Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Mass Rally in support of Government against UN sanctions in North Korea

Red Salute to Mass Rally Against the unjust Sanctions against North Korea which wants self determination and the right to defend itself against nuclear threat.

Ri Su Yong, Vice Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee, addressed the crowd, saying the country's nuclear program is under the pressure due to the sanctions, while warning that the US is driving the situation on the Korean Peninsula to the verge of a nuclear war.

The United States introduced Nuclear Weapons on the Korean Peninsula in 1958 in violation of the Armistice Agreement and today the United States wants to deprive North Korea of Nuclear Weapons while keeping them themselves on the Korean Peninsula.

Korean Compatriots in South Korea must raise their voices in support of their brothers and sisters in the North and the 38th Parallel that obscenity created by the United States in 1945 must go.

John J. McCloy of the War Department asked Dean Rusk and a colleague to go into a spare office and think about how to divide Korea. 

They chose the 38th parallel, and three weeks later 25,000 American combat troops entered southern Korea to establish a military government.

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