Sunday, October 15, 2017

Rodong Sinmun on South Korea "Policy towards North"

Spokesman for CCNR Slams S. Korean Authorities' "Policy towards North"
A spokesman of the Consultative Council for National Reconciliation of the DPRK issued a statement on Oct. 13 as regards the fact that the south Korean authorities are persisting in their fantastic "policy towards the north" despite the strong protest and denunciation by people of various circles.

The DPRK gave the south Korean authorities advice enough to understand that their "policy towards the north", keynote of which is "dialogue in parallel with the enforcement of sanctions and pressure", is utterly infeasible, contradictory and sheer sophism and little short of a copy of the anti-reunification and anti-national confrontation policy pursued by the conservative regime.

However, the south Korean authorities further bedeviled the north-south relations by more persistently resorting to the moves for putting sanctions and pressure upon the DPRK to pleasure the U.S., the statement says, and goes on:

Their behaviors go to prove that they are only keen on keeping their face and staying in power, utterly indifferent to the demands of the candlelight demonstrators and all compatriots for the improvement of the inter-Korean relations and peace on the Korean Peninsula.

What is more ridiculous is that they are dreaming about compelling the north to come out for dialogue with sanctions and pressure.

This is nothing but revelation of their calculation that they would regard fellow countrymen as enemy.

There is a limit to our patience.

Explicitly speaking once again, pro-U.S. activities and improvement of the north-south relations and sanctions and pressure and dialogue can never go together.

The south Korean authorities should draw a lesson from their miserable position of isolation.

The conservative group is given a breathing spell and even censuring the pro-democracy and pro-reform forces at a time when the ruling forces are at a loss, pursuing their fantastic "policy towards the north." They should clearly understand that it is an unpardonable crime against the nation to make a mess of the results of the candlelight actions.

If they continue behaving imprudently, they will bring only a horrible disaster, far from improved north-south relations.

They should come to their senses, though belatedly, and make a bold decision to fundamentally change the "policy towards the north" as demanded by the people and take to the road for the nation and independent reunification, not toeing the U.S. line.

Rodong News Team

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