Saturday, October 21, 2017

EU Parliament President Antonio Tajani Defends Spanish Unity - disregards justice for Catalonia upholds Spanish Law - Catalan Republic Rising

Democracy and Class Struggle says the European Union is the enemy of justice of those 1000 people in Catalonia who were attacked by Spanish Police and needed medical assistance for merely voting - it is an enemy of the millions in Catalonia who uphold the fundamental United Nations democratic right of national self determination.

The CUP is a Catalan Independence Party with roots in the working class that did not sow democratic illusions about the EU unlike other bourgeois parties.

The Internationalist Case Against the EU - Quim Arrufat of Catalan Party CUP

There are many lessons to be learned from the current struggle in Catalonia about the class struggle for justice and democracy in Europe particularly for Sinn Fein the SNP and Plaid Cymru all democratic illusion spreaders about EU institutions.

In fact as a sign of its political illiteracy Plaid Cymru has called for a second referendum on EU showing its political blindness about events in Catalonia as they continue to spread the EU democratic illusion in face of the facts.

Article 50 and the National and Social Liberation of the British Isles by Nickglais

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