Monday, October 16, 2017

Catalan president Carles Puigdemont must say clearly whether or not he declared independence last week, or he faces the suspension of Catalonia's autonomy.

Spain’s High Court has remanded two leaders of a Catalan independence organization on suspicion of sedition. 

The prosecution alleges them to be the key figures in organizing the recent independence referendum, which was deemed illegal by Madrid.

The leader of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC), Jordi Sanchez, and Jordi Cuixart of the Omnium Cultural group were jailed on Monday after questioning.

The two men will not be allowed to post bail and remain in custody.

The Catalan regional police chief, Maj. Josep Lluis Trapero, and colleague Lt. Teresa Laplana were also questioned on Monday, but unlike the Catalan independence activists they have avoided jail. 

The police officials, however, were forced to give up their passports and have to appear in court every two weeks.

Democracy and Class Struggle says the internal forces in Catalonia are key at this stage as CUP has indicated and they proved themselves in practice in the Referendum not relying on international support which will come later.

The People of Catalonia need leadership that will lead to independence not a bargain among the bourgeoisie - those well known profit patriots - as we have repeatedly said the working class needs to give direction to national liberation for the Catalan Republic which exists in the People.

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