Saturday, July 30, 2016

Boycott (World) Social Forum, the Safety Valve for Imperialism : Join the Democratic Struggles Led and Supported by the Revolutionary Forces

Call to the People and Genuine Democrats by Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF)

Revolutionary Democratic Front calls upon the people and genuine democrats to boycott the (world) Social Forum, being held in Canada in August 2016 and all the related forums and preparatory meetings, etc. being conducted in different parts of the country including Hyderabad.

World Social Forum or Asia Social Forum is nothing but a safety valve to protect the crisis ridden Imperialist Camp. It is exactly a process of manufacturing dissent in a particular way with a view to confine all people’s struggles within the tolerable fold of the imperialist net.

The ideologues of TINA (There Is No Alternative) and end of history floated this social forum idea to hoodwink the people who are surging towards the revolutionary democratic struggles world over led by the Revolutionary Forces.

It's a NGO programme propped up by the imperialist forces.

In this context we remind to the people and genuine democratic forces that similar attempts by Asia Social Forum in Hyderabad, the World Social Forum in Mumbai, and International four day seminar in Hotel Katriya, Hyderabad were boycotted and exposed by the revolutionary and genuine democratic forces earlier in India.

MR-2004 (Mumbai Resistance Forum - 2004) was held in Mumbai exactly facing the World Social Forum premises to expose it second fiddling of Imperialist machinations. More than 300 organisations consisting of Adivasis, Dalits, Muslims, Women, Peasantry, Working class, Students, Youth, Writers, Artists, Intellectuals in co-ordination with anti - feudal, anti - imperialist, anti-Hindutva and revolutionary organisations participated and made it a grand success.

Revolutionary Democratic Front is formed in 2007 at all India level to propagate the democracy which the revolutionary movement alone can achieve through and United effort of revolutionary and genuine democratic forces.

Self-reliance, diversity and democracy are the hallmarks of self-rule, we see today under Janathana Sarkar in Dandakarnya.

Imperialist globlisation, liberalisation and privatisation have reached a stage of fascism within 25 years. The so-called best democracies in the world UK, France and USA are stinking with communal and racist practices, particularly against Muslims, Blacks and non-Whites.

Taking advantage of this crisis in imperialist camp Islamic State is spreading like a false hope for Muslim youth – with a programme of Capitalism failed and Communism failed hence Islam is the only hope.

It is not because that there is no alternative but because there are organised armed revolutionary struggles world over, these imperialists and revolutionary counter-revolutionary attempts are being made. National Liberation Struggles such as Palestine and Kashmir, Revolutionary Struggles and advances such as the Central and Eastern India, Philippines and Turkey and various democratic struggles for protect the natural wealth and the labour are surging all over the world as the imperialist globalisation at global level and in India are entering into a fascist stage.

The development theory twined with genocide politics in Gujarat in 2002 has reached its ugly shape at central level in 2014 with the combination of Narendra Modi and Amit Shah and the imperialist RSS and BJP combine. The programmes like Make in India, Digitilisation, Acche Din Ayega with the Hindutva programmes of Ghar Wapsi, Common Civil Code and Ban on Beef have introduced the Feudal brahmanical Hindutva agenda along with imperialist globalisation band wagon.

The Third phase of Greenhunt Operation with an audacity to finish the Maoist movement in Dandakarnya by the end of 2016 with a programme of Mission 2016 has turned into a Genocide of Adivasis in Central and Eastern India.

Resisting this today the democratic aspirations are to Save Bastar and uphold the self-reliant and the sovereign rule of people under Janathana Sarkar.

The aspirations for Azadi in Kashmir, and Manipur and Nagaland, and different parts of North East are being ruthlessly crushed under the Special Power Act of Armed Forces.

In recent days more than 50 youth of Kashmir were ruthlessly killed by the Armed Forces and thousands injured and maimed just because they have come out in hundreds and thousands protesting against the false encounter killing of Burhan Wali.

Dalits all over the country particularly in Gujarat and UP are being attacked and killed with the pretext that they are eating beef or doing the leather work with the dead cattle.

Various democratic struggles in the different parts of the country including Telangana and Andhra Pradesh against the displacement of the oppressed castes and classes and the land grabbing of the peasants in the name of development is met with severe repression.

Privatisation of defense, railways and such important sectors and entry of the foreign universities and the closure of public sector is not only causing a huge number of youth being unemployed, but has become a threat to the sovereignty of the people itself.

Hence the RDF calls upon the people and genuine democrats to wage a relentless struggle against this imperialist and Hindutva forces, steadfastly in solidarity with the revolutionary and democratic struggles, boycotting the Social Forum which is nothing but 'Human Face' of imperialist globalisation.

Varavara Rao                                                                             Raj Kishore
President                                                                               General Secretary

Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF)
Hyderabad, 30 July 2016

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