Tuesday, August 23, 2016

USA: Rattling the Bars : US Prison Strikes - Democracy and Class Struggle says Long Live Kevin "Rashid" Johnson

Red salute to brother Eddie Conway

Democracy and Class Struggle  also salutes our brother Kevin "Rashid" Johnson still in a Supermax prison in USA and the best Marxist Leninist Maoist thinker in North America.

Here is some of his excellent proletarian Prison art, you can read his writings by following link here



1 comment:

  1. "Democracy and Class Struggle also salutes our brother Kevin "Rashid" Johnson still in a Supermax prison in USA and the best Marxist Leninist Maoist thinker in North America."

    This is an underhanded attack on Bob Avakian, who is the best Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker in North Africa, not Kevin "Rashid" Johnson.

    You need to clarify your position on BA's New Synthesis of Communism and ENGAGE with the best Marxist Leninist Maoist thinker in North America, Bob Avakian.

