Monday, June 12, 2017

Red Salute to Indonesian Communists : One Hour of Indonesian Communist Music

0:00 Indonesia Raya [Versi Partai Komunis Indonesia] (Great Indonesia [Indonesian Communist Party Version])
4:01 Internasionale (The Internationale)
7:01 Pujaan kepada Partai (Ode to the Party)
8:49 Nasakom Bersatu (Nasakom Unite)
11:23 Revolusi, Sosialisme, Pimpinan Nasional (Revolution, Socialism, National Leadership)
14:07 Maju Sukarelawan (Forward, Volunteers)
17:03 Sorak-sorak Bergembira (Rejoice in Acclamation)
19:42 Asia Afrika Bersatu (Asia, Africa Unite)
20:58 Api Cubana (Cuban Fire)
22:41 Bangkit Sosialis (Rise, Socialist)
23:57 Lagu Ciptaan (Song of Labour)
28:23 Aljazair Merdeka (Independent Algeria)
30:30 Darah Rakyat (The Blood of the People)
33:09 Darah Juang (The Blood of our Struggle)
37:20 Mars Pasukan Rakyat Merdeka (March of the Free People's Army)
39:44 Barisan Rakyat (Row of People)
43:08 Ayo Bergerak (Let's Go)
45:28 GANEFO
48:08 Diplomasi Padi (The Diplomacy of Rice)
51:12 Ganyang Inggris Amerika (Down with the Americans and the British)
52:59 Mars Panji Kita (We March with our Banner)
54:56 Melayani Rakyat (Serving the People)
57:03 Genjer-genjer

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