Tuesday, August 28, 2018

While US secretary of State - Pompeo denies it Iran says it has control of the Straits of Hormuz

Democracy and Class Struggle has no means to verify the claim from Iran or the denial of the US Secretary of State Pompeo.

However we have said Iran should not just wait to be attacked and should pre empt US moves in the Gulf.

Clearly  given the melt down in the White House Trump might find this a suitable time to lash out in a great distraction - however the consequences from such a lashing out will be disaster as Trump is unlikely to get support for his action from Europe or Asia,


Iran has full control of the Gulf, and the U.S. Navy does not belong there, the head of the navy of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, General Alireza Tangsiri, said on Monday, according to the Tasnim news agency.

The remarks come at a time when Tehran has suggested that it could take military action in the Gulf to block oil exports of other regional countries in retaliation for U.S. sanctions intended to halt its oil sales. Washington maintains a fleet in the Gulf which protects oil shipping routes.

Tangsiri said Iran had full control of both the Gulf itself and the Strait of Hormuz that leads into it. Closing off the strait would be the most direct way of blocking shipping.

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