Friday, September 7, 2018

Immediately Release the Leaderships and revolutionary of the Communist Movements of Nepal


Comrade Prakand was released then re - arrested

Immediately Release the Leaderships and revolutionary of the Communist Movements of Nepal - on the Present condition over all Nepali police made a series of raids and arrests of so far one standing committee member comrade Prakand , five politburo members , Central committee members and other many cadres of Communist Party of Nepal .

They have been arrested without any proven charges. By committing these illegal and unjust arrests, the Nepal police have once again unmasked the so-called democracy of Nepal and so- called communist . 

We highly regard this current situation of Nepal as unannounced Emergency (martial law). 

The government and the police conniving to arrest anyone at will for showing the slightest sign of resistance to the fascist schemes of the government is concrete proof of the situation of emergency.

 Worth mentioning further, all those who have been arrested are those mostly loudly raising their voices against the fascism imposed by kp oli and prachand . 

All of them were firm in their commitment to fighting for the Democratic Rights of the people, each from their own position. 

As allies of the Nepali people and the Nepali democratic revolution, it is the duty of all freedom seekers across the world to protest the mass-arrest and raise our collective voices against KP Oli 's fascism. 

We demand the immediate and unconditional release of those arrested. 

We also call for creating of initiatives to begin a revolutionary movement demanding for their release.

Birendra Shah ,international department member of ANNISU (REVOLUTIONARY )

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