Friday, December 15, 2017

Nepal Deserves Better than a cabal of Old and New Revisionists : Statement from Democracy and Class Struggle

                                                              Oli and Prachanda

Democracy and Class Struggle has seen some people hail the victory of Prachanda in Alliance with UML in Nepal - this perfidious combination of old and new revisionism is nothing to celebrate

It appears Prachanda's group got 14% of the vote and UML got 36%  and Nepali Congress 35%.

Prachanda with Bhattarai are the men who supported the Nepalese Army dispersing Peoples Liberation Army  members from their encampments,

The People's War was betrayed for a corrupt Bourgeois Republic to be run by Old and New Revisionist running dogs. 

Nepal Deserves Better than a cabal of Old and New Revisionists

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