Friday, September 14, 2018

India: Shame on Telangana Interim chief minister & Indian Prime Minister for arrest of Professor Haragopal

Professor Haragopal has been released

Prof. G. Haragopal is a Visiting Professor in NLSIU and teaches the courses on Political Economy of India and Public Administration for Master of Public Policy Programme. 

His academic contribution in the area of poverty and development studies is highly referred to by intelligentsia as well as institutions of governance. His intervention efforts in shaping public policy and state agenda for developmental needs have yielded substantial results. 

Prof. Haragopal, is currently associated with the Centre for Human Rights, University of Hyderabad and worked at Kakatiya and Osmania Universities., Working presently at University of Hyderabad, Was visiting professor to Delhi University in 1983, Visiting professor to Advanced Institute, Shimla , 1992, Gave lectures at Cornell, Oxford and London Universities, Published 4 books & 60 research papers, Presently U. G.C. National lecturer 1989-91, Vice President Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee, Attended World Conference on Human Rights at Vienna on UN, invitation Formerly Vice President Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee

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