Thursday, May 18, 2017

Democracy and Class Struggle says there was No Encounter or Deaths at Sukma it was Fake News from Indian Intelligence

Democracy and Class Struggle says the fact Indian Intelligence is now faking news about Maoist comrades for propaganda is a sign of their desperation and weakness in the struggle.

We publish the Song Dandacaranya below to celebrate this good news that comrades were not killed.

There Was No Encounter.. No casualities from Maoists?
Maoist party audio statement Maoist party rejects heavy encounter in Sukma district of Chhattisgarh. firing,

The Statement maintained that the police deliberately launched a malicious propaganda on Maoists and issuing concoted versions about the death toll to rejuvenate the demoralised cadre of the CRPF

This act Won't deter the Maoists in the bastion and the people. 

They Would continue to Wage the Struggles, it reiterated. 

Dandakarnya committee of Maoist Party said in statement.

After recent attack on Police by Maiosts, Police are creating furore in forest villages, the statement criticised. 

On May 13,14,15 Police fired in air and created panic among people, it said. Police physically tortured the people who were there
at forest villages, the statament criticised.


Note: When we published previous fake story of death of comrades we did check with comrades in India if it was true - they verified story - but due to difficulties of communication with the combat areas it is difficult to be absolutely sure - the fact that the Party in Dandakarnya has issued a statement confirms there were no Maoist deaths as reported and explodes the disinformation campaign.

PS : More disinformation and confusion being spread by Indian Intelligence in this report in Times of India - be alert

1 comment:

  1. I started to doubt the news, as a regular daily reader of the bourgeois newspaper Asian Age, I have not seen any reports till today on the so-called encounter! Only one newspaper published the news and that too has no follow up - which is quite unusual.

    Kumar Sarkar
