Monday, September 25, 2017

Pyongyang accuses Trump of declaring war- The US Undeclared War Against North Korea becoming less concealed

Democracy and Class Struggle says the above is a response to US Flying ever closer to North Korean airspace plus US avoiding South Korean airspace so it can unilaterally launch attack on North Korea without agreement with South Korea

Gregory Elich writes 

Amid renewed talk by the Trump administration of a military option against North Korea, one salient fact goes unnoticed. 

The United States is already at war with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK – the formal name for North Korea). 

It is doing so through non-military means, with the aim of inducing economic collapse. 

In a sense, the policy is a continuation of the Obama administration’s ‘strategic patience’ on steroids, in that it couples a refusal to engage in diplomacy with the piling on of sanctions that constitute collective punishment of the entire North Korean population.

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