Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Spanish "Coup" in Catalonia ? has Guardia Civil Storm the Catalan Government

The Guardia Civil stormed the Catalan government on Wednesday morning, 20 September. The Spanish police invaded the Ministry of Economy and various Catalan finance agencies including the Treasury Agency and the Ministry of External Affairs. The Guardia Civil arrested the Catalan Finance Minister Josep Maria Jové. The police also stormed the Catalan Ministry of Social Affairs. "We are in a state of siege! It's a shame ! "Said Minister of Social Affairs Dolors Bassa.

The interventions of the Guardia Civil multiply in Catalonia. A dozen officials of the Catalan administration were arrested.

Pablo Iglesias, leader of Podemos, said the people arrested there this morning are "political prisoners".

Carles Puigdemont, President of the Generalitat of Catalonia, convened an extraordinary meeting with the main leaders of the parties of the Catalan Parliament.

The spokesman of the same Government called for calm. The ANC, Assemblea Nacional Catalana, the main engine of the independence movement, did the same, calling also a great mobilization of the citizens before the ministries and places of power Catalan.La Guardia Civil stormed this Wednesday 20 September in the morning, the Catalan government. The Spanish police invaded the Ministry of Economy and various Catalan finance agencies including the Treasury Agency and the Ministry of External Affairs. The Guardia Civil arrested the Catalan Finance Minister Josep Maria Jové. The police also stormed the Catalan Ministry of Social Affairs. "We are in a state of siege! It's a shame ! "Said Minister of Social Affairs Dolors Bassa.

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