Thursday, June 22, 2017

North Korea's Rodong Sinmun warns South Korea from following Psycopath Trump

North Korea on Thursday called US President Donald Trump a psychopath as tensions soar following the death of American student Otto Warmbier, who was evacuated in a coma from North Korean detention last week.

Pyongyang's official Rodong Sinmun newspaper said the US president was in a tough situation at home and claimed he was toying with the idea of a preemptive strike on North Korea to divert attention from a domestic political crisis.

"South Korea must realise that following psychopath Trump ... will only lead to disaster," an editorial carried by the paper said.


Democracy and Class Struggle says Trump is getting into a corner and is becoming more dangerous after US intelligence chiefs Rogers and Coates have spoken to Special Counsel Robert Mueller about requests from Trump to disavow his Russia involvement which they ignored.

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