Thursday, June 22, 2017

Red salute to Norwegian Comrades : One Hour of Norwegian Communist Music

0:00 Fram Kamerater, Fram Mot Krigerånden (Forward Comrades, Forward Against the Spirit of War)
2:12 Internasjonalen (The Internationale)
6:40 Solidaritetssang (Solidarity Song)
10:00 Brødre, Til Sol Og Til Frihet (Brothers, to Sun and to Freedom)
11:35 Vi Skal Gjenreise Norge (We Shall Rebuild Norway)
14:10 Vi Bygger Landet (We Build the Country)
17:07 Den Unge Gardes Sang (The Youth Guards Song)
18:35 Frihetens Forpost (Freedom Outpost)
21:30 Arbeiderungdommens Marsj (Working Youth March)
22:40 August i '68 (August '68)
25:25 Et Forent Folk Vil Aldri Bli Beseiret (The People, United, Will Never Be Defeated)
29:35 Enhetsfrontsang (United Front Song)
31:11 Et Rødt Flagg (The Red Flag)
33:41 Ridderslag (Knight Song)
34:45 Sågar Kamerat (Saw, Comrade)
36:05 Thällmann Kolonne (Thällmann Column)
38:00 Vi er de Mange (We are the Many)
39:47 Warschawjanka (Warszawianka)
42:14 Revolusjonens Røst (Voice of Revolution)
44:55 Ættens Sang (Clan Song)
48:40 De Siste Hester i By (The Newest Horses in the City)
53:10 Fred på Jord (Peace on Earth)
55:50 Arbeidsløs Jul (Unemployed on Christmas)
57:45 På Stengrunn (On Rocky Ground)


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