Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Venezuelan Opposition violence will not intimidate the people by Jesus Rojas

The constitutional lawyer Hermann Escarrá stressed that the citizens support the call to  the  National  Constituent Assembly because  it has  understood  its function with greater clarity.  "I have toured several of the States and the enthusiasm is impressive, growing stronger.

The presidential  departure of the  convocation of the National   Constituent   Assembly   for   peace   and   for   a   different   superior dialogue   has   now   been   understood   more   clearly;   And   the   people   arebacking that, giving it a lot of legitimacy,"  he said in an interview on the Sunday show, José Vicente Hoy, broadcast by Televen.  

In   his   opinion,   the   Constituent   Power   was   activated   to   go   to   a   superior dialogue, after the opposition rejected in different opportunities the approach to a political dialogue with the Executive. 

"What would be that superior dialogue? 

A situation   where   the   dialogues   are   not   chosen   by   the   government   or   the Democratic   roundtable   Unity   (MUD),   but   directly   by   the   people.  

That   is,   a constituent process, "he said. The professor said that he has received information that some "intermediate leaders"   of   the   opposition   registered   in   the   Constituent   Assembly,   whose election of candidates will be made this July 30.

 "In such a way that we are going to have an opposition presence but with different faces, without a doubt, and that is good, it is plausible," he said.

Escarrá   believes   that   in   the   opposition   there   are   several   sectors:   an eschatological one, which wants to get rid of the president Nicolás Maduro at any cost; another that  tends   to be  radical,   and one, which in  his opinion is majority, is sensible, serious and has the disposition, desire and longing "that we understand each other from differences."

The constitutionalist lawyer maintains the importance of some sectors adverse to the government  joining  the  Constituent assembly to work   for the national good.  

"We do not have to go to hand-to-hand combat between brothers, families; we have to call for peace," he added.

He pointed out  that the constituent process is being convened, not only in Venezuela,  when   there  are  serious  political   situations.  

He   said   that   in   the country   has   had   throughout   its   history   16   constituent   processes, 12 constitutional reforms and two amendments. 

He rejected the threats of a sector so that the people do not go to vote on July 30 and stressed that, according to what he perceives, citizens will not be intimidated and will go to the polls for peace and dialogue

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