Friday, June 16, 2017

Anti Nazi Songs fom UK,USA,Russia,France,Germany plus German Anti Fascist songs - Der Widerstand

0:00 Hitler Has Only Got One Ball [United Kingdom]
0:36 Der Fuehrer's Face [United States]
3:15 Гадам нет пощады (No Mercy for the Scum) [Soviet Union]
6:38 La Complainte des Nazis (The Lament of the Nazis) [French Resistance]
9:29 Der Marsch Ins Dritte Reich (The March into the Third Reich) [German Resistance]

0:00 Alle Waffen gegen Hitler! (All Weapons Against Hitler!)
1:59 Kampf gegen den Faschismus (Fight Against Fascism)
4:17 Marsch der Antifaschisten (March of the Anti-Fascists)
6:06 Das Einheitsfrontlied (The United Front Song)
8:52 Lied der Volksfront (Song of the People's Front)
11:54 Die Gedanken Sind Frei (Thoughts Are Free)
14:00 Solidaritätslied (Solidarity Song)
16:41 Die Kaserne winkt (The Barracks Beckon)
19:08 Der heimliche Aufmarsch (The Secret Deployment)
21:26 An die Armeen Europas (At the Armies of Europe)
23:10 Das Lied vom SA Mann (The Song of the SA Man)
26:33 Rosen auf den Weg gestreut (Scattered Roses Along the Way)
28:44 Es tropft von Helm und Säbel (It Drips From the Helmet and Sabre)
31:47 Wir kämpfen gegen Faschismus und Krieg (We Are Fighting Against Fascism and War)
35:30 Die Moorsoldaten (The Peat Bog Soldiers)
39:00 Mein Vater wird gesucht (My Father is Wanted)
40:58 In Kerkermauern sitzen wir (In Prison Walls We Sit)
43:27 Wir sind eine kleine verlorene Schar (We Are a Small, Lost Flock)
45:50 Marie, weine nicht (Marie, Do Not Cry)
48:59 Ballade vom Reichstagsbrand (Ballad of the Reichstag Fire)
54:40 Der Führer (The Fuehrer)
57:04 Freiheit oder Tod (Freedom or Death)


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