Thursday, August 18, 2016

Will Realpolitik become War ? : The War on the South Front from Lugansk and Donetsk to Crimea to Syria

Democracy and Class Struggle says is the bombing by Syria of the Kurds a sign of  Russian Syrian, Turkish Iranian new realpolitik ?

The Kurdish existential dilemma continues has they become a disposal pawn in the geo political struggle in Syria and the Middle East.

Syrian government aircraft bombed Kurdish positions in the divided northeastern city of Hasakeh on Aug. 18, the first such strikes against a Kurdish-held area of Syria, an AFP correspondent reported.

The strikes hit three Kurdish-manned checkpoints and three Kurdish bases, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

They came after heavy clashes broke out on Aug. 17 between Kurdish fighters who control two-thirds of the city and pro-government militia who control the rest.

The clashes have left 11 people dead – four civilians, four Kurdish fighters and three government loyalists, a medical source told AFP.

The Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) spokesman Redur Xelil said the air strikes had hit Kurdish districts of the city, which is mostly controlled by Kurdish groups, and the positions of a Kurdish security force known as the Asayish.

“There are martyrs and wounded,” Xelil told Reuters.

The Syrian military could not immediately be reached for comment.

The Kurds, who control much of northeastern and northern Syria along the Turkish border where they have proclaimed an autonomous Kurdish region, recently demanded that the pro-government National Defense Forces disband in Hasakeh.

A government source in the city told AFP that the air strikes were “a message to the Kurds that they should stop this sort of demand that constitutes an affront to national sovereignty.”

Existence means Resistance

Democracy and Class Struggle has also been informed of US Military Base near Hasakeh which could also explain Syrian concern about Hasakeh

The US has not received or even asked for a permission from Damascus for reconstructing the airbase.

The United States does not have a UN mandate for intervening in the Syria war.

see details here

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