Monday, July 31, 2017

Venezuelans Vote for Peace

The National Electoral Council announced that voter turnout for the National Constituent Assembly was over 41 percent.

 The president of the National Electoral Council Tibisay Lucena has announced that turnout in Venezuela's historic National Constituent Assembly was over 41 percent, indicating that over 8 million people voted in the elections.

 "Peace has won. If peace has won, Venezuela has won," she said at a televised press conference. "Despite the violence and threats, Venezuelans were able to express themselves."

 Lucena said the CNE had to relocate some voting centers to avoid violence, and that on Tuesday the Indigenous communities will choose its eight remaining representatives. President Nicolas Maduro spoke to a large crowd in Caracas and thanked their support to reach peace in the country.

Maduro said it was one of the highest voter turnouts of the Bolivarian Revolution with 8,089, 320 voting for their representatives "Eight million in the middle of threats, there were states where they crossed rivers and mountains, and they voted," Maduro said.

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