Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Primordial Traditionalism and René Guénon, Evola and Bannon - the roots of Proto Fascism in USA

Democracy and Class Struggle has published on the US and European rightist links to Hinduvuta Ideology which emerges from
Rene Guenon and Julius Evola.

It should alert those who find this new to the importance of the struggle against Hinduvuta in India and the implications of this ideology worldwide.

The creation of fascist structures and hierarchies flow from this ideology which the right wish to emulate - the caste system that travesty of human rights and existence is for them the height of excellence and socialism their deadly enemy.



  1. Hi there,

    the video was interesting, however, the problem with your commentary is that Maoism and Marxism generally generally shares some things with fascism and religious cults, such as the strong state, the superman cult of personality around Lenin, Stalin and Mao etc.

    Communism, or at least all of the actually existing socialist states were/are extremely authoritarian and hierarchical. No changing the leader in Cuba, or North Korea. China has only progressed and improved after ditching most of the outdated Maoist era thinking.

    Its hard to not look at the now completely defeated Shining Path movement with their ubermensch leader Gonzalo to see that Maoism is not really an alternative.

  2. Thank you for your comment - you appear to be critical of my commentary from an anarchist or possibly an anarcho communist perspective.

    You take a idealist position on Question of Cuba and North Korea who have been in virtual state of war with US imperialism for decades and subject to all manner of embargoes and convert operations since they came into existence - they could be called Garrison States because of the immediate danger they have been in - military defence does not call for liberalism but commandism - war is authoritarian.

    You take these particularities and universalise that Marxism means autoritaritarianism without contextualising the problem of these states.

    China was one of the most egalitarian countries in the world during the Maoist period and the period of the cultural revolution saw mass democracy - search articles on this site on Cultural revolution - but you appear to prefer the Dengist Reforms which make China a country with the inequality of Brazil and South Africa.

    Marxism has always been clear that is works towards the withering away of the state with the removal of a permanent bureaucracy and a standing army with a militia but a world of imperialism constrains the pace of movement in that direction - Fascism worships the State Marxism and Maoism certainly does not.

    Marxism Leninism had problems which Maoism tries to resolve like the question of the class struggle under socialism and two line struggle and the importance of cultural revolution and despite the failure of the struggle in Peru Chairman Gonzalo summed up Mao's contribution as Marxism Leninism Maoism - so while there was military defeat there was ideological advance in his summation.

    Concerning the role of the individual in history clearly some leaders express the spirit of their times and get their names attached to epochs - but what is important is not the leader but what the time represents - the leader is only a representative of that movement of the time.

    My preference would not be to attach epochs to names of individuals and in future societies that will be less important - but we still carry a lot of baggage and dead weight from history and to think otherwise is not just idealist but totally unrealistic.

    Therefore in summary to have opposed the ideal to the real movement of communism and you have found it short - instead you should start from the real movement of communism and build towards the ideal - the exact opposite of what you are saying in you comment.

  3. You should also note that the video and my comments establish links between Hinduvuta and Western Fascism and that the Communist Party of India Maoist is in the forefront of the struggle of that ideology in India - in particular it defends the tribals and dalits who are victims of Hinduvuta ideology.
