Sunday, December 17, 2017

Russian Hacker in Russian Court Claims He Hacked DNC Servers By Request Of The Kremlin

Democracy and Class Struggle says we reported individuals in Russian FSB were freelancing and selling information here

Therefore someone working for the FSB on Cyber Security is not automatically working for the Kremlin.

Russian interference in the US Election is not automatically Kremlin interference - but still makes it likely.

Konstantin Kozlovsky was arrested by the Russian authorities for alleged bank heists. 

Kozlovsky has reportedly testified that he has been reporting directly to Dmitry Dokuchayev (a major-general in the FSB) since 2008. He also claimed that Dokuchayev had instructed him to attack the DNC’s servers for the purpose of manipulating the electoral process in the United States. 

Democracy and Class Struggle has previously reported that Dokuchayev (Dokuchaev) was himself arrested on charges of treason and was accused by the agency of passing information to the CIA. 

Dokuchayev was also then charged in the US for hacking into the Yahoo servers. 

Dmitry Dokuchaev was arrested for violation of Art. 275 (Treason) of the Russian Criminal Code. 

He says he did not cooperate with hacker Konstantin Kozlovsky, who pleaded guilty to hacking the US Democrats, according to Dokuchaev’s lawyer, RBCreports.

For United States interference in Russian Elections

The Konstatin Koslovsky story may be true or false , at least it fits a pattern of activities by rogue FSB Traitors  - but what it links too in future may be more interesting.


  1. The RCP USA has been attacked by an eastern European hacker

    Perhaps Trump and Putin are working together to attack the real successor to Lenin.

  2. While we have serious political disagreements with RCPUSA we defend them against attacks by the US State.
