Thursday, August 25, 2016

Kurdish Movement Makes Statement on Jarablus: Attack on All Kurds

The Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) has stated that Jarablus was taken over by the Turkish state and FSA militants in agreement with Islamic State (IS/ISIS) and the target was not IS but the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The KCK Executive Council co-presidency stated that Turkey had implemented its goal of occupying Jarablus after the liberation of Manbij by SDF, and Jarablus was taken over in agreement with IS.

The KCK noted that "the aim of the Turkish state and jihadist groups is not IS but the Syrian Democratic Forces," and described a possible attack on Rojava as "an attack on all Kurdish people."

Turkey's target is SDF not IS

The KCK's statement said that the Turkish Intelligence Organisation (MIT) had directed IS to carry out the Gaziantep massacre to prepare the grounds for Turkey’s invasion of Jarablus, and condemned other states for turning a blind eye to the occupation.

The KCK described the massacre of 58 people (in Gaziantep), the majority of whom were children, as "one of the most heinous crimes against humanity in history", and added that the 'mise en scene' in Jarablus had exposed the collaboration between Turkey and IS once again.

The KCK Executive Council argued that Turkey’s placement of jihadist groups in Jarablus came right after the expulsion of IS from Manbij, and IS gangs withdrew from Jarablus as part of an agreement with the Turkish state, whose main target was the Syrian Democratic Forces, who are trying to democratise Syria.

Attack on Syria's democratisation

The KCK described Turkey’s attack on Jarablus "as an attack on the democratisation of Syria and the creation of a Syria where Kurdish, Arab, Assyrian, Turkmen, Circassian, Armenian and Druze peoples coexist peacefully." The KCK recalled Turkish officials’ statements describing Syrian Democratic Forces as the main target of the operation on Jarablus, and criticised international powers for "turning a blind eye to Turkey’s occupation and establishing all sorts of dirty policies that attack the interests of the region’s peoples."

Turkey wants to gain influence in Syria

The KCK statement said that the North Syria Federation established by the Syrian Democratic Forces and all the peoples in the region aims to strengthen the unity of Syria on the basis of democratisation, and has no goal of dividing the country. According to the KCK, Turkey’s attempt to portray these forces as such aims to hide its own intentions, which include influencing Syria through pitting different peoples against one another. "The Turkish state’s goal is preventing Kurds from strengthening the unity of Syria through obtaining their democratic rights, as it aims to weaken Syria through preventing the resolution of the Kurdish issue in the country," the statement read.

The KCK stated that with its occupation of Jarablus, Turkey wanted to increase its influence on Syria and anti-Kurdish forces as it hopes to advance its goals in the region through the elimination of the Kurds and the sectarian polarisation of the region. "Turkey is the leading anti-democratic force in the Middle East, working towards crushing Kurdish people and other democratic dynamics in order to extend the rules of authoritarian regimes in the region. For this reason the invasion of Jarablus is an attack on all groups in the Middle East who are demanding democracy. This is why everyone demanding democracy and freedom must oppose this invasion."

According to the KCK, the AKP government not only oppresses democratic forces inside Turkey but also in other parts of the Middle East in order to extend its rule, and attacks Kurdish people, "the most democratic group in the Middle East, and their democratic allies for this reason."

Call for enhancing struggle

The KCK called upon all Kurds and democracy forces to "unite in opposition to the attacks on Jarablus", and see the attacks as hostility towards all Kurdish people.

"Turkish state began to attack Rojava Revolution directly after its proxy group IS failed in Kobanê and other towns, we call upon the democracy forces of the world to rise up with the spirit of November 1 Kobanê Day and October the 6-7-8 Kobanê Resistance in order to protect the Rojava Revolution and ensure the democratisation of Syria," the KCK said.

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