Thursday, April 27, 2017

France: Facing Macron and Le Pen, preparing for the fight! Parti Communiste Maoiste

The first round has passed and without great surprise, the second round is announced to be a duel between Macron - Le Pen.

Marine Le Pen already had her place in the second round announced for a very long time by the polls. Macron, for his part, fully benefited from the decomposition of the Socialist Party. 

Everyone was able to observe the immense joke of these left-handed primaries: after the election of Hamon during these primaries, many left the ship with Manuel Valls at their head, showing their esteem for the Voters of primaries and all the credibility and trust that can be given to this kind of individual.

This first round of the elections ended on the collapse of the Socialist Party, with an absolutely ridiculous score that only allows him to recover his campaign expenses. 

Similarly, the scandals provoked by Fillon torpedoed his campaign, without it being able to reverse the trend. All this left the field open to Macron.

What does Macron reserve for our class?

Neither Republicans nor PS in the second round so, and yet nothing has changed. 

If Macron is not in the PS, he is not a new or different politician as the bourgeois media like to present it.

His experience in the government of Holland as Minister of Economy tells us a great deal about the character and prospects of his government: an uninterrupted succession of antipopular and anti-worker attacks, as had been the right under Holland (Pact of responsibility, ANI, Macron law and to crown the whole Labor Law), but in addition uninhibited. For Macron, the El Khomri law is not enough, it requires a "El Khomri power 10 law"!

 In short, nothing very different from the social "blitzkrieg" that Fillon announced.

During the debates, meetings and interviews, Macron is careful not to clearly disclose the substance of his program.

He prefers the hollow formulas avoiding at all costs . He wants to be different, but only on appearance, advocating "political immaturity" and highlighting his youth. 

If we dig somewhat, we realize that he is preparing a real anti-social war, a kind of second round after the quinquennium Holland: saving 25 billion euros in the so-called "social sphere" € 25 billion on the State and € 10 billion on local governments. 

The famous ceiling on labor compensation that had been abolished from the Labor Act was put back on the table. And to continue, he also wants to sweeten the unemployment benefit after 2 refusal of offers, or for "research not intensive enough"!

On the other hand, it wants to strengthen France as a conquering imperialist power, increasing the defense budget by 2% of GDP in line with the will of Holland, and it also wants to impose compulsory military service of one month.

Far from the "out-of-system" candidate he claims to represent, politicians and politicians who surround Macron will be all that is classic. 

The supporters of Bayrou and Valls will be wisely rewarded, no doubt.

The inexorable rise of fascism under the capitalist system

If the probability that Marine Le Pen is elected in the second round is rather weak, the tendency to the rise of fascism will only intensify under the next government.

The FN has stabilized in the political life, it is able to impose the campaign themes, it is now presented as a party impossible to circumvent and found a stable electorate during the last elections.

Macron will only reinforce this tendency to the rise of fascism. 

As a representative of financial capital, he can only bring the burden of the crisis of capitalism on the backs of the workers. 

The National Front will reinforce its influence by putting forward a protectionist policy against a Macron "globalist", it will continue to seek to divide the working class.

The only dam that can be made to the rise of fascism is certainly not a bulletin for Macron.

The only anti-fascist barrier is the development of the Front, the organization of the broad masses in the working-class neighborhoods and the workplace, the work for unity among all workers against racism and sexism And all other oppressions on a clear strategic line of revolutionary struggle against the bourgeoisie and its state. 

It is also the strengthening of international solidarity with all oppressed workers and peoples in the world, especially the peoples oppressed by French imperialism.

Let's strengthen our Party and prepare for the fight!

We must continue to mobilize against these presidential elections. 

It is not in their ballot boxes but in the street that we can rebuild our solidarity, that we can oppose a real counter-power and anticipates

Parti Communiste Maoiste

Translation by DCS



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