Thursday, December 21, 2017

Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr in Wales welcomes the Catalan Independence Movement rebuff to article 155 Rajoy and Peoples Party

Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr in Wales says despite trying to make the Catalan Independence Movement Headless and with leaders in prison the pro Independence Parties held their ground totally 70 seats well done Catalan comrades.

Mariano Rajoys People's Party collapsed from 11 seats to 4

This is a magnificent strategic defense of the Independence Movement from the Madrid assault but much more has to be done especially to expose the article 155 enablers in the Socialist Party who supported Rajoy.

We have already made our views clear on the two faced Catalunya en Comu with its leftist phrases but collaborationist practices.

Therefore winning more on the left to the Catalan Republic is a task that still has to be undertaken in the process of moving to the next stage in 2017/18


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