Saturday, November 11, 2017

Songs of the International Revolution (1917-2017)

0:03 Canada - Chantons l'unité! / Sing of Unity 1:39 United States - Solidarity Forever 4:07 Mexico - Canción al Partido Comunista (Song about the Communist Party) 7:47 Guatemala - Canción del Guerrillero (Song of the Guerrilla Fighter) 11:10 El Salvador - Himno del FMLN (Anthem of the FMLN) 12:53 Honduras - Himno de la Resistencia de Honduras (Anthem of the Honduran Resistance) 16:18 Nicaragua - Himno de la Unidad Sandinista (Anthem of Sandinista Unity) 19:15 Jamaica - Socialism is Love 22:04 Cuba - Marcha del 26 de Julio (March of the 26th of July) 23:50 Dominican Republic - Himno del Movimiento Revolucionario 14 de Junio (Anthem of the 14th of June Revolutionary Movement) 26:56 Puerto Rico - Himno Revolucionario de Puerto Rico (Revolutionary Anthem of Puerto Rico) 30:16 Antigua and Barbuda - Culture Must Be Free 34:47 Grenada - Viva Grenada 39:43 Venezuela - Mi Partido (My Party) 43:19 Colombia - Himno de las FARC (Anthem of the FARC) 46:22 Ecuador - Himno Alfarista (Alfarista Anthem) 51:23 Peru - Himno del Movimiento Revolucionario 3 de Octubre (Anthem of the 3rd of October Revolutionary Movement) 54:34 Chile - Venceremos (We Will Triumph) 56:59 Bolivia - Himno del Ejército de Liberación Nacional (Anthem of the National Liberation Army) 58:25 Paraguay - Destacamento de Tacuatí (Detachment of Tacuatí) 1:01:15 Argentina - Marcha del Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (March of the People's Revolutionary Army) 1:03:08 Uruguay - Estrella Roja (Red Star) 1:05:19 Brazil - Hino do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra (Anthem of the Landless Workers' Movement) 1:07:42 Portugal - Avante Camarada (Arise Comrade) 1:10:45 Spain - Hijos del Pueblo (Sons of the People) 1:16:16 France - Marseillaise de la Commune (Marseillaise of the Commune) 1:19:35 Great Britain - The Red Flag 1:22:04 Ireland - The Official IRA Song 1:24:30 Belgium - Ons Belgisch Volkslied (Our Belgian Anthem) 1:25:37 Netherlands - Morgenrood (Red Dawn) 1:29:21 Germany - Einheitsfrontlied (Song of the United Front) 1:32:36 Austria - Arbeiter von Wien (Workers of Vienna) 1:35:30 Denmark - Når Jeg Ser Et Rødt Flag Smælde (When You See a Red Flag Flying) 1:38:26 Norway - Fram Kamerater, Fram Mot Krigerånden (Forward Comrades, Forward Against the Spirit of War) 1:40:35 Sweden - Kampens Väg (The Path of Struggle) 1:45:46 Finland - Punakaartin Marssi (March of the Red Guards) 1:48:08 Former Soviet Union - Государственный гимн СССР (State Anthem of the USSR) 1:51:52 Poland - Warszawianka (Song of Warsaw) 1:54:55 Former Czechoslovakia - Kupředu Levá, Zpátky ni Krok (Forward Left, Not a Step Back) 2:00:01 Hungary - DIVSZ-Induló (March of the World Federation of Democratic Youth) 2:03:22 Romania - Poporul, Ceaușescu, România (The People, Ceaușescu, Romania) 2:05:50 Bulgaria - Мила Родино (Dear Motherland) 2:09:40 Greece - Ο Ύμνος του ΕΑΜ (Anthem of the National Liberation Front) 2:11:25 Albania - Një Djep Në Barrikadë (A Cradle on the Barricade) 2:15:27 Former Yugoslavia - Uz Maršala Tita / Уз Mаршала Tита (With Marshal Tito) 2:16:51 Italy - Bella Ciao (Goodbye Beautiful) 2:18:58 Egypt - مصر يامة يا بهية (Egypt, O Mother) 2:29:54 Libya - الله أكبر (God is the Greatest) 2:33:04 Morocco - لنا يا رفاق لقاء غدا (We Will Meet With You Tomorrow, Comrades) 2:35:13 Guinea-Bissau - Canção PAIGC (Song of PAIGC) 2:38:02 Burkina Faso - Une Seule Nuit (One Single Night) 2:39:43 Benin - Chantons Notre Victoire (Singing Our Victory) 2:42:35 (People's) Republic of Congo - Les Immortels (The Immortal) 2:48:27 Angola - Invasores de Angola (Invaders of Angola) 2:50:59 South Africa - I'm a Communist 2:51:40 Mozambique - Hino da FRELIMO (Anthem of FRELIMO) 2:53:15 Madagascar - Lalam-Pandresena (The Road to Victory) 2:56:39 Seychelles - Fyer Seselwa (Be Proud Seychellois) 2:58:55 Somalia - Tolweynaha Hantiwadaagga Ah (The Socialist Community) 3:02:16 Ethiopia - ተነሳ ተራመድ (Stand Up and Stride)

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