Thursday, September 21, 2017

Dockers at the Port of Barcelona will not serve the boats of the riot police sent to prevent the referendum

Dockers at the Port of Barcelona will not serve the boats of the riot police sent to prevent the referendum

The stevedores of the Port of Barcelona have decided in an assembly not to supply the ships that house the riot police of the Spanish police, sent by the central government to prevent the referendum of 1st October 2017

Now some will say that stevedores are "Catalan bourgeois", the mantra that Spanish nationalists repeat over and over again to try to prevent the working class of the whole country from being in solidarity with Catalan, as corresponds to proletarian internationalism.

Obviously, in spite of those who insist on defending the status quo arising from Franco's continuity after Franco's death, it is not a matter of defending that Catalonia is independent or that it does not, - do not forget that the working class forms the majority of all people or nations.


1 comment:

  1. Colonial rule at its best,remember the incas
