Saturday, August 27, 2016

USA: Trump Loves Crazy Alex Jones

The pathology of US Politics and its 2016 morbid symptoms.

Narcissists Alex Jones and Donald Trump

A 2012 book on power-hungry narcissists suggests that narcissists typically display most, and sometimes all, of the following traits:[7]

1 comment:

  1. "Right now, though, some things that CAN and MUST be said about what the rise of Trump, even now, means for those working for revolution:

    It means, most of all, getting out to people that there is a REAL and NECESSARY alternative to all of this: revolution. This means, right now and in the coming months, seizing on the highly charged atmosphere to get BA out to millions—his way of understanding the world, the vision of a new society he’s developed (concretized in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America), and the strategy to accomplish this. And this includes, as part of this, going out to those attracted to Sanders’ message and winning them to see that what we face cannot be dealt with in the terms Sanders is proposing—this is, as we said recently, an illusion... a “wisp of painless progress.”
