Monday, April 17, 2017

DPRK should be treated fairly - if not equally - with that of other nuclear states.” says Arthur Ding Military expert at Taiwan's National Chengchi University

Arthur Ding, a military expert based at Taiwan’s National Chengchi University, said North Korea used a military parade on Saturday to show the world that “there is no way to reverse its bomb and missile program now, because, like India and Pakistan, North Korea is a de facto nuclear state.”

Mr Ding said: "Politically, it somewhat implies that the DPRK should be treated fairly - if not equally - with that of other nuclear states.”

Democracy and Class Struggle says A Nuclear Free Korean Peninsula is not possible in the current global climate where US Imperialism shows its fangs in Syria and Afghanistan - it can remain an aspiration just like re unification but it can only become a possibility with the removal of US troops From South Korea and the de fanging of US Imperialism.

The Korean People must take back control of  their country on 9th May and vote for Peace and Reconciliation in the Presidential Elections - do not let your fate of Korean People and country be determined a foreign power.

The Glorious Korean People ousted corrupt  President Park Geun hye - now oust US From South Korea.

US Imperialism Out Of The Korean Peninsula

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