Monday, July 17, 2017

Rodong Sinmun: South Korean Authorities Should Opt for Repairing Relations with the North

Democracy and Class Struggle has long been expecting a "peace proposal" from South Korea following the election of President Moon Jae-in - but following Moon Jae-in's meeting with Donald Trump things appeared to turn for the worse - a new attempt by South Korea to float a new "peace" initiative has had this cautious response from the North Korean Newspaper Rodong Sinmun.

S. Korean Authorities Should Opt for Repairing Relations with North

The chief executive of south Korea made public his "conception of peace on the Korean peninsula" during his recent junket to Germany.

His "peace conception" seemed fortunate as he pledged to respect and implement the June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration, unlike his predecessors' stance.

However, its overall contents are run through with an ill intention to escalate confrontation with the compatriots in the north and stifle them with the backing of outsiders.

They are all characterized by nonsensical sophism putting a brake on the efforts for achieving peace on the Korean peninsula and repairing the north-south relations.

As the present chief executive of south Korea uttered, proper beginning is important for everything.

In order to fundamentally improve, as desired by the fellow countrymen, the north-south relations complicated and twisted by festering distrust and antagonism, hostility and confrontation under the pro-U.S. conservative regime, and achieve peace and reunification on the Korean peninsula, it is important to make a good start.

It is necessary to do something badly needed and settle the fundamental issue above all at the starting point.

The intention of all Koreans and aspiration of candlelight demonstrators can never come true if the south Korean regime persists in reading the face of the U.S. displeasing the reconciliation and unity of the Korean nation and the pro-U.S. conservative forces desperately checking the improved north-south relations.

The south Korean authorities should not persistently depend on outsiders, going against the aspiration of all Koreans and the trend of the times, but opt for improving the north-south relations and achieving independent reunification by pooling efforts with the compatriots in the north.

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