Saturday, June 10, 2017

India: Saffron Hindu Fascism - Carnage on Dalits with Connivance of University Campuses by Harsh Thakor


The face of the State has once again become clear now. And at present, this face is very easy to see; the only need is to open up our eyes.

The incident in this article is another example that shows that democracy has become no less than a joke now wherein the feudal, patriarchal and casteist nature of the State has been proven and verified.

The UP government had started turning saffron since the coming up of the Modi government and this has been more strongly asserting now with the coming up of Yogi as Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, as per their dream of creating a Hindu Rashtra.

Since the coming up of the anti- women and casteist Yogi Government in power, the state of UP has become oppressive upon the minorities and the dalits. Banning of unregistered slaughterhouses has greatly impacted the livelihood the Muslims, who contribute to a major portion of ownership of small slaughterhouses.

The same Yogi who had instigated the youth for burning homes of Muslims and then made statements about raping the corpses of Muslim women, has become sensitive enough to introduce the anti romeo squad to check harassment, which has actually resulted in moral policing.

The happenings in Saharanpur is also a part of the series to these events to promote fascism upon the minorities where many dalits were killed. 

As such incidents are repeating with time, it is very important to speak out against them so that people become aware and open up their eyes; so that they can organise themselves to struggle against this oppressive and fascist government. As students are the future of our nation, it is very important that they must take their stand strongly.

On the morning of 27th may, when Yogi Adityanath was about to come to Banaras Hindu University (BHU), 8 students sat on a peaceful protest at Lanka Gate, BHU condemning the crimes against dalits in Saharanpur and demanded justice for the victims of Saharanpur.

They also gave slogans of ‘Yogi Go Back’ because it was unacceptable for those students that an anti- women, anti- secular and casteist person who is a CM, comes to their college.

Within a few minutes, a police truck came and the policemen forced the students into the truck. As soon as the truck started, the police started beating the students badly. 

Not only the male students, but the female students were also beaten by the male sub inspector.

The policemen beat the students with their boots, slaps and fists. Even in presence of female policemen the girl protestors were beaten by a male policeman. Police even gave students threat of encounter and abused them.

The police officer threatened students of putting petrol in their private parts. The police called female students as sluts and prostitute . He also passed casteist and racist comments upon the students. 

The feudal character of the police was clearly visible from their comments on the students.  It was mainly police sub-inspector Mahesh Mishra who did all this.

Firstly, According to the constitution, the students have full right to organise a peaceful protest on any issue. Secondly, even if the citizens are arrested, police do not have any right to abuse them and beat them. Above all, beating of female students by a male policeman is highly shameful.

Inside the police station too, the required provisions for the arrested citizens were not met. There was no washroom for females in the police station. Also, inspite for sitting there for many hours, we got nothing to eat.

Meanwhile when the students were in Cantonment police station, some 40 students of the university gheraoed the Lanka police station and demanded the release of arrested students and condemned the beating of the students by the police. On putting pressure upon the station authorities, the students were released around 4pm.

After their release, at around 6 pm, the protesting students as well as the other students carried out a rally from Lanka Gate to the police station and slogans of suspension of Mahesh Mishra were raised. Application was submitted from our side but FIR was not registered by the station because they said that it was a‘departmental procedure’ and SSP must be contacted. 

The students along with various intellectuals belonging to organisations such as WSS, AIPWA, etc. submitted application demanding suspension of the guilty policeman, to the DM and SSP.

The attitude of higher officers seemed to be more on the side of the police than with the students. They, especially the CEO (of Bhelupur), were only trying to prove the students wrong for conducting protest against Yogi Adityanath instead of blaming the policeman of his heinous act. 

The students involved were also moral policed by the college and all possible measured were taken to suppress the students, including calling up of their parents​ by the college.

Since this incident has occurred, the students have received widespread support from various students’organisations, human rights organisations and civil liberties organisations

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