintain it is a success, but if it permeates the masses, it is a complete success! We greet the People's Liberation Army (PLA), red soldiers of Chairman Gonzalo, combatants who gave their precious blood, assuming the cost and the quota challenging death, the PLA, backbone of the New Power, which is principally based on the poor peasantry that, under the leadership of the party, faces imperialist and reactionary repression and genocide, we greet the masses that support us and the political prisoners and prisoners of war that, in hard struggles against the genocides committed by this old reactionary state and the sinister complicity of the revisionist and capitulationist ROL, resist until today in the trenches of combat.

Our party was founded in 1928 by José Carlos Mariátegui on clear Marxist-Leninist bases – the  constitution of the party –, but at his death, the line was abandoned and the leadership was assaulted, the party life has been sinuous, in general suffering usurpation of opportunists and revisionists, sinking the party in the swamp of parliamentary cretinism, decades of sinister desires and electoral and personal appetites. It was Chairman Gonzalo who, in the mid-1960s, assumed the titanic and historic task of reconstituting the party, which was 15 years of intense, tenacious and persistent struggle, sweeping away the ballast of revisionism that was entrenched in the party for then, imposing a party to conquer power for the proletariat and the people with People's War.

In 1980, The Initiation of the Armed Struggle of 80, the great epic of the People's War began, justified and correctly defining the political moment, at the international level the Strategic Offensive of the Proletarian World Revolution (SOPWR) and the national level as in the midst of the general crisis of the contemporary Peruvian society and destruction of bureaucratic capitalism. Chairman Gonzalo taught us: "the People's War gave us a more complete idea of ??Maoism" so, the Party and the People's War gave us historical milestone for the revolution in Peru and for the World Revolution. Our Marxist I Congress, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo Thought Congress, established with clarity that this would mark us for decades, the revolutionary practice proves it clearly, next year we will celebrate the 30th anniversary of our glorious and transcendental I Congress and it corresponds to commemorate it.

The international, national and party situation makes the moments that we live to be historical, and, calls us to tension all our forces to fulfill the political tasks that the class, the international proletariat, peoples of the world and the Peruvian people demand. The masses demand us, they cry for more and more People's War and we can not be blind and deaf to that cry, or else we would not be communists, only by letterhead, and for that qualifier there are the wretched revisionists and renegades.

The party is going through a process of General Reorganization. How much have we advanced? Grasping our PUB and the defense of the Great Leadership with People's War, we have been firmly advancing, the positive weights highly. We, the left, - in a process of regrouping and consolidation - have been facing the general counterrevolutionary offensive headed by the genocidal Yankee Gendarme who feed their cohorts from the new revisionism of the revisionist and capitulationist ROL and of the LOL in Peru and Avakian and Prachanda who were its sinister expressions in the International Communist Movement (ICM).

The unmasking, combat and sweeping away has been in all levels, at the beginning of the second decade of this century, a series of pseudo generated organisms or supporters in the countryside, the city and abroad managed by the CIA-SIN through its agents were created, seeking to traffic and generate confusion among the masses in order to infiltrate the party organisms. There are still those who persistently continue to confuse our people and peoples of the world. Simultaneously the two-line struggle is propelled against the revisionist and capitulationist ROL and LOL outside and within the ranks of the party, convergences and disguised isolated positions were expressed that in fact opposed the General Reorganization: "because-ism", "personal strife", "feuds" etc, developing entrism with the risk to blow the apparatuses. All its plans have failed and will fail, the others, have flown like doves, too coward to develop the internal struggle, and their sinister act has even turned in and murdered comrades and combatants.

The general reorganization is about to culminate in its phase of laying solid foundations and is combined with the celebration for the 30th anniversary of the I Congress of the party: "TO UNITE AROUND THE CONGRESS, TO UNFOLD THE GENERAL REORGANIZATION OF THE PARTY, IN THE MIDST OF THE PEOPLE'S WAR ", To unite around the congress is to cohere and consolidate the militancy, the combatants and the masses organized in the light of our PUB, the foundation that guides all our revolutionary action, to culminate and lay foundations through developing the People's War subject to the defense of the life and health of our Great Leadership, Chairman Gonzalo and serving the World Revolution.

Comrades, combatants, Peruvian people, the incontrovertible reality is one, the objective conditions have matured, the semi-feudal and semi-colonial character has sharpened, bureaucratic capitalism has deepened. The revolutionary situation in development is strengthened. The Communist Party of Peru has never paralyzed its march, the People's War did not stop, the left holds firm, resolute, developing with effort and struggling in this process.. We are the forge, conscious of our responsibility, the need and historical tendency, and the communist principles demands us to merge each day more with the justified people's struggles that face the criminalization and militarization of their struggles, principally the poor peasantry that demands: Land to the tiller! Against the new land concentration of the landlords! Against the dispossession of the peasant, native communities, mainly by the imperialist mining, hydrocarbons and forestry companies, among others, with their lackeys, the big bourgeois and landlords! Against the importation of agricultural products to the detriment of national agricultural production!

We set ourselves apart from and reject the sinister positions of the revisionist and capitulationist ROL that the problem of the land has been solved, denying the semifeudality in the country, denying the thesis of Chairman Mao Tse Tung, which was developed by Chairman Gonzalo, on bureaucratic capitalism, that "There is no longer a democratic revolution but a socialist one." A complete rejection of Gonzalo Thought, which only seeks to cover their capitulation and rotten debauchery from their path of parliamentary cretinism for a greater enlistment.

We call to merge with the proletariat and masses of neighborhoods and shantytowns, teachers, university students, agricultural proletarians, farmers, peasant communities, native communities, indigenous peoples who fight and resist the reactionary anti-trade union, anti-people offensive, criminalizing their struggles, the right to strike, of unionization, of expression and opinion against exploitation and arbitrary dismissals, etc, deny collective negotiation, right to land, to work, denial of the right to strike, conquests and benefits extended to all state workers in general, against the privatization of health, education and social security - let us reject it combatively.

That means, the spoil is privatization (concession) and exorbitant surplus value for them, and hunger salaries and pensions, overexploitation, dismissals, misery, anemia, tuberculosis together with greater pauperization for our people. It is proven and must be highlighted, because the revisionist and capitulationist ROL and the LOL deny it, within the cyclical evolutionary process it is fulfilled that the bureaucratic capitalism in the second half of each decade enters a greater crisis, goes into decline and, the principal, the political derivation that matures the conditions until the People's War and the development of the revolution in our country. The old and new revisionists and opportunists of all hues, instead of developing the democratic path, put themselves at the tail of the bureaucratic path and offer to "restructure their old State” via an obsolete and amorphous "Constituent Assembly" and through participation in the reactionary elections that are managed by their Yankee master to adjust it to their plans.

Chairman Gonzalo sentenced: What has the People's War shown? That the old Peruvian state is rotten to the core, perhaps it is not a reality that bursts in the face of those revisionists, opportunists and renegades day by day. In there, they submit with their amphora head and vote tongue, their offers and enlistments does not have limits. We reaffirm ourselves in what Chairman Gonzalo told us: "to annihilate the People's War will lead them to unleash an unjust war" that is, the development of their counter-subversive war, the Yankee strategy to develop their War of Low Intensity and that requires absolute centralization (to trample on their bourgeois democracy, their laws and their institutions specified in presidential absolutism, all concentrated in the executive, in a pro-Yankee fascist clique that today heads the pawn Vizcarra).

Imperialism, principally Yankee imperialism, needs fascist cliques to lead the fascist, genocidal and motherland-selling regime under the hegemony and leadership of the big bourgeoisie in its comprador faction (covert dictatorships) to exercise its greater domination and interference and intervention on the old state, managed and monitored through the Yankee embassy in Peru.

Cliques that develop in a process of centralization, strife and purge. Just like it was with Bari Hermosa, Montesinos and Fujimori himself, passing through Giampetri during the APRA government, etc and now, lastly, Kuczynski.

The current political crisis of the fascist, genocidal and motherland-selling regime, the contend between the executive and the parliament and from which the corruption scandals were uncovered, both in the executive, in the judiciary, public ministry among other public and private institutions, through the Yankee agent Gorriti and audio leaks made by the DEA-DIRANDRO and its "Constellation" listening system, aims to conduct into presidential absolutism by legitimizing Vizcarra as the head of the fascist, genocidal and motherland-selling regime and to bring the "reforms in justice administration" perhaps via referendum, so that the Yankee justice department has control and can handle it according to their interests, such as in Brazil, Argentina, etc.

What do we see? The bankruptcy of all the parties of the big bourgeoisie and landlords engaged in contentions and mutual denunciations of corruption cases, links to drug trafficking, organized crime and espionage, among others.

And, as part of their task of restructuring their old state, there are the regional and municipal elections that have reflected the replacement of “gamonalillos” as a political evidence of their semifeudality, bosses and lackeys linked to drug trafficking, land trafficking, civil construction mafias, etc. They are part of the plunder and clear expression of feudalism in our country. What corresponds? To persist in the boycott politics of: Elections No, People's War Yes!

The results at the national level of absence and of blank votes have shown a clear rejection to this old and obsolete system of elections, parties, replacements and populisms.

It is a party need to make the leap so that the democratic path is embodied that we have entered to develop ourselves as the People´s Path of Liberation, it requires us to see the two hills, the growing intervention and interference of imperialism, principally Yankee imperialism, at a time that they enhance their hegemonic plans in Latin America as an area of dominance in its contend with the Russian superpower and the Chinese power and others.

We must raise the political consciousness of the class, the people and the masses with a clearly anti-imperialist character. Chairman Gonzalo warned us that the territory, the nation, the motherland was and is at risk by those who rule. We can not consent!

On the other hand, at international level, the historical period established by Chairman Mao Tse Tung, of struggle against the two superpowers - the North American and the Russian -, is still fully valid, it is the voice of a general call for the peoples of the world. We reject revisionist and reactionary positions of "bipolarity" "multilateralism" or of "three superpowers". This is absurd! So-called "Maoists" that deny Maoism?

The imperialist system is experiencing one of the greatest crises in its history, this is part of its general, economic and financial crisis in decline since 2008, bourgeois economists say that it has entered into depression and a new crisis is coming.

Yankee imperialism, in its condition of sole hegemonic superpower in its struggle against the other superpower, the Russian, needs to achieve "strategic superiority". As Chairman Mao Tse Tung accurately established, that, in order to unleash a World War III, the Yankees aggressively and desperately launch themselves into it and dream of a "new world order" but fail. On the contrary, they are on their heels. This is how they seek to dominate the intermediate zone, basically the Third World. They aim to consolidate their area of domination, in the case of Latin America and strengthen their areas of influence in Asia and especially the Expanded Middle East and thereby advance the siege against Russia and prevent the development of China. Thus we see areas of dominion, areas of influence, collusion and contend and new repartition fueling the inter-imperialist contradictions.

In that context and within its doctrine of "national security" that imperialism applies, solely or in coalition since 2001 under its "global and total strategy of fight against terrorism", it reveals itself to the oppressed nations and peoples of the world as the greatest genocidal of the 21st century. In this context, the principal contradiction in the world is clearly shown to be between oppressed nations and imperialism, unfolding a despicable aggressive and merciless genocide against the Arab people under its ragged pirate flags of "human rights", "humanitarian aid", "defense of democracy", but is practicing repression and extermination of children, women and the elderly, widespread torture, destruction of the cultural legacy, war without prisoners, and, as always, steals everything, burns everything, kills everything, legitimizes concentration camps, selective killings via drones, conformation of groups, and mercenary and terrorist troops, (Al Qaeda, coup d'état, etc.). They do this against Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Libya, Egypt, Syria – pointing towards Iran, etc. Yankees out from the Expanded Middle East! Long live the Arab people! At the same time, in Latin America, comes a greater increasing development of its counter-subversive strategy of War of Low Intensity, unleashing its general counterrevolutionary offensive in its eagerness to consolidate its area of domination and to eradicate Russian and Chinese penetration. "

Increasing militarization under the pretext of fighting against "drug trafficking" and "the fight against organized crime" - see Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Chile, etc. Since the Plan Colombia Colombia became its counterrevolutionary platform, until its entry into NATO, where after the farce of the "peace agreement", "cease fire", "round of talks" to which the armed revisionism of the FARC was submitted, paramilitarism, impunity and the murder and persecution of political and social leaders are now promoted. They also seek to reverse the processes where the regimes are being led by the big bourgeoisie in its bureaucratic fraction - Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, etc. - using its CIA - NSA - USAID agencies and the sinister role of the Catholic Church preparing conditions for military intervention, solely or in coalition with the Latin American reactionary armies. Yankees out of Latin America! Long live the people of Venezuela and Nicaragua!

Thus, in this context, they vent the imperialist crisis on the proletariat and peoples of Latin America, deepening bureaucratic capitalism, restructuring the old landlord-bureaucratic states, seeking to annihilate the People's War in Peru and to prevent the constitution and reconstitution of the militarized Marxist-Leninist-Maoists communist parties, who in hard, tenacious and ardent struggle march for the unification of the communists in the world, of which the V Meeting of Latin America and the I Meeting of European Communist Parties and Maoist Organizations are decisive milestones in the steps to the conformation of the future Communist International (IC) commanded by Maoism, even more, assuming the contributions of universal validity of Chairman Gonzalo.

From here we greet to the People's Wars that forcefully struggle and destroy the three mountains of oppression and exploitation while generating New Power. Long live the People's War in India, Turkey and the Philippines! We call on the left in Nepal to resume the sole path of true emancipation.

As an undefeated, unfading light, Maoism defiantly commanding the New Great Wave of the Proletarian World Revolution, crushing the general counterrevolutionary offensive led by the Yankee Gendarme and unmasking and sweeping away the old and new revisionism that at the most obsolete, most sinister moment of more genocide and world militarization, sprout like pus in defense of the imperialist system and reactionary regimes.

Death to revisionism, the principal danger of the revolution, complicit of imperialism!

Long live Chairman Gonzalo, Great Leader of the Party and the Revolution!

Uphold, defend and apply Marxism–Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought!

Long live the Communist Party of Peru!

Long live the 90th Anniversary of the Communist Party of Peru!

Long live the invincible People´s War!

Unite around the I Congress, General Reorganization of the Party in the midst of People´s War!

Down with the fascist, genocidal and motherland-selling regime pro-Yankee that today is headed by the most obsequious servile pawn Vizcarra!

Long live the People´s Wars in India, Turkey and Philippines!

Long live the International Communist Movement and the Constitution and Reconstitution of Militarized Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communist Parties!

Long live Maoism, down with revisionism!

Honor and Glory to the Peruvian proletariat and people!

Communist Party of Peru
October 7, 2018



To Understand Mariátegui by Chairman Gonzalo

In defence of the life of Chairman Gonzalo, hoist higher the flag of Maoism!

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