Sunday, September 4, 2016

Turkish warplanes pound 10 PKK targets overnight

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish warplanes hit 10 Kurdish militant targets in Turkey's southeast and east overnight, the state-run Anadolu Agency said on Sunday, citing security sources.

The air strikes capped one of the most violent single days of fighting in the largely Kurdish southeast in recent years. The military has said that more than 100 militants from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) were either killed or injured in clashes on Saturday.

Turkey's southeast has been rocked by waves of violence following the collapse last year of a 2-1/2-year ceasefire between the state and the autonomy-seeking PKK.

Fighter jets pounded four PKK targets in the Cukurca district of the southeastern Hakkari province on Saturday evening, Anadolu said, citing the security sources.

Six more positions were bombed in the region between the eastern Agri and Van provinces shortly after midnight, it said.

Democracy and Class Struggle says with green light for Ankara from Washington and Moscow the Kurds are learning the hard lesson of self reliance - imperialism always betrays and bring death and destruction.

The key question of any revolution is who are your enemies and who are your friends.

The Kurds have many friends amongst the people's of the world but the Imperialists will always be their enemies whatever clothes they dress in or makeup they wear

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