Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has condemned yesterday's killings in Gaza as "unacceptable and inhuman".

Democracy and Class Struggle says the Israeli and United States lying media machines do not report what the doctors and medics say because it will expose the sheer brutality of the Israeli Zionist State.

No only are Palestinians being killed and injured but they are being blamed for it by lying media in United States and Israel -  surely insult piled on injury and death.


The medics group said: "It is unbearable to witness such a massive number of unarmed people being shot in such a short time.

"Our medical teams are working around the clock, as they have done since 1 April, providing surgical and postoperative care to men, women, and children, and they will continue to do so tonight, tomorrow, and as long as they are needed.

"In one of the hospitals where we are working, the chaotic situation is comparable to what we observed after the bombings of the 2014 war, with a colossal influx of injured people in a few hours, completely overwhelming the medical staff."

Some operation had been performed in hallways due to the numbers involved, MSF said.

Another child has died from injuries sustained in Monday’s protests taking the death toll to 60, according to Gaza’s health ministry.

Talal Adel Ibrahim Matar (16) who was wounded by Israeli soldiers yesterday, died from his wounds this morning, according to Haaretz citing the ministry.

It says 14 minors, including 8-months-old Laila al-Ghandour, have now died after Israel fired live rounds and teargas at the protesters.

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